Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Recovering Idealist


Oil Painter


My laundry is HERE, my laundry soap is THERE. So, I have to go shop before I can do laundry, cuz my other option (yes, I left the apostrophe off "cuz". I'm winning the battle against OCD. Leave me alone) is to drive too damned far (56 miles each fucking way) to do the laundry at the old house, where my laundry soap is. I'm not driving, damn it.

However, I do have a FREEZER now, so I can go shop, get my soap and STUFF FOR THE FREEZER! :) Ice cream... meat, veggies, umm, meat... and some more meat. :)


vapor accessory addict
Enchantre, I looked down at my foot in the shower this morning and would you believe 3 toes on my left foot are bruised? I thought of you..... :lol:

I have no idea when it happened, but I'm sure it was some time last night. I was not drunk, just giddy with life and much herb. But like most of my bruises, the exact time they happen is usually a mystery. :shrug:

Have fun shopping for detergent and stuff!!


Herbal Alchemist
Enchantre, I looked down at my foot in the shower this morning and would you believe 3 toes on my left foot are bruised? I thought of you..... :lol:

I have no idea when it happened, but I'm sure it was some time last night. I was not drunk, just giddy with life and much herb. But like most of my bruises, the exact time they happen is usually a mystery. :shrug:

I get bruises all the time and never know how I got them, wish I did.



Oil Painter
I used to bruise a lot more... funnily enough, my toes don't really look bruised.

Some years ago, I started taking more Vit C, more bioflavinoids, and I eat the inner white part of citrus peels, which has MEGA good stuff in it. My easy bruising has pretty much gone away. I have way fewer "mystery" bruises, which is great, especially since it seems like every "old" person I've ever known (I used to work in a nursing home) is always covered in bruises, with really thin, fragile skin.

Anyway, the bioflavinoids are supposed to strengthen capillary walls, and weak walls make for easy bruises.

There is actually a good amount of Vit C, and other factors, in organ meats. I'm eating a lot more of those now, and my skin is getting absolutely wonderful.


Recovering Idealist
Two part post, part A is for the women of the thread. Men can just skip to part B.
My wife is 6 months pregnant and getting very uncomfortable. For those who have been pregnant, does anyone have any advice for trying to maintain some level of comfort. Especially when she is trying to sleep. I don't want to change the direction of this thread, so please PM me with any advice for her. I feel very badly for her since she wasn't nearly this uncomfortable this early with our first son. Thanks for any and all advice. Hopefully there is something that can help her. And you are all invited to enjoy part B if you are so inclined.






Recovering Idealist
Another two parter to respond to Dreamerr's query. Men - I'll see you in part B.
You're right, dreamy, there wasn't enough information there to go on. My wife seems to have gotten her pillows adjusted in the last few days to sleep, so I'll focus more on when she is awake. She is quite short, so her Doctor says that it pushes her organs out of the way. She has a lot of general pains and discomforts, especially when she tries to stand up. She's quite a tough person in general, so if anything, I assume she is understating her discomfort. Has anyone used a belly bra and did it help? I get the feeling gravity isn't her friend right now and I thought that might help. She has gained a healthy amount of weight and the ultrasounds have gone well. :) I was hoping that something can help that we hadn't thought of yet. If not, then its a continued dose of empathy and back massages for the next three months. I was just wanting to do more to help her. Thanks again!

B (Princess Leia Edition)




Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
You know men make us laugh with there pain complaints cause you all have no idea what pain and discomfort is. Anyhow the doc happens to be right, a surprise but true. I bet she is having a boy but with that said if you notice when pregos walk they hold there stomach and that is the reason cause everything is being pushed. I didn't use a belly belt but a lot swear by it so it doesn't hurt to try. There, unfortunately isn't much else you can do. Sleeping on your side is the only way, eating stuff that doesn't give her heart burn even though she will get it anyhow if the now, I said it boy has hair...you know wives tales that are mostly true. Having those pillows propped right makes a huge difference in bed. If she did exercise before getting prego keep it up cause that helps a lot but she can't start if she hasn't. Stretching sometimes helps and it is good anyhow cause it helps with delivery. If this is boring to the men, we can continue this PM.

Do we get to name the baby.............:D

I was doing full splits till the day I gave birth...I just like saying that but it is true...left work Friday gave birth on Tuesday. Woman are strong beings and going through all the crap I go through it still amazes me. I am in agonizing pain right now but just finished taping the wall to paint and filled my wheelchair tires. Woman aren't allowed to rest, be sick or anything else for that matter. Woman of the world:rockon: but yes we are still bitches:smug:.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
No cause my son says I make excuses...and you know how crazy people are...I will show you excuses and end up well fucked up. I swear that boy is selfish. He called me from school to ask me to sit for a few hours to wait for him to see a chess master. I said why can't you just stay at school and I will pick you up he said not that is selfish cause he would have to wait 7 hours. WTF I hurt when I sit. He didn't care that he left the car door open when I picked him up at 9:15pm from chess the other night...he is luck no light stays on with the back door or a tow truck would have had to come. He didn't think it was a big deal. I can't do nothing all the time so today is a day I am going to do something...ok I do stuff every day but some things take more work then others lol. I will be fine and bitching later from pain but I doubt it can get much worse. My shoulders are doing ok so let me mess them up hehe. Off to paint but thanks...I am very stubborn today in case you can't tell and yes I vaped to no avail and I vaped a lot. I even did some wax.


Recovering Idealist
Dreamerr, thanks for the reply, I sent you a PM to keep this thread on the "topics" of poo and surprise buttsecks. :)

Hopefully you'll be able to take a rest at some point today like RUDE BOY wisely suggested. And clearly your son doesn't want to give you a rest so you're going to have to take what's yours.

But I like your idea of letting you guys name the baby. I'm open to suggestions, you guys have until the end of November to come up with something great. :dog:


Recovering Idealist
Oh boy... now you've done it! You know that old saying about watching what you wish for? :rofl:

And I'm assuming the name "Buttsecks" isn't up for consideration....?
I'm open to any and all suggestions. Apologies to those that don't make the cut. Buttsecks, however, is a girls name and we are having a boy. I'm very strict in gender specific names. :nope:
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