I go off to work, come home, and this is what I find! I'm not even going to play in the "celebrities gone wild" world.
Dreamerr, yes, you are right... I would have gone completely off the deep end, and probably hurt someone, if I hadn't of had this place as a safe place to vent.

Just today at work, someone commented that my smile has come back. Whew. I think we are past the worst of it.
Starting next week, I will be working every week day, though I still get my (sweet!) schedule of 10 - 3. For right now, five hours a day is all I can handle. We are slogging through with course work (I have about three weeks left to finish everything), and the house is nearly ready to turn over to a realtor. Yay.
I'm maximizing my Omega 3 intake to drive down my Cortisol levels (and inflammation)... so, I'm hopeful for good results from that.
Right now, I have a blue jay squawking at our cat, who is sitting on the balcony railing. Yes, Tweek, a cat is lovely. TWO, however, can be rather annoying at times.
mvapes, you get a hug {{{{{mvapes}}}}}