Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist
I also have a few friends that weren't really friends and I see that now. It's ok, I know it's me - I am not an easy person to be friends with. Who wants a friend that's a drag. Who wants to focus on helping someone when we feel like we need so much help ourselves.

That happened to me too. You know what? Screw the people that aren't your friends anymore. Be glad they are gone because they were never real friends, and they only bring you down. You are NOT a drag, THEY are. Don't you ever forget that!!


Recovering Idealist
It took me a long time not to let the deficiencies of others as a friend impact how I felt about myself. With regards to those that ditch, you - they lost a nice friend who didn't do anything wrong while (I hate to sound cold) but you have shed yourself of an asshole or two. The good ones wouldn't see you as a drag, they empathize with the hand you've been dealt. I try to focus on the real friends. You have much more important things to focus your energy on than others' inability to be a good friend.


Oil Painter
mvapes, I'd walk with you. I might pretend you are michael j fox, but I'd walk with you. :rofl:

Actually, that's what I was gonna suggest. YOU pretend you are MJF, when you are strutting across the street. Or Al Pacino "Hey, I'm walkin' here!"

Actually, you just might be more bad-ass than either of them...


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
"Hello and welcome to the Friendship Application Interview and Psychometric Evaluation process. Please help yourself to some water and take these documents. Pay no mind to the man by the door - he is here for your own protection. We will start by asking you a few questions, please answer all of them honestly to the best of your ability. Remember, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

Afterwards, please complete all of the questions on page one of your Myers-Briggs Psychovalence Testing Booklet. You may take all the time you need. "

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Space is the Place
I'm a drag. ...................... But I like being a drag.

Thanks everyone - ......... your a drag Tweek?

So Tweek are these stripers and dancers of which you often speak all drag queen s also , No wonder you warn everyone " If you stop by we're goin' to the "strip clubs" " :o

And just why was everyone awake so early ?


Well-Known Member
Dreamerr, I'm going to go get some cream. Thought about mixing that with some orange juice. I'd love to get something close to an Orange Julius. :lol:

First Aladdin's Castle... now Orange Julius... we're going to recreate the mall of our youth soon! Complete with Aldo Nova soundtrack.



Need a Swiss Colony too for free food!

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Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
mvapes I lost all my friends and have zero now which is fine. I think I figured out the issues....I am a good friend and will do anything for my friends or at least the old me. I still do a lot but not as much and now for only people I hardly know cause it is just who I am a giver not a taker. I was not useful to my friends as mom said,I can't go out and act like an ass and be who I was. I have a "friend" who came back into my life less then a month ago after a year and she apologized for being a bad friend and now she is doing it all over again. I haven't told her yet and have only spoken to her once in the last two weeks because when I needed her she wasn't there for me. I have been going through a confusing hard time and handle things on my own cause I can only depend on me. My point being is you have the support you need here friends or not and that is more important then anything. I really like this thread and the fuck thread cause if you need to vent you can. I am fairly sure Lady E would have been lost in the move and the issues with hubby. If she couldn't come here to vent all the bs even though she didn't give all the details it was enough for her.

As far as crossing the street fuck cars....I just go and guess what they wait and I wave to say thanks. My advice is walk a little worse and don't rush no matter what cause it will end up not being good for you.

So mv was that a no to the wheelchair race. BTW don't torture yourself it takes years to start to accept what is going on. I have accepted it but the mental is so bad that I am still angry because the mental effects my life way more then the physical which effects it a lot.

In the mean while I have to go out again to day cause the groomer was backed up and she asked me for a favor and of course I said yes. Now she will have to deal with both dogs though lol. I actually was in town anyhow and hung out with her for a bit and she was in a bad situation with way to many dogs no fault of her own. The other groomer got a dui the night before and was in jail besides from having the keys so she had to pay $150 to get a locksmith ugh. I hope the dui groomer is there today or she will be backed up again.


well-worn member
And just why was everyone awake so early ?

Lol, I just got up again.

I jolted awake at 5-something am because I had a vision of the twig I really wanted. So I emailed Dave and caught up on threads, got fully subbed on keif and sublimate, and crashed out after about an hour. When I woke up again 4 hours later, Dave had changed my dog order for me.

My name is grokit, and I am addicted to buying vapes I don't need and can't really afford just because.
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well-worn member
I like what Miley is doing. She's just keepin' it somewhat real, pointing out what pimps and hypocrites disney really is along with the FCC wardrobe malfunction pervs paris and lindsey and all the rest of them with their sexy tramp mouseketeers et al. Fuck them!


I guarantee you she won't end up like this because Miley is AWAKE, and WORKIN' IT!


vapor accessory addict
I like what Miley is doing. She's just keepin' it somewhat real, pointing out what pimps and hypocrites disney really is along with the FCC wardrobe malfunction pervs paris and lindsey and all the rest of them with their sexy tramp mouseketeers et al.


I guarantee you she won't end up like this because she seems AWAKE.
How she is in private is her own business. Just seems like she could get her point across in public without crossing the boundaries to the opposite side of the spectrum and acting like a complete "ho"
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