Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Recovering Idealist
This weekend my 4 old daughter asked me if Parkinsons can make you stupid. I guess the jig is up...
That's so sweet and innocent that she think you'd need a reason to be stupid. You just need to explain, there's no reason, that's just how daddy is. Oh, and sorry for passing those genes to you. Good luck with that!

But seriously, good luck at the doc! We're all behind you! And I hope this wasn't you and Jess...
I barely ever drink. If I do it's one or two. I don't like being drunk nor do I like being around them. I've had a few issues in my life with people I love becoming very different under the influence of alcohol.

And that bullshit is TOTALLY legal - FUCK THAT!
Still catching up on this thread, but all these posts on alcohol use/abuse has registered with me. I reached basically the same conclusion as mvapes did, sometime after my 2nd DUI in 2001. I feel lucky I didn't have to go the AA route to rein in my drinking, as that stuff just makes me crazy. Glad it works for a lot of people that need the help, I just wish they'd stop telling people it's the ONLY way, because it just isn't true. Didn't mean to rant there. The point of my post was to share this cartoon I've had on my refrigerator for who knows how many years now. I've kept it there to remind me of why I've come to appreciate moderation in my life. I sure don't miss drinking and smoking (fuck combustion!):

*click pic to enLARGE*



Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Well, I'm back from the doctor and as it turns out I am no longer a candidate for surgery now that my eye's have been affected. I'm not too bummed, I need to stay positive and a keep up this fight. They said that I have improved enormously as far as my motor control but my eye's confirm that I suffer from the more aggressive European PD.

So, with that being said I'd like to end with this - I can't hit every curve ball thrown at me but I promise to keep on practicing for the next pitch.

Thanks for being so supportive of my cause, without you guy's I would be lost.


Well-Known Member
I have known my fair share of people going through hardships...abuse, illness, drug/alcohol problems, death of loved ones, suicide, etc, etc...and the secret has always been charging forward...not rolling over, and never giving up. They also allowed themselves to feel the wide range of emotions that they were feeling...angry, bitter, sad, confused and most importantly...happy. Yes, happy. That is the one thing that folks facing massive obstacles in their lives often fail to do...allow themselves to be happy. It's not always easy, but with love and support, it's possible and essential.

We are all going to face hardships one day. Whether it's growing old, and ending up in an old folks home or having a stroke, or being young and hit with a serious illness, or even the death of a loved one...life will always throw it's punches, and occasionally land one square on the jaw. But you just have to keep fighting, and working to find ways to enjoy the short, and precious gift of life we have been given.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I have known my fair share of people going through hardships...abuse, illness, drug/alcohol problems, death of loved ones, suicide, etc, etc...and the secret has always been charging forward...not rolling over, and never giving up. They also allowed themselves to feel the wide range of emotions that they were feeling...angry, bitter, sad, confused and most importantly...happy. Yes, happy. That is the one thing that folks facing massive obstacles in their lives often fail to do...allow themselves to be happy. It's not always easy, but with love and support, it's possible and essential.

We are all going to face hardships one day. Whether it's growing old, and ending up in an old folks home or having a stroke, or being young and hit with a serious illness, or even the death of a loved one...life will always throw it's punches, and occasionally land one square on the jaw. But you just have to keep fighting, and working to find ways to enjoy the short, and precious gift of life we have been given.

Life lesson from the greatest anti-hero ever in the best TV series ever:



Frequently up in space with Bowie
That's probably my favourite show and if not it's definitely near the top of the list. Initially I gave the show a wide berth because I'd only ever seen Ian McShane in a really shit tv series. I just thought that it would be a load of cheesy crap if it had him in, boy was I wrong. His performance as Al is what makes that series so good. It was a shame about the rushed ending though, you could tell they wanted to do more with the series but had to tie it up due to being cancelled. I can kind of understand them having to cancel it as it was so damn expensive because of the way it was done with all the actors constantly on set. I say set but I should probably say town as they practically built a replica town.

I'm glad to hear you're staying positive mvapes, I'm sending good vibes your way.
So, with that being said I'd like to end with this - I can't hit every curve ball thrown at me but I promise to keep on practicing for the next pitch.

Thanks for being so supportive of my cause, without you guy's I would be lost.
That's the spirit, @mvapes ! And thanks for being so honest in your posts. As @grokit said, you are an inspiration to many of us; you certainly are for me, as I continue to battle Crohn's and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Your frequent updates remind me that a positive outlook goes a long way towards determining whether a day is 'good' or 'bad', and that when a day is 'bad', and those curveballs got me in a slump, I always have a place to vent and get some unconditional love/support from some great 'teammates' here at FC.


well-worn member
I've got the Deadwood soundtrack (love the theme song) in my car cd changer,
so I've heard this this Swearengen gem a few times:

"In life, you have to do a lot of things you don't fucking want to do.
Many times, that's what the fuck life is... one vile fucking task after another.
But don't get aggravated... then the enemy has you by the short hairs."

Maybe it's in the delivery but I never get tired of it:popcorn:


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I did forget to share one thing about my doctors visit. It seem's that something is officially - according to my therapist Mvapes is no longer full of shit.

Unlike last time when during my abdominal massage turned out to be a shit for all. That poor young (hot) nurse in the room is probably still having nightmares of the stench she encountered. With no meds and zero balance I darted for the shitter at mach speed! I do not envy their custodial staff either. There was something that some folks call painting the toilet that occurred. I promise, it was scarier than Halloween Horror nights at Universal.

But now I can proudly say that Stu is once again the only forum member that's full of shit!
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