Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
I pray mvapes has a good counselor. Not a creep...

(not a Dr. Phil)

More like this...


Frequently up in space with Bowie
It's not half as twisted as the picture that satyrday posted, I think I'm going to be having nightmares over that one. For some reason it reminds me of one of those weird David Firth cartoons and frankly I wish it hadn't, those are the sorts of things that are best left forgotten.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I am a fuckin' half ass backwards dyslexic crip and proud of it.
When I was working the word stupid started to become not PC but I said stuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid not stupid which meant you are so fuckin' silly or synonyms of like. I have been called dumb all my life and was in the dumb class and guess what I still had a job and a profession. One year when I was taken out of the bottom class and put in the top class I came home crying every day. That was 4th grade cause I am still horrified that they tried to put me in the "smart" class. I made my mother get me out of there. They put me in the number 2 class. I dealt with it but was not happy about it. I wanted to go back to the 4 class with the rest of us dummies. I had no idea I was dyslexic and went to phonics school after school still not knowing why. As it turns out that doesn't help dyslexics but they didn't know that back then. I suppose if I went to school later in life I would have been put in special ed. My parents told me when I was in 11th grade when I was having some issues. All my life I just thought I was dumb and it sticks with me today and get yelled out for calling myself dumb all the time. I think I am compared to most people.

I hate all this PC shit. I don't like racial words at all even the W word tweek used in the other thread but then just like I just did have the right to say I don't like it. I have a friend that is one of the most racist people I know. I am not sure how I am friends with her but she knows to watch what she says when it comes to that stuff. I have never ever felt that in here. I think our point was made in the other thread but in order to really explain stuff we would have to open up on our real lives and I am not willing to do that so publicly for various reasons.

BTW while going to college I worked in a residential home called ARC....adult retard center. I am not making that up. I even after working there for a while was a live in night person as they couldn't find anyone so I did it till they could.

Bob Loblaw

i have one of those friends, i hear this every time something slips out of his mouth
he is around cuz he dates a really good friend of mine.
he was raised wrong, but is a decent guy (hard for my internal morality to admit).

as to the retard word, my dad is a special ed professor, my parents met working at a huuuge adult home for the retarded, so i grew up with that my whole life, i have a hard time not using it as you do stuuuuupid. working on replacing it with fucktard



Well-Known Member
Idiot, imbecile, and moron were once more technical terms used to describe the developmentally delayed (or whatever term you're supposed to use now). Retarded may slip back into the lexicon too as an inoffensive offensive word, just like those old terms have. Soon calling someone delayed will be the bad word.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how I never hear any complaints about the use of other words...idiot, moron, etc...I think some people get all PC without really understanding why.

Edit: The fellow in this video gets paid and loves every minute of what he is doing. Why is that wrong? He has learned to have fun with a simple word, that is only painful if he lets it be.



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
My point taken, it is a hard line and a lot of grey but there is a point of going to far one way or another. As comedians or other entertainers say, you have to know your audience. The fact is this is a thread for a certain audience and as said very early in this thread if you can't take it that is fine don't come. I certainly don't like some of the stuff so I ignore it. If something really bothered me I feel this thread is a family and we have the freedom to disagree and be polite.

If you remember there was a misunderstanding with richy and dorkus. R wasn't around long enough, is my guess to know dorkus' humor and richy got offended. It was spoken out with this whole family involved and resolved, I think.

This is the best thread on the internet or as the younins' say the interwebs.

BTW someone defriended me on fb for making a very specific comment which was a true story type think about russian's in NY of a specific community and dealt directly with me. She didn't want her friends to think she had a racist friend. I was very careful how it was worded. When her husband told me that it happened, I didn't even realize, I said that is funny because it was a specific situation and I am very close to 100 percent russian...ok I give I am Jewish as mvapes and dipshit so we have a lot of stuff in us but as far as I know most of my ancestors at least came from Russia but what they really are who know or cares. I am American and that is that.


Well-Known Member
I hate the word retarded, or people calling others stupid, idiot, or moron or any other hurtfull words. Not all of us are "normal". I was told when my son went to first grade that he wasnt normal and had a form of autism. He was placed in special classes and all the kids made fun of the ones who were in it. Broke my heart. What would take a normal kid to do 30 minutes of homework took mine 4 hrs to accomplish.. I spent 4 to 5 hrs a night helping him struggle through it. When he hit high school they decided to put him in regular classes,and the first semester he bombed out. If it wasnt for a special ed teacher that took me aside and said dont worry ill work with him,and help you both through this. Well he did what he promised and my son had a 4.0 grade average when he graduated. Went to junior college on a grant he won for a year then decided he wanted to make money now..lol hes now been working for 6 years at same job. He may not know math that well but he can answer any question you throw at him in history,and he excells at many other things... just like im sure you do dreamerr.

Bob Loblaw

LOL - yeah, real easy to ignore that commentary at the end :lol:

i know right? i posted it while watching, but can't find another cut of it. does illustrate the opposite point of mine at the same time, kinda why i felt it should be left. again, context and perspective.

great interaction from SLC

The only reason half these guys start shit... it's not because they wanna fight me. It's 'cause they wanna fuck me.

00:42:38 I don't know, man.
    • 00:42:40 If somebody called me somethin' that I wasn't, I could see getting mad.
    • 00:42:43 The problem with somebody giving you shit about being gay...
    • 00:42:46 it's not that they're wrong about you, it's that they're giving you shit.
    • 00:42:50 - Get it? - So do you like this music, man?


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I used to get beat cause I couldn't do my hw so I get it. Half the time I had the wrong page numbers for the math problems and I asked my mother why does the teacher tell us to do problems 1-30 and when I go to the page there are no problems on it? I never finished my hw after 3-4 hours of what they told us was one hours worth of hw I gave up nightly. We had a lot more hw back them. Computers actually saved my life as far as reading and stuff. It is different somehow. I think I read one full book in my life. I don't write either and went through college not using notebooks and half the time not buying the textbooks. Even if I did buy them I never opened them. I had my ways to get around stuff but that is not important. I have taught those various skills to many including special ed teachers.

OK I think we did enough serious talk on here. When mvapes comes back he will blow a gasket and sling shit and maybe worse at all of us. It is way to early for me to be funny so I will leave it up to you guys to start posting up all to make a good showing here for something for mvapes to read when he gets his puter back.
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