Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist
Vicki, if the dairy-fat suggestions are grossing you out, I would also suggest a lot of peanut butter, as natural as possible. Besides their protein and good fat, peanuts have a unique fungus under the inner skin that will slow your digestion/metabolism down. This can be useful if food is going through you too quickly.

Add some chocolate ice cream and a banana and have a delicious coco-peanut-banana milkshake, you can make it even better by peeling and freezing the banana first.

I have been eating peanut butter by the tablespoonful. I do that a few times a day. I also just got 2 big jars too.


Well-Known Member
You don't necessarily want what people think of as "healthy"foods per say if you want to gain weight . nuts , fruit and veggies are counter productive .


well-worn member
You don't necessarily want what people think of as "healthy"foods if you want to gain weight . nuts , fruit and veggies are counter productive .

Tree nuts, but not peanuts.

A hypothesis of the development of peanut allergy has to do with the way peanuts are processed in North America versus other countries, such as Pakistan and China, where peanuts are widely eaten. According to a 2003 study, roasting peanuts, as more commonly done in North America, causes the major peanut allergen Ara h2 to become a stronger inhibitor of the digestive enzyme trypsin, making it more resistant to digestion. Additionally, this allergen has also been shown to protect Ara h1, another major peanut allergen, from digestion — a characteristic further enhanced by roasting.[25]

Peanuts may [also] be contaminated with the mold Aspergillus flavus which produces a carcinogenic substance called aflatoxin. Lower quality specimens, particularly where mold is evident, are more likely to be contaminated.[40] The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) tests every truckload of raw peanuts for aflatoxin; any containing aflatoxin levels of more than 15 parts per billion are destroyed. The peanut industry has manufacturing steps in place to ensure all peanuts are inspected for aflatoxin.[41] Peanuts are also processed at a high temperature to ensure any microorganisms are killed.


Space is the Place
Pizza can be good . But you have to eat a whole one to get the calories that are in a small can of condensed milk . A lot easer for me when nausea runs amock .

grokit I did mean real nuts .

there is a modern trend for the last 30 years that lower fat , lower calorie foods are the healthiest . only true in an overweight person trying to lose or not gain anymore weight .
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Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Vicki don't forget to use infused evoo why not is why.
Mvapes, I challenge you to a wheelchair race...pronto. Remember one thing I always have a seat.
Fluffer-nuttier why oh why would you come to such a sick place:huh:

To the rest of you just big ass hugs for a day gone by and we all survived...ok your three assholes that I just wrote special luv :luv:notes to as well.

Edit: damn it tweek I offered my fat first but she wants your man fat oh well.


well-worn member
Can you eat any soy products ?

Well most of us eat stuff we're not supposed to :nod:
I do try to avoid msg at all costs though.

Unless fermented like miso, tempeh, natto and the like, I try to stay away from soy. Except on my cold cereal, where it's not as bad for me as dairy milk, and theoretically makes a "whole protein". Tofu is a waste product of making soy milk and is bad for anyone, but tempeh is wonderful if you know what to do with it. It needs marination and/or braising for starters.


Normally my problem is keeping things moving, but lately I've actually started to drop a little too much weight myself. Mostly I just get sidetracked and forget, but I was puking quite a bit for a spell. Anyways I have two homemade notches in my belt now, don't want anymore!

Always go organic with any soy or it's gmo :tinfoil:
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well-worn member
Yeah man that's way better for you than any soy milk for sure, that's also way better than even raw bovine mucus becomes it comes from a goat and not a cow so it's more suited for humans.

But the truth is that humans don't need any milk at all, not once they are weaned from their mothers', which is the best nutritionally at any age!

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Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Well, I've been up for a little while now. It takes me about an hour to get out of bed in the morning. Rigidity sets in over night and now all of a sudden the mornings I used to enjoy have become the worst part of the day for me.

I have to venture out today to a meeting with a client. I'll be there with a partner from my company who is 25 years older than me. I guess I get embarrassed when people watch her help me with doors, and stairs, and g_d forbid there's a long walk from the car - it takes me so long to get anywhere because my walking is so slow.

Has anyone (besides dreamerr) ever walked across a street and said to yourself "wow, if a car comes I don't think I could get out of its way"?

That's kind of how I feel. it's like those dreams we all have had when your running as fast as you can but it seems like your not getting anywhere. It's hard being positive when your day starts like mine. I used to love sales meetings, I've always had the ability to close the deal and fast. Now I just want to get my meeting done so I could get home.

I feel like I'm losing the fight right now and my head is going crazy. I tell myself "you don't lose fights" pick it up and fucking fucking fight back! It's so much easier said than done. Some I just want to sit back and let it take me. But I can't - if I don't succeed there a 2 little girls and a little boy that get hurt.

I promise for today to fight the fight, to remind my disease who it's dealing with. The stakes are so high, there's too many people that will get hurt by my laying down and getting lost in depression. I need to walk right, I need to be able to keep up with my kids, I need to hold my wife's hand and walk together. Not slow enough where I feel like I'm dragging her down.

This is the hardest fight I've ever dealt with and it scares me. It scares worse than anything has scared me before. Ihave a few freinds that care about me and support me. I also have a few friends that weren't really friends and I see that now. It's ok, I know it's me - I am not an easy person to be friends with. Who wants a friend that's a drag. Who wants to focus on helping someone when we feel like we need so much help ourselves.

Between some of you and some friends at home I guess I got what I need but for me, I will keep helping, I will always be here for the friends that became part of my life. I am a good man, just a man stricken with being partially crippled at 40.

And you know what? For me at least, it's not going to get better - there is NO cure.


vapor accessory addict
Oh mvapes, it's natural that you would feel down once in a while. Life has dealt you a cruel hand. But I have to correct one thing..... you are NOT a drag to have as a friend. The fact that you have an illness doesn't negate all the wonderful qualities you bring to a friendship. And true friends wont let that stand in their way of being there for you.

When I was diagnosed with Hep, I had to change a lot of my habits and lifestyle. Apparently, I wasn't as much fun as I used to be because several of my "good, good" friends dropped me like a hot potato when I stopped drinking. What I realized at that point was that they were never really friends at all. They only enjoyed partying and I no longer partied on their level. What I also realized was that the few people who were still there for me were the true friends. And the most important thing I realized? The amount of friends you have is not even close to as important as the quality of friends that you have.

Hang in there mvapes. While there may be no cure, some days will be better than others. And on the bad days, your true friends will be there for you.
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