Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Frequently up in space with Bowie
I can't see the picture, just the broken image box both in your post mom and dreamerr's quote.

EDIT:But if I right click on the broken image box and copy/paste the link then I can see it just fine, dunno if that helps. btw feel free to delete this post once you've read it.

Double Edit: I can see it now.

Bob Loblaw

I can't see the picture, just the broken image box both in your post mom and dreamerr's quote.

EDIT:But if I right click on the broken image box and copy/paste the link then I can see it just fine, dunno if that helps. btw feel free to delete this post once you've read it.



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I will let you know what paka says. I linked him to the post so maybe we can get an answer. It drives me nuts when it happens.



Oil Painter
If you got it from a site you have to log in to, that might be why we can't see it (except for those that are also logged in there...)

mvapes, aren't you supposed to be in that group circle jerk caring circle sharing therapy thing? :cool:

I stumbled into Hempfest in Olympia today (I thought it was next weekend!)... lots of pretty glass, some petitions to sign, and some pretty happy green people. Bought nothing. Went to an access point, scored some God Bud & something called The Mask (Herijuanna & Jak Herer cross it said. Yes, spelled just like that.). The Mask is some really GOOD SHIT. :)


Frequently up in space with Bowie
I'm small, skinny and pastey so you're pretty far off the mark and I care so little about my appearance that only brush my hair if I'm going out to a nice restaurant or something. Think more along the lines of heroin-chic without the heroin or the chic.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
So you mean mom has to use imgur.com instead of those other links. I guess it is kind of like when people try to link us to images from there outlook email which I didn't even know existed anymore.

Paka's answer was it could be some of the programs like ad blocker on our computers.

I think if you use one of the host sites it doesn't happen.


Frequently up in space with Bowie
stickstones said:
dorkus_molorkus said:
If your offended then your a retard, simple.:tup:
That's the funniest wisdom I've read in ages!
It sounds like the typical Australian response to political correctness to me. They're not ones for beating around the bush, mainly because they've got so bloody much of the stuff.

momofthegoons said:
That's only because you've been hanging out in the wrong parts of the forum sticks... ;)

Yeah because we're always so careful not to hurt anyone's feelings...Mainly because the standard procedure is to get numbed up to the eyeballs before coming on here so actually feeling anything is pretty much an impossibility.
WTF! Where's all the poop?

Guess who has 4 days clean?


I'll try and get back on later - love you all!
And we love ya right back!
When you can I'd love to hear about that bonus "addition" you went for. I gotta admit that haveing a third testical installed threw me a bit until I read up on the subject. Haveing a third ball that dispences lube on command is genius! I just might have that procedure, the mind boggles at all the extra jerking off you'll be capable of,like a super hero really.
Get things together and get your head right so you can come home,I have some wonderful gifts for you! No drugs,no way. But the things we talked about earlier this week? I found a hidden treasure trove I found while packing for the move...I promise you'll shit your pants when you see them. If not,I'll shit your pants for ya....anything for a friend.
Stay strong Brother,I know it sucks right now but I swear it gets sooo much better once the garbage is out of your system.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
<----:whip: mom hard with a spanking to boot. I was trying to figure it out with paka damn you. I think he got the answer but didn't want to try it tonight but now you are forcing me if my post still has the broken link. Minds like mind have to know the answer or I will be totally obsessed as I have been for a long time about it. Just thought when it happened the people were asses and not paying attention for those who knew how to put up pics, but now that you did it I figured there is some type of strange issue.

Great quote and I got a vagina on me you better watch your ass.

Shitty we all like presents too damn fucker. BTW one of your best posts three balls...mvapes when your surgery is done do we get to see pics? OK changed my mind gross.
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