Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
thank fuck all them bitches have left.:evil:

Now we can get to what I really wanna talk about

Do any of you blokes know why my cheese sou-flee doesnt rise?
I am having all sort of trouble finishing off the rows on my macrame as well.

and my wife beats me when I mess up painting her toenails. Does anyone know how to paint them fuckers correctly?

Also while we are sharing, I have cried while watching Dr Phil and Oprah.
There, Ive said it...... its out there.

My way of reciprocating with some good info is, the correct time to present your wife with a hot water bottle for her menstrual cramps is...............
the immediate 30 secs preceding the 'FOR FUCKS SAKE GET ME A HOT WATER BOTTLE YOU USELESS PRICK!' :tup:


Anyway guys, if this is you? pls PM me.
We can support each other and not show any fear or weakness before the enemy.

Its ok ladies,
you can all come back now.
the secret mens business is concluded.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I'm spending the day with the family today. Monday I have to go to the movement center. I do want to share that I am having a new symptom and it seems that it is most likely because of the PD. I've been having trouble with my vision, my eye's aren't dilating correctly or adjusting for different distance. Is it scary? Yeah it is but what else is new?

No matter what I'll be fine, I have my best friend (my wife) and my kids behind me. Plus all of you, I have what I need to conquer anything.



Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
I'm spending the day with the family today. Monday I have to go to the movement center. I do want to share that I am having a new symptom and it seems that it is most likely because of the PD. I've been having trouble with my vision, my eye's aren't dilating correctly or adjusting for different distance. Is it scary? Yeah it is but what else is new?

No matter what I'll be fine, I have my best friend (my wife) and my kids behind me. Plus all of you, I have what I need to conquer anything.

Just a thought concerning your eyes: have you by chance been drinking more coffee (caffeine) than usual? This can effect pupil dilation and eye-muscle contraction, both of which involve focus. Disturbed sleep patterns can also have a similar effect. Feel well!!!


Oil Painter
.. I do want to share that I am having a new symptom and it seems that it is most likely because of the PD. I've been having trouble with my vision, my eye's aren't dilating correctly or adjusting for different distance. Is it scary? Yeah it is but what else is new?
I have fibro, and one of the sites of my nerve pain is my face, and eyes. When my nerves are all jangled and firing, my eyes water, I cannot really see, and it feels like all the cat hairs and pollen in the world is sitting on my pupils.
This usually happens when I'm trying to use a PC, or my cellphone. Sometimes when I'm reading a book. All the joy of my life revolved around books, for almost my entire life. Now, I can't read nearly as much as I would like to (and college was a pain, literally).

I am so very sorry, dude, that this is also affecting your eyes.

I was discussing this with my hubby this morning. I am personally convinced that fibro, PD, and MS are all symptoms of the same neurological poisoning - pesticides and other nervous system poisons. From flea collars and drops for cats/dogs, to any and EVERY conventionally grown fruit, berry, and grain (all grains that are not certified organic ARE treated with pesticides and fungicides while in storage. EVERY FUCKING ONE), and some of us, unfortunately, are victims of chemical warfare.

I really am hoping for effective treatments. I would just like to sleep through a fucking night without every nerve in my body jangling and registering extreme PAIN... punctuated by HOT FLASHES. Dammit.

I love you, mvapes. Really do. You are the bravest man I know of. Keep truckin'.


well-worn member
@Enchantre don't forget about heavy metals like mercury, the ultimate neurotoxin. Get an "amalgram" filling or eat a piece of the wrong fish and that shit never leaves your body unless it's actively chelated. These fillings can literally poison you for your entire life, as even before they start breaking down in 2-3 decades they are continuously emitting their toxic vapor into your system.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Had a nice weekend with Jess and the kids. I guess some issues we've suffered with recently there's been somewhat of a renewal of our love. In our darkest moment with the help of a friend we were able to see the light and in all honesty we came out stronger than ever. I have a new respect for Jess as well as a new view on marriage.

My view has changed in so many places, however I can't say that it's not because my vision issue. Once the doctor helps me with my eyes my views on things will change again.

Oh, and tomorrow I meet with the Parkinsons jedi's about my case. They will be addressing my eyes as well.

This weekend my 4 old daughter asked me if Parkinsons can make you stupid. I guess the jig is up...


Well-Known Member
@mvapes - I am writing you from the future. It is monday where I am & let me tell you that it all goes well in your tomorrow.

In fact so well, Jedi dude will whip out his oil pen & blaze together you will.

Then both roll about the floor laughing and taking the piss outta Yoda with bad impressions.

In regards to your Daughters question. Ima bit confused.
So, the milkman has PD as well?
and he is fucking up the milk order or something?
Wow, what a coincidence?

I was asked to never speak of that moment again. :razz:

No need to Dude, I got it all on tape.

seeing 3 snackbars in Afghan gangbanging a goat on infrared is a new low even for me.
(I feel really, really bad for the goat for they were not kind nor gentle lovers)

But he is a brief summary of my thoughts.

I see @Tweek , @Stu , but whos the 3rd guy? @Richy ?
Can you imagine the conversation as they walk together?
Hey Ahmed, Ive got a really hot one for you tonight.
Her name is nanny,
no, not fran drescher.
Just wait and see, you will love her.
Next week she will be at your wedding banquet to that 11yr old youve never met.
She will be delicious.

Bwahahahahaha! :D:D:D:D:D
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