Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
The thread is falling apart, my man. Ship has disappeared, Mvapes hardly posts and Molorkus has run off. Even the ladies grow silent...just me and Satyrday most of the time. It's kind of like Detroit in here...



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I don't want to sling poo...but wanted to get you all going. We have to start some trouble or what will mom have to read when she gets back?


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I am trying to get him to come back but he won't answer for the moment. I hope he is just not by his computer. See now I feel bad. Maybe I should just leave this thread and let you all go back to gag balls monkey shit and all the other fun stuff you boys like. I fucked up your room sorry really.


Well-Known Member
I'll still be here for the ladies who need my services ... errr ... I mean for mvapes. Seriously, I don't want to put any pressure on Dorkus. I've been in his shoes before wanting to take a break. I've left forums cold when things felt weird. That's not to put guilt on Dreamerr either. I don't think she intended to be so heavy.

Tweek, sleep on it and get your butt back in here tomorrow! Don't tell me you're not fascinated by my multifaceted sexual adventures. Or the finger art - do it for the finger art! And you never know when Ship will stop by like Bob Hope used to on the old Carson show (sorry - being Canadian you can probably only relate to Alan Thicke, or Monty Hall perhaps).


ECHO ...Echo ...echo

I knew eventually I'd be alone in here. Did I ever tell you about the time I found a stack of Playboys in the woods?

Maybe I should go too. This could be my last sexual confession:


I really am all alone...




Well-Known Member
fuck me, I step out for 5 mins to take of care shit that I promised my real-life wife.

Now I find out I have an internet wife too??

Listen up darl, I go where I want, when I want.
Otherwise, its a swift backhand, and wheres my dinner?
Now go put sumthing lacey on and grab us all some beers while your up. (pats on ass)

So listen up

A) nobody hates anybody. espec the dorkinator
B) tweek you cant go on strike. I ve seen the family of koreans living in your lower colon. Harden the fuck up man, theys depending on you!

C) if yous sick, get fucken better NOW! we need all the crazies we can get.

poor ol Sat left to hold the fort. terrible business.
Now you lot all just hang tight while I finish my chores & possibly bankrupt my family.

dreamerr & I have hugged it all out. Now wheres them beers sweetie??


Well-Known Member
^That's a true Aussie talking there. Somewhere in the world the caveman needs to be preserved for the end times when all this metrosexual garbage lands us in the shitter. Dorkus is back!!!


vapor accessory addict
My oh my...... I leave for a couple days and you guys fall apart, fight, Dorkus leaves..... wtf?

Well.... I'm back......

So knock off this nonsense and let's get back to what's important in life. Surprise buttsecks.


And serious poop flinging.


And Tweek, I'm from Detroit. Watch it. :cool:

Thank you for keeping things together here Dreamrr. Sorry it caused friction between you and Mr. Malorkus. Welcome to my world..... :lol:
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