When i was a young bloke my granddad told me to stay away from pussy, cuz they all have teeth in there & will chew your dick off.
well I stayed away from pussy till I was 18 or so. Too fucken frightened to have my cock chewed off by rabid pussy monsters.
But came the day I met Irene, twas love at 1st sight. I forgot all my fears & we fell in
I finally found the courage to tell my grandad that he was wrong, and declare my love for irene in front of them both.
'Grand dad I said, you once told me that all girls have big nasty teeth in their vaginas and if I get involved with one, my cock will be chewed off. Look grand dad, its just not true! Theres no teeth, just look!!'
So grandad has a very close look at irene for a bit, and exclaims.
'Of course theres no teeth lad!! JUST LOOK AT THE STATE OF THOSE FUCKING GUMS!!!'