Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Frequently up in space with Bowie
I just use my PC for games, I find that although you have to wait a bit longer for some games to be released than on the consoles that most those console titles I'm not even interested in as they can be a bit derivative and often lack imagination. Unless we're talking about GTA, waiting for those is always annoying but the ability to get all the modifications that people create for the game make it more than worth the wait. In fact I can't count the number of games I've had so much more fun with because of the additions people in the community have made which you just don't get with the consoles.

Another advantage is I can play all my games that I've bought over the last 20 years on the same machine, going back to the classics is always fun. Admittedly I might end up spending a little more on the hardware but considering the games themselves are normally about $20-$30 cheaper it soon adds up.

Edit: I remember back in the days of NES and Master System that I was still more impressed by the stuff that came out on the Amiga even if it was a little rough around the edges.


Well-Known Member
OMG! I had an aquarius too!!! I had the 16k expansion pack & the thermal 4'' printer.
I could make a ball bounce across the screen in basic, but the fucken data cassette tape (remember those) only worked about 2 times outta 10 and it took 20-30mins to load a game.

I did have a cartridge dungeons & dragons game for it and it was the shit!! I had lots of fun playing it.

Dont get me started on the gay as fuck keyboard tho. damn soft touch tab shit!
I was as pissed as hell that my cheap ass parents didnt shell for a commodore 64 like all my mates had.
Man everything I ever got was fucking ghetto.

Fucken lame assed oldies!





Well-Known Member
LOL! I didn't have all the awesome add ons, but I had that Dungeon and Dragon game...it was my favourite and I was destroyed when my little brother broke the cart. I was left with some shitty biorhythm game, and something like risk. I also programmed the little man to run across the screen!



Frequently up in space with Bowie
My very first foray into gaming was the BBC Micro.


I wasted many an hour on games like Chuckie Egg and Dogfight. I remember we had Elite as well but I was far too young to actually understand how to play it.


Bob Loblaw

I can't wear a kilt. It frightens the ladies and youngin's

In one county, there is even a "legend of the hairy sticks"...a result of a bad decision to go skinny dipping one evening while camping.
i def. wear jockeys. i got huge balls like mvapes, one of the reasons i love it ;).
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