Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


well-worn member
How she is in private is her own business. Just seems like she could get her point across in public without crossing the boundaries to the opposite side of the spectrum and acting like a complete "ho"

I believe that acting like a complete ho is exactly the point, and the best way to point out the hypocrisy of the "star(let)-makers", along with the soccer moms that let their little gals consume this crap.



well-worn member
I doubt she is doing it to point out any hypocrisy...just trying to make herself relevant in a desperate way.

I think her father has helped her develop a more cynical and less desperate outlook than that. She sounds pretty mature and thought out when interviewed, especially when compared to many of her peers. What I hope is that she ends up changing the dialog of objectification by taking it to an extreme.


vapor accessory addict
grokit, I'm afraid this is one of those times we're going to have to agree to disagree. I think she's doing it to show the world she's not some little innocent Disney chick; she's all grown up now. And imo, she may be grown up now, but she hasn't grown up to be a lady. :2c: :peace:


well-worn member
I've never actually listened to her music, but I've listened to her critics and I like that she seems to be giving them a big fuck you. I hope she is awake anyways, and doesn't crash and burn like the rest of these ho's. Except for the one that started it all, Madonna; she's a pretty shrewd cookie herself!

I never got into Madonna's music either, but from what I heard Vogue wasn't too bad.


Well-Known Member
I've never actually listened to her music, but I've listened to her critics and I like that she seems to be giving them a big fuck you. I hope she is awake anyways, and doesn't crash and burn like the rest of these ho's. Except for the one that started it all, Madonna; she's a pretty shrewd cookie herself!

I never got into Madonna's music either, but from what I heard Vogue wasn't too bad.

Madonna had to make it on her own...she has street smarts. Miley has had everything handed to her on a platter. She will crash and burn, but there will always be a golden net waiting to cushion the blow.


vapor accessory addict
I used to think Madonna had it all. But recently, even she has pushed it too far.... a grill... seriously?



Recovering Idealist
Madonna has done a brilliant job marketing herself over the years. The fact that she is still discussed is impressive. But the thought of getting head from her now makes me want to :puke:. Meanwhile the 13 year old me is in shock and dismay at that last sentence.

Miley is a 20 year old kid with more money than she knows what to do with. Also, I could imagine she hasn't been told no since president bush was in office (time reference for Tweek: since the Liberals had a majority). I say let her enjoy her 20s. I don't know many people who weren't still figuring themselves out at that age. She is just doing it publicly.


Oil Painter

I go off to work, come home, and this is what I find! I'm not even going to play in the "celebrities gone wild" world.

Dreamerr, yes, you are right... I would have gone completely off the deep end, and probably hurt someone, if I hadn't of had this place as a safe place to vent. :) Just today at work, someone commented that my smile has come back. Whew. I think we are past the worst of it.

Starting next week, I will be working every week day, though I still get my (sweet!) schedule of 10 - 3. For right now, five hours a day is all I can handle. We are slogging through with course work (I have about three weeks left to finish everything), and the house is nearly ready to turn over to a realtor. Yay.

I'm maximizing my Omega 3 intake to drive down my Cortisol levels (and inflammation)... so, I'm hopeful for good results from that. :)

Right now, I have a blue jay squawking at our cat, who is sitting on the balcony railing. Yes, Tweek, a cat is lovely. TWO, however, can be rather annoying at times. ;)

mvapes, you get a hug {{{{{mvapes}}}}}


Well-Known Member
For the record she's only 55, but yes she's older than me. :myday: It'd still hit that, though. As long as she promised not to sing during sex, of course. I don't think she'll come calling anytime soon, though. But if she does, I'd be hittin' it like a rented mule. :horse:


I swear, these young dudes complaining about the older ladies...they don't know what they are missing....:smug:


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Leave mili alone as she is just in public you know you all did it on dance floors. I didn't like it either but for a different reason....she can't dance and she isn't sexy even if it is hard to see a 20 year old as sexy but she isn't at least not in that dance. The other issue is why isn't Robin getting shit for this...his mom poor gloria didn't even have an issue with him grinding a 20 year old come on all this sexism is just stupid...they should both get hell for a shitty performance period. Even the singing was bad and I only saw it on clips and shit but with so many ended up seeing just about the whole thing. Actually I did watch the whole thing I think on the net but who knows not I.

Glad things are a bit better lady E.


Well-Known Member
Leave mili alone as she is just in public you know you all did it on dance floors. I didn't like it either but for a different reason....she can't dance and she isn't sexy even if it is hard to see a 20 year old as sexy but she isn't at least not in that dance. The other issue is why isn't Robin getting shit for this...his mom poor gloria didn't even have an issue with him grinding a 20 year old come on all this sexism is just stupid...they should both get hell for a shitty performance period. Even the singing was bad and I only saw it on clips and shit but with so many ended up seeing just about the whole thing. Actually I did watch the whole thing I think on the net but who knows not I.

Glad things are a bit better lady E.

This is what I was doing in the clubs



Well-Known Member
All this hoopla over Miley is pretty funny. All these parents up in arms over the MTV Music Awards because their kids are watching, as if anything has changed since Madonna opened the show with Like A Virgin or Howard Stern flying in as FartMan with his butt hanging out. There's ALWAYS been some shock things going on with this show and if parents don't want their kids to be exposed to stuff like this, then don't let them watch the fucking show from the get go.

Also, what Miley was doing is nothing new. Go into any club in Barbados, Jamaica, etc, and you'll see this twerking going on as standard fare. Hell, the bump and grind was going on when I was a kid. And as far as young female singers trying to break out of their "young innocent kid" image, what Miley did was no different then the changes that Christina Aguilera did when she wanted to shed her Disney image as well.

Miley did that performance for one reason and that is to get press, and as far as if she succeeded in that endeavor, well, she succeeded brilliantly, because the press is all over it.

And let's not forget what we did for fun when we were in our early 20's.
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