Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Vapor Sloth
I like my testicles the way they are. I enjoy looking at them in the mirror, weighing them in my palm...they are like a sack of precious jewels held in a finely made Italian leather pouch.
Yes and they leave them (put them back:o) in your "pouch" buddy, they feel just fine :) As far as his knotting/suturing skills? He looked like he would be right at home on a sail boat or yacht . . . ;)
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Space is the Place
Bob i'm from Florida and Love real Football haven't really watched North American Throwball since OJ was a throwball hero.

the mail come today and I received a "G5 vaporizer" looks like an atmos raw . have no idea why , I didn't buy it . came addressed to my first name only and all the other printing on the package is in Chinese :hmm: . WTF .
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Oil Painter
I had a vasectomy . . . easy peazy lemon squeazy . . . They actually did the "triple tie" on me. Thats where snip the Vaz in two, then tie a nice knot in both ends. Then they heat cauterize and seal those ends. Then as a final touch they put on titanium clips, as a last resort, back behind the knots :)
If there was any way I could have had this done to my son, legally, I would have.

Unfortunately, I was playing in a gene pool that should have been chlorinated (if you knew my ex's family, you'd agree)... and last I heard, my baby boy had fathered a fifth baby, with yet another welfare mom. He's on the hook for childsupport for five fricken' kids, but refuses to get a v. Seriously? Like I said, he is lacking the sense the Universe gave a rock.

No, I do not get to have contact with any of his kids/women. He hates me because I was done putting up with his father's abuse and cheating.


vapor accessory addict


Well-Known Member
I've been asked in the past why I am called mom of the "goons." Some think it's because I'm a mom to folks here and are offended that I feel they are goons. :rolleyes: Other's are happy that they are goons... :p (I'm specifically looking at you mvapes, Ship, and dorkus).

But the truth of the matter is that my kids are my goons. I was going to share this with one of my friends here, but my #1 Goon told me it was okay to post this. And, of course, there is only one thread I could possibly post this in. :lol: This is Number One Son in all his glory, representing Team Denmark at the Annual Beer Olympiad.


Edit: And while this may look silly, it is a very serious, 3 day event. Some leave badly hurt, some leave puking blood. They don't fuck around.

Anyone representing a nation that has a beer drinking team is a must have at my house for BBQ.
I think quite possibly that this man is my long lost little brother & MOM is the mum I should have had.:luv:

Ima not allowed at the beer olympics anymore. I once took a paid gig drinking beer for market research, and was thus viewed as a professional athlete & DQ'd from further competitions.

On a lighter note.

It looks like we gotta throw the MIL mattress away!!
and it will be a miracle if we dont have to burn down the whole house and need to perform an exorcism as well.

Fucken dirty, dirty bitch. How the fuck do stinky feet kill a near new mattress and so far render a WHOLE FUCKING ROOM UNUSABLE??

Open the god damn door and I wanna puke. It still creeps thru the house like an insipid nerve gas

Then WTF happens when she want to fucking come back??
I gotta buy a new mattress everytime she comes?
Or I gotta go bribe a hobo with a bag of plonk for his dirty urine infested swag?

I swear to jeebus, this is sum bad fucken ju-ju


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Well seeing as I hate people and all and want to killllllllllllllllllllllll, I would never ever let her in my house. I would be fighting.

On a serious note ok not yet you know how old people smell and a dog or a cat in a nursing home alerts to there impending death...maybe?

On a real serious note it may not have been just her feet and she may have some medical condition which might lead to my second statement but I still stand my my first.


well-worn member
Fuck sheets, if we're dedicating a mattress to her use bitchathane!


Apologies to all the bitches in the world, including my twin labradors.


I want to know the exact type of that passion flower...you had me researching that today. It was so interesting the different types and bugs and stuff.

Yeah me too! I think she's back in colrado, around boulder. It was a facebook post, so I asked what her plan was for this harvest. Whatever it is I want in on it!
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Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
He ain't got a choice D - the MIL is a necessary evil. I got lucky with mine, I get her vaked and she's fucking cool as shit!

I usually stock up on shwagg before she comes, I ain't wasting money now! :cool:


Oil Painter
Dorkus, I'd suggest jumping right to the village witch/shaman/voodoun/whatever you got there, and have that house & property cleansed, evil banished, spirits sorted and dealt with, and some kind of protection blessing on it.

And go with the rubber mattress pad, too.

Oh, spray the walls and carpet in there, LIGHTLY, with white vinegar & water (about 40/60), then sprinkle baking soda all over. use a broom to work it into the carpet a bit, then you can vacuum it out. brush off the walls after about a day, then vacuum it again.


Well-Known Member
Anyone representing a nation that has a beer drinking team is a must have at my house for BBQ.
I think quite possibly that this man is my long lost little brother & MOM is the mum I should have had.:luv:

Ima not allowed at the beer olympics anymore. I once took a paid gig drinking beer for market research, and was thus viewed as a professional athlete & DQ'd from further competitions.

On a lighter note.

It looks like we gotta throw the MIL mattress away!!
and it will be a miracle if we dont have to burn down the whole house and need to perform an exorcism as well.

Fucken dirty, dirty bitch. How the fuck do stinky feet kill a near new mattress and so far render a WHOLE FUCKING ROOM UNUSABLE??

Open the god damn door and I wanna puke. It still creeps thru the house like an insipid nerve gas

Then WTF happens when she want to fucking come back??
I gotta buy a new mattress everytime she comes?
Or I gotta go bribe a hobo with a bag of plonk for his dirty urine infested swag?

I swear to jeebus, this is sum bad fucken ju-ju

Just drop a horny Wallaby into her closet the next time she comes over.
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