lolz Molorkus pubes will remove paint (from your taint too)
those namby pamby pubes would get up, run off and re-attach themselves back on their owner at the very sight of a molorkus pube.
Theys kinda like the death staring spider of the pubic world.
I once made a custom molorkus merkin (pubic wig) for a bloke.
Well his cock & balls (known as the cock n balls gang) went on a murderous rampage ala Ned Kelly style with 'Cock' (as he was known) wearing the merkin as a kind of bullet proof suit, to which the 2 balls would hide behind 'cock' as they advanced.
Luckily, someone got a fluke shot onto one of the balls. As we all know from funniest home videos, that a fluke shot to the balls is instantly incapacitating.
So, once his balls got drained, 'cock' went all soft & came quietly.
but I learned my lesson, since then all of my molorkus pubes are numbered & contain a homing beacon to guide lost pubes back to the mothership.