Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist


Herbal Alchemist
I have so many stories from that job...the dark and shady world of microfilms lol

You know, we are really showing our age. :nod:


BTW, I kinda need some help. I am having a hard time gaining weight. I haven't even been able to break 120, and it's really bothering me. Is there anything I can eat that will help me gain weight quickly? Anything I can drink? Something that has a lot of calories. I vape so that I have enough of an appetite to eat, but force myself a lot of times. I can't eat big meals, just small meals/snacks more often throughout the day. I desperately need to gain at least 5 pounds in the next 6 months, and could use all the help I can get.

I am under the care of doctors, and they know my situation. It doesn't help that I'm hardly ever hungry, and nauseated a lot, I know that. My mother had a goiter on her Thyroid, and was extremely skinny for a while. I remember her drinking whole milk mixed with Karo syrup. God, that looked nasty. :puke: Not sure I could drink something like that.:uhh:

Thanks guys. :)


Vapor Sloth
I do a mix of Carnation Instant Breakfast and bulk powdered vitamins with 40% heavy whipping cream and/or coconut milk. This is the brand I like, it makes a huge difference. I picked up 10 quick pounds by putting a little bread back into my diet, not a lot though . . . :)



well-worn member
You might want to wander into a gnc store next time you're near a mall Vicki, they have high-protein weight gain shakes and powders there. It's going to be better for you than the standard ice cream/chips/twinkies (yes they're back!) method, but that may be quicker. It really depends on what kind of pounds you want to put on, and what your activity level is.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
t-dub feel better very soon cause I said so.
Ms. Vicky it depends if you want to have fun or not. I am all in if you want the weight I gain daily or you can have something yummy like a frozen strawberries shake made with frozen berries, heavy cream and sugar if you so desire...if you really want to go nuts drop some vodka in it. Now that is what I call a recipe for success.


Herbal Alchemist
I'm already drinking smoothies, but I don't think it's enough. I thought about cream too, tdub, but not the coconut milk. Those protein powders can be so expensive, though. :(

I just got some Carnation Instant breakfast and drink those a lot. :)

I do need to gain weight, but also need to get some muscle tone.


Space is the Place
Cans of chocolate or regular condensed milk or cans of frosting with cookies . I know it sounds kind of gross but high calories . Nutrition isn't always a concern if you need to put on weight quick . Cheese cake or anything with as much fat and sugar as you can keep down .

I was down to about the same weight you are and was told to try to take in 5000 - 10,000 calories a day if I could ,not easy to do if your healthy never mind when the very thought of food turns your stomach . probably never managed more then 4000 -5000 but did gain weight . I won't say it was easy or simple to do or I didn't puke and feel like I was gonna die of nausea or stomach pain for months but I did gain weight . And I am here to tell you about it . High calorie and high fat foods really did save my life .


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Vicki, does your smoothie have heavy cream that is the key and it tastes good or if you want you can use ice cream but I doubt it will be as good and less calories for sure. Speaking of which you can drink yucky ensures.


vapor accessory addict
Ensures wont put the weight on though. They just make sure you get your nutrients.

What really packed some pounds on me when I was pregnant was eggnog, which is cream based. Vicki, I think if you start eating bananas and cream with breakfast and incorporate it into a smoothie or two a day, you should gain weight.

There is just no justice in this world. If I bought cream at the store, I would gain weight just carrying it into the house. :lol:
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