Hello my fellow freaks,how's everybody doing? Nice to see that our Freak Flag is still flying proudly,mostly because of the work of some MAJOR freaks,great job folks!
Sorry I haven't been around,but I've been in a pretty dark place lately and didn't want to bum you freaks out with a bunch of my boo-hooy bullshit. But with the aid of a friend (who shall remain nameless for obvious reasons) I could feel all the luv and good vibes being sent my way. Thank you for that,you helped light the candle that led me home.
For some realy good news,check this shit out,my best friend and fellow Ranger (along with his wife) just had a baby boy and made my wife and I his Godparents! I didn't even know thatbwas a real thing! So I guess that gives me the official title of...wait for it...THE GODFATHER! How cool is that? I'll have to check with my lawyers,but I think I can have people killed now,without the hassle of dragging witnesses to the hog farm for "disposal".
Ts kinda funny that the asshole won't lend me his lawnmower,but when it comes to his son he hands him right over. To an epileptic Parkinson's patient with a penchant for hair-trigger violence. Not the brightest guy in the world,but I love him like a Brother. A platonic Brother,because we're both straight,and even if I was gay I could get a better looking guy than him.

I gotta get some sleep,but I'll be back to being one of this threads leading Assholes tomorrow,se ya all there!
I'm sorry,I know this was a boring post,basically just an excuse to show off my Godson. So for the sake of comedy and the nature of this thread,I ate the baby seconds after the picture was taken. Don't go feeling all sorry for the parents either,the kid was just 4 days old,how attached could they possibly be after just 4 days?