Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Don't forget the vodka vicki. I just think if you have to have stuff it should at least be something you like. I am in the opposite boat and if I look at food I gain and don't burn off any calories so that is not kewl at all.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
No it's brain exercise of sorts.

I gotta say, I admit to you all that I'm sitting here in front of this computer tonight struggling to fight back tears. This fucking shit has gotten the best of my legs for now but I'm fighting it from getting the best of my heart.

I laugh, I play, I try and forget what's really going on here. Reality sucks! I come here and I get to not be myself for a few minutes. I get to be what or whoever I want to be for those few moments throughout the day. It's addicting, it's a high for me that I search for even more than weed does. It's replaced the blow in my opinion and it hurts so much when you realize that the second you walk away it's back to the pain. The limping, the soreness, the tears when I lay face down in my bed asking myself why I need to suffer like this.

I think everything that's happened to me has happened for a reason. The lord picked me to feel the pain so I could help others who feel pain like I do. Not just physical pain but all kinds of pain. Depression, anxiety, addiction, or sometimes conditions that make mine feel so minute. I feel good in my heart when I help someone with something as small as a vape, or advice on using a vape, or sometimes someone who just needs to hear a good morning.

Maybe it wasn't even meant to be about vaping or weed, maybe I felt like many of you, that FC was more of a support group than a forum about getting high. It was a place to let all walks of life, whether your a brilliant writer or the fucking moron that sits out the deli eating paper bags! It didn't fucking matter! We here at FC not only had a place for you but a place that everyone has a chance to be popular again.

This little escape from reality has become much bigger to me, you have become much more that online acquaintances, and noobs are still a pain in the ass. But this little escape has become the medicine I needed to stay afloat in a sea of hurt.

And I'm glad to have the members of this thread swimming with me. Whether your sick or not, or skinny or fat, bald or you look like fucking Globlaw - your all equal in my eyes.


Herbal Alchemist
Start adding olive oil to things...calorie dense. If you are not worried about fat, then butter too. Avocado is good. As I mentioned, pasta and all sorts of other carbs are good too. Whole milk, cheese, yogurt and ice creammmmm

I thought about avocado too! I know it has a lot of fat. I use whole milk in my smoothies, and I love cheese. We already use olive oil in everything, just have to use more. :)


Recovering Idealist
Maybe it wasn't even meant to be about vaping or weed, maybe I felt like many of you, that FC was more of a support group than a forum about getting high. It was a place to let all walks of life, whether your a brilliant writer or the fucking moron that sits out the deli eating paper bags! It didn't fucking matter! We here at FC not only had a place for you but a place that everyone has a chance to be popular again.

This little escape from reality has become much bigger to me, you have become much more that online acquaintances, and noobs are still a pain in the ass. But this little escape has become the medicine I needed to stay afloat in a sea of hurt.

Mvapes, I'm really sorry to hear about the difficulty you are going through. If you ever need a person who can be obnoxiously positive to boost your spirits, pm me.

Your quote above describes much of what I have liked about fc over the last few months, and hope to become more a part of. And of all places on fc, this thread seems to contain very nice, supportive people who seem to really care. Also, it seemed to contain the crazies people like me.

I've heard of the Internet described as a bunch of rooms, most of which you would close quickly if you did open them. FC , on the other hand, seems like a nice place to stay.


Well-Known Member
Mvapes, I'm really sorry to hear about the difficulty you are going through. If you ever need a person who can be obnoxiously positive to boost your spirits, pm me.

Your quote above describes much of what I have liked about fc over the last few months, and hope to become more a part of. And of all places on fc, this thread seems to contain very nice, supportive people who seem to really care. Also, it seemed to contain the crazies people like me.

I've heard of the Internet described as a bunch of rooms, most of which you would close quickly if you did open them. FC , on the other hand, seems like a nice place to stay.

Obnoxiously positive in the GTA. How is this possible? I've only become more obnoxious in general since moving here.


Well-Known Member
I try to avoid toronto itself as much as possible. But family keeps me in the area.

But I can definitely see how toronto can make people obnoxious. Especially coming from other parts of Canada where people are so much nicer.

I was a genuinely nice kid when I first moved to Toronto, but that got me nowhere. Now I only go downtown when I really have to.


well-worn member
A nice, ripe cantaloupe.

Haha that was mine!

Vicki, if the dairy-fat suggestions are grossing you out, I would also suggest a lot of peanut butter, as natural as possible. Besides their protein and good fat, peanuts have a unique fungus under the inner skin that will slow your digestion/metabolism down. This can be useful if food is going through you too quickly.

Add some chocolate ice cream and a banana and have a delicious coco-peanut-banana milkshake, you can make it even better by peeling and freezing the banana first.


Well-Known Member
Haha that was mine!

Vicki, if the dairy-fat suggestions are grossing you out, I would also suggest a lot of peanut butter, as natural as possible. Besides their protein and good fat, peanuts have a unique fungus under the inner skin that will slow your metabolism down. This can be useful if food is going through you to quickly.

Add some chocolate ice cream and a banana and have a delicious coco-peanut-banana milkshake, you can make it even better by peeling and freezing the banana first.

It's ok, you can have mine when I am done with it. Just drill a hole in the other end.
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