Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Oil Painter
I'm currently evaping off the last of the everclear off some reclaim... in a silicon muffin pan, in my oven.
I think it might be a brilliant idea. It might be fuckin' stoopid*

I got some other concentrate that I reclaimed using Iso... that one "sun dried", and scraped out of a glass bowl. Hits pretty damned heavy, too.

*it would have been stupid, if I tried to do the whole thing in the oven. Reduced the volume by about 80%, using a well-ventilated bowl over hot water, with a strong fan. I'm down to think stuff, very little bubbles, and just want to finish it without a chance of ruining it - so, a 200F oven, and silicon.

Yes, I also miss mvapes. I've been weeping in the corner, clutching his last PM to me, waiting for his return.

Or, um, something like that, I think.


vapor accessory addict
Thank you Dreamrr... :lol:

I actually saw that earlier and thought he had just deleted it because the pics didn't load. Then I forgot about it. I'll go take care of it....

Besides, I think I'm the only mod that comes into this thread... scaredy cats. :rofl:


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I made paka come in yesterday to see my finger.

Still SAT needed to learn how to get shit deleted.

Lady E, I don't know about oils but after reading and thinking a while back, ouch, you can use a plate and put it on top of the fridge free heat and it will evap safely. just cover it with a plated if you are worried about the dust. Plenty of air will still get in.

I really need to get someone to teach me oils by showing me but nobody has the patience as it is not easy.

Bob Loblaw

I made paka come in yesterday to see my finger.

Still SAT needed to learn how to get shit deleted.

Lady E, I don't know about oils but after reading and thinking a while back, ouch, you can use a plate and put it on top of the fridge free heat and it will evap safely. just cover it with a plated if you are worried about the dust. Plenty of air will still get in.

I really need to get someone to teach me oils by showing me but nobody has the patience as it is not easy.

where you at?

Bob Loblaw

on it



Well-Known Member
I actually saw that earlier and thought he had just deleted it because the pics didn't load. Then I forgot about it. I'll go take care of it....

Besides, I think I'm the only mod that comes into this thread... scaredy cats. :rofl:

The occasional "please delete" helps us all face the imperfections in life. So I inserted that message on purpose ... just like how the Amish will intentionally sew a mistake into a quilt. It's a simple lesson on humility and accepting the imperfections in life. Best not to let the little things get blown out of proportion.


The real answer? :lol: Yes, the pics didn't load and I was very bad not to test them first. :whip:

Sorry for the cleanup on aisle 13. :worms: I am the perennial problem child. :disgust:

...maybe better they didn't load! :uhoh: Divine providence?

Speaking of divine providence... not enough perviness today!





Herbal Alchemist
Reporting one's own post is how to get it deleted. :)

Ok, because I've seen so many people use "please delete." I don't remember the last time I had to have a post deleted, so I didn't know. Not knowing is not a sin, and I would never be nasty to anyone about it because that doesn't help anyone and just stirs up bad feelings. (not saying that you did) ;)


Well-Known Member

When I was younger, I always thought meeting a chick who loved to fart would be kind of cool...mainly because I figured it was a good indication of someone who was down to earth, could get her hands dirty, etc, etc....well, fast forward a bit and I start dating this gal who it turned out, really had no problem letting them rip. At first, I was like "this is ok, she is funny, no problem..."

Then one day, while she is on the couch in her underwear, she lifts a leg and lets out a really wet sounding one. We broke up not long after.


Oil Painter
It's morning... coffee, kombucha, breakfast - and then I have to go to work. sigh.

My feet feel absolutely beaten. Oh, but on a bright note, we toured an apartment yesterday, and we have a couple of others to view this weekend. We may be moving before the end of August! This would be very, very good, and will reduce my commute by 112 miles RT.

I have the front door open, so the cats can go out. Our inside cat, Merri, is outside, hiding in the parsley. Our porch kitty, Ghost, is inside the house, watching Merri through the window. Cats.


Well-Known Member
Achhh..........I just came back to this thread.

Heart and prayers are hurtling your way mvapes. Cocaine is such an insidious drug. It had me by the short hairs for awhile as well. I did just about every drug under the sun, but coke is the one that really grabbed me. Fuck, it's been over 30 years since I quit, but every time I see a show on TV or a movie where someone is laying out lines, my nose begins to itch. It's a weird mixture of disgust and desire, all at the same time.

You're not alone, m. Not in the least. We'll be here when ya get back.
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