Well-Known Member
I have one of what the CDC and AMA list as one of the top 5 worst diseases on the planet yet I take the back seat to people like @Stu with his herpies or @dorkus_molorkus with his most recent elephantitus throughout his genitalia.
Of course, @Stuhas suffered mightily from his herpes...
So everyones all concerned about stu and his herpes, but not my gigantic dick & balls?
Jeebus fucking christ
Its all good to bemoan a blue/ black, oozy sore encrusted baby carrot sized member that’s masquerading as a penis but only smaller, & me having a an elephantine sized dick & balls that’s missing some skin from having to drag them in the dirt is all a bit meh... is it?
I have had to buy some sort of a barrow to cart it all around in. I have to pick up each giant teste one at a time & GENTLY place them in the barrow. Accidentally dropping a giant teste into the barrow is a big fucking NO-NO!
FYI-so is playing soccer with them.
Then I have to load the salami. Bending at the knees is crucial I might add, throwing ones back out with yr giant penis draped up and over ones shoulder with 2 testes already loaded into the barrow makes for some awesome family time in trying to not do any more injury but still managing to pick up the pizza.
Mrs dorkus is not pleased either I might add. All throughout our marriage all she did was bitch that the 10 inches I was already packing was inadequate.
Now I got something some polish fellow wants to hang in his deli window as a tourist attraction & Mrs dorkus isn’t into exotic sausage it turns out.
She says she doesn’t like the smell…..or the taste…….
Then there is the flies.
Anyhoo, @mvapes I have been hard at work in the lab lately. I was working on some sort anti- facial herpes device for @Stu . The premise was, that if he was going to gobble some suspect knob in a foreign toilet stall then the anti facial herpes helmet would deploy at the first detection of the dirty syphilitic dong.
Thus preventing stu from once again going home, kissing his wife and then having to answer some awkward questions later in the month because her face is now black & blue with some sort of yellow discharge coming from her nose..
But I see you may need it more.
This my friend, is my gift to you.
Oh and its also good if you like to cycle but are too much of a fuckwit to manage riding a bike without stacking it like a loser.
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