Gee,ya think? The problem is narrowing it down to one offending substance. Damn that was a HELL of a week though. Hell of a week!
For the children who may be reading this,DONT DO ANY DRUG YOU DON'T 100% UNDERSTAND! I know I know,ts all fun and games until the bill comes due. You can have fun with chemicals,nobody's arguing that,but you must understand you will pay for that fun someday. Or maybe I just have a cold and all this is just paranoia. Remember that time I thought I had a brain tumor only to find out it was just a bad haircut? (First one to make a bald pretty cool).
This may sounds like some new-age happy happy joy joy bullshit but venting here realy does help. Plus I only have to tap it out,it's up to you guys to make sense of it. Poor bastards.
Thanks Mom,
OK, considering the turn this discussion has taken, the last thing you probably want to hear is a prescription for more hard drugs, but sometimes fighting fire with fire is your only hope for a real cure. I do not recommend the following treatment to anyone, but can only put myself in your shoes, and honestly think about what course of action I might take if in your situation
I don't want to go too far afield with a discussion on demonology. The subject has become somewhat of a joke amongst scientific thinkers who hope all that nonsense is buried in the distant past ... with stories of Jesus casting out demons, and people being burned at the stake under less kindly hands. However, I will try to simplify with just a few words. First is the title of a book that helps shift the topic from objectification to subjectification, "Low Magick: It's All In Your Head ... You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is" by Lon Milo Duquette (the book and author are very interesting, but really it's just the title that's important right now). If you go off the reservation repeatedly on hard drugs, and experience alien parts of your "head" without proper assimilation, then imbalances, or demonic possession if you will, can occur - the results of which are highly unpredictable and range from the spiritual into the physical.
I sometimes call modern doctors pinheads not because they are dumb, and not because they cannot provide relief or don't deserve respect for what they do, but because they put their blinders on and only talk about what they can know through the tools of science. In many cases these "pinheads" can be a life saver and I am thankful they are so narrowly focused. But when you are dealing with forces that really aren't adequately explained using the small body of knowledge truly known at this point scientifically, or even rationally (compared to all the things unexplained, hence the relative term "pinhead"), then you may have to take your off-the-reservation problems ... off the fucking reservation! Sometimes the best course of action is to be a pinhead and only deal with the known facts, but other times you have to trust in a greater and wiser force beyond what can be dissected and discussed using the current body of accepted knowledge.
Here is an example of that, and you can do with it what feels right to you - again I can only say to what length I might go if in your situation, not what you should do ... so take it with a grain of salt (if nothing else, it's a hell of a read IMO):
At this point I would not attempt this type of cure solo or just with some amateur trip-sitter buddy, but only in the hands of a knowledgeable spirit guide. Judging who is really THAT will be a journey unto itself ... should you go there. And perhaps the Ayahuasca cure seems too radical at this point - maybe just start investigating natural healers who deal with these spiritual forces using more gentle means. But if you've got the balls and feel that gentle may not be enough at this point, then there are old, wisened, and maybe "crazy" witch doctors that are perhaps who you need to meet right now on your journey. Go toe-to-toe crazy with those fuckers!