Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
(how do I change topic from foreskins...)

wtf ever happened to these?


Hardly ever ate them but miss having them around every year or so. Haven't seen them in ages. They left a terrifically weird film in my mouth if I remember right. Kind of made my saliva glands hurt.


Well-Known Member
Do you? They still sell them in Canada and you can ship them with no problems at the border? Hmmm... I'll take 3 cans and some special Canadian pork rinds. (damn! too close to foreskins. looks like it didn't work)


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
To all the new people that accidentally wondered into this thread, keep in mind the people here including me ARE SICK MOTHER FUCKERS WHO ARE TWISTED IN VERY MANY WAYS. You have been warned. We are not responsible for your shrink bills or any other bills you may incur because what you have seen or read. You will see and hear the sickest stuff in your life ever.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Fuck that! Just turn over and shoot it all over the wall. In the morning it looks like snot and then you get to tell your Mom you can't go to school cause you came down with the sniffles!
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