Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
I swear bro, you need to start a website.

Guess what...guess what...I went out today and nothing happened:clap:. I didn't even fight with the kid, dog or objects:tup::rockon:.

Were you drunk? :spliff:

Congrats, Dreamerr!

Edit: oops, sorry about the double post.



Well-Known Member
My worst experience was on a full moon...it was intensely beautiful, the way the moon would paint our yard with blue/grey light...but my awe turned to some pretty sheer terror as soon as the shadows starting taking shapes.

Edit: As my good friends probably already know, there comes a point in most trips where you have to make a simple choice: Do I fight the visions by reminding myself it's all just a trip or do I succumb to the dark visions my subconscious craves to release? Once you go down the latter road, you have no choice but to take the whole ride.


Herbal Alchemist
I had to do my drugs in the woods. My dad would beat my ass if he smelt anything in the house.

I didn't dare do anything, ever. My mother beat me just because she smelled cigarette smoke on my clothes. I didn't smoke, but was in a car with a bunch of people who did. I told her that, but she's a bitch and didn't care. I'm glad I am more than 1,000 miles away from her now. She gets to die old and alone, just how she wants it.


Well-Known Member
Salvia is very nice at night, if you set it up outdoors with some friends, by a fire like a shamanistic ritual. Very revealing...but it can get ugly if someone trips too hard :smug:

I didn't dare do anything, ever. My mother beat me just because she smelled cigarette smoke on my clothes. I didn't smoke, but was in a car with a bunch of people who did. I told her that, but she's a bitch and didn't care. I'm glad I am more than 1,000 miles away from her now. She gets to die old and lonely, just how she wants it.

My pop was the same. Didn't realize what a great family he really had compared to some folks.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Damn look what I started hehe. Beatings were normal years ago tis why we had to sneak more. I got accused of smoking cigs and it wasn't true. I got beat and punished. My mother said I wouldn't be so defensive it it wasn't true. I started smoking about a year or so later lol. I always felt cigs smelled more back then so didn't do that on the sneak in the house until way later when I was in college and then not often.

It was my brothers fault we did weed in the house. When they yelled turn off the incense they were speaking to him not me. I just happened to be in his room. I was a damn angel I tell ya.


Oil Painter
Unless I can figure out the chat room stuff. Like how the fuck does it work? Every time I'm on I can see familiar names but nobody's chatting,or even acknowledge their attendance. Is there a dress code or something? Or is it just for the "A" team? A secret handshake or something? I guess it could be populated by Zombies,which would make sense since Zombies can't type.
I've done the chat room a few times, but usually, it seems like people are just hanging out. I've actually exchanged greetings/comments with a couple of people, but I'm not seriously into chat anymore.

Edit: Oh, and if we all room together, be warned that my part of the habitation will be clean, and neat. I also cook real food, dammit, so no fast food wrappers!

Never smoked, never touched any drugs, didn't drink... I was a boring teenager. I think Mom and I had the same bitch of a mom, though... mine did pass away, several years ago.
Mvapes went in for an hour once,and look at what it did to him. If you do go,wear 2 or 3 rubbers at least. That place is lousy with what can only be called Digital Syphilis. And crabs. Plus my wife went into chat for 30 seconds and came out pregnant. Can't wait to see what kind of monster plops out of her in 9 months.


Well-Known Member
well if we are going to talk about our mums.

My mum.................................. told me I was no good. Between her & the typical abusive stepfather, I hated my childhood.

and the day they got divorced was one of the happiest days of my life (25yrs ago.)

when I was 25 or so, we had a fight & she told me she never wanted to see or hear from me again.
Well true to her word, birthdays came & went, christmas came & went, until I called about 2am one morning drunk off my ass telling her I was leaving town & thought she should know.

when she got cancer, I put my life on hold to care for her.
she moved in with my wife & I, and then proceeded to turn our lives into a living hell. it nearly cost me my marriage.

in the end, she & I had a fight & she went to my aunts 400miles away and did the same thing there.
I had my aunt telling me not long before the end, that she was sorry, but she couldnt wait for my mum to hurry up & die. My answer was, me too.

After she left my house to go to my aunts, I never saw her again & I only spoke to her 2 more times and I am sure her last words on this earth were cursing me.

The day she died was THE happiest day of my life, because I thought I was finally free of her.

I was so very wrong, my mum hangs around my neck like a massive weight.
She was a mean bitch of a woman, who never said sorry to anyone for anything. She could never even manage to put her little bastard boy 1st, EVER.

My wife knows of the trauma this continues to cause me,
but I dont think even she was prepared for the answer when she asked one day.(just for shits & giggles)
what would you do with a time machine?

My answer was: i would go back to when I was very young & kill them both.

Maybe then I might have stood a chance.

ok, enough of that shit.

here's sum poop.:shit:
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