Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


well-worn member
I'm divided on shrinks...they can help and they can hurt at the same time. I partially blame them for making my issues worse. I went in as a young, scared and confused kid and came out pumped full of pills that more than likely fucked up my brain chemistry forever. So yeah, proceed with caution.

I'm slowly learning that your experience is exactly what my mother was attempting to shield me from. My diagnosis was way before it was fashionable, now it's evidently epidemic. In between complete fucking denial and dangerous experimental psycho-drug therapy there has to be a middle ground and I think it includes things like peer groups, learned coping skills, beneficial activities like meditation and yoga and... and perhaps an analysis of the child's nutritional intake and the toxins in their systems.

..i just ran away from home FTW..

Me too, I had a record at 12 years old because the cops were always looking for me...
finally I was sent away :tup:

I've got a headache. It's time to fucking eat something!
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Well-Known Member
My experiance was like tweeks except minus the pills..i just ran away from home FTW..

Thankfully, I had support at home...but at the time, I had moved away to do my own thing. It didn't take long before problems started to emerge...difficulty sleeping, days without eating...whole weekends in bed with the drapes drawn. By the time I had lost a ton of weight, I figured I needed some help...so when the Dr tossed me some pink pills, and said they would make it all go away, I just went along with it. I read up on the medication and everything, but at that time, nobody really mentioned the long lasting effects of some of these drugs once you start taking them.

I've lost alot of time because of this disease, that nobody can see.


Herbal Alchemist

Bob Loblaw

i got shoved onto every type of legal mood altering anti-depressant.

all of 'em just fucked me up more. i've been diagnosed with all sorts of fuckin' stuff and only mj and cognitive behavioral therapy worked. the cbt was self-prescribed and monitored. i worked very hard to make myself.

one of the reasons this track always spoke to me...

lyrics are in description

everything after this album was pretty garbage, but this and the previous science were actually pretty decent.

to be perfectly honest, one of the reasons i come here is to keep my anxiety and depression and ibs and migraines in perspective. shit could be way worse and i empathize with all of you.


Oil Painter
This is the place for all us messed-up people. And Tweek.

I'm a huge fan of Vipassanna meditation, for becoming detached from the pain - okay, so I don't practice nearly often enough, but when I do, it is wonderful - and also living an as close to natural lifestyle as possible, with bare feet on the ground often, walking, drinking untreated water (if available, and safe), eating plain organic food (meat, veggies, fruit, raw sprouted nuts, fermented foods), and avoiding as many things that create inflammation in my system as I can.

Lower temp vaping is supposed to be high in anti-inflammatory compounds. I should try more of that.

My feet hurt badly today. Rest of me is pretty okay.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
CBT therapy is fantastic. I've been into since my first stint at rehab. What sucks is when you find a shrink that your smarter than.

When you find yourself being able to manipulate their treatment is NOT cool. My last shrink started telling me about her fucking life - no shit!

Keep in mind people - therapy and psychiatry only works if you allow it.

My next research project is being directed at Chinese TCM medicine and dieting. Looks really fucking gross so it's gotta work!


Well-Known Member
Works for some people, but not everyone. A good therapist, will know how to relax a person, and get them to open up. They take the time. To get that kind of time these days, you have to pay out of your ass. In Canada, with a referral, you can get OHIP covered therapy, but they are so often swamped with patients, that appointments can be as little as 20 minutes long and a month or two apart.

And the better ones that cost...well, most people suffering from debilitating mental illnesses, cannot afford that kind of help.

So the patched together solution, is to bring people in, spend more time with the severe cases, and pump the rest with enough medication to keep them happy until their next appointment.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Works for some people, but not everyone. A good therapist, will know how to relax a person, and get them to open up. They take the time. To get that kind of time these days, you have to pay out of your ass. In Canada, with a referral, you can get OHIP covered therapy, but they are so often swamped with patients, that appointments can be as little as 20 minutes long and a month or two apart.

And the better ones that cost...well, most people suffering from debilitating mental illnesses, cannot afford that kind of help.

So the patched together solution, is to bring people in, spend more time with the severe cases, and pump the rest with enough medication to keep them happy until their next appointment.

That's why so many of self medicate, at least here we could guide each other with advise based on what we have already found.

All of this pain staking research and vaping all this weed! When will it STOP?

Only kidding, the medicating is AWESOME!


I can see clearly now the smoke is gone...
I agree with the self-medicating point. I have struggled with depression and anxiety my whole life. And to be completely honest I'm a bit co-dependant as well.

Spent most of my life self medicating with alcohol. I worked at a nuclear power plant for 20 yrs so weed was not an option. These days I still love craft beer or a good scotch, but only drink on the weekends because I find at my age it really aggravate my depression.


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
My mantra is that shrinks are only good until you realize you don't need them. :D
Shrinks just basically jot down your symptoms, come up with a diagnosis or two, and write you a script for the latest and greatest (zombie-making money makers). After several years on heavy anti-depressants, I finally quit everything cold turkey a few months ago...went through some pretty bad withdrawal symptoms since then, but seem to be fairly detoxed now. Still lingering though are high BP, fast HR, hormone imbalances (& low T), poor motivation, libido, etc. Self medicating exclusively the natural way would've spared me a lot of side effects and $$$. I don't mean to discourage anyone from exploring the med-script big pharma options, but for me it's "been there done that glad I'm out"!


Well-Known Member
Problem with herb, at least for some of us, is that it is hard to get and expensive. That's the problem I am facing right now, as are alot of folks. We've found something that at the very least, helps make things more tolerable, but because of the laws, and societies misconceptions, alot of us have to do without most of the time.

I know for my anxiety/depression/general madness it's important that I am consistent...eat heathy food regularly, exercise regularly, get to bed at a decent hour...and if I want to make the best use of herb, it has to be dosed just like any other med...every day.

So alot of people are forced to fall back on the prescription meds, because that is the only consistent option available to alleviate the suffering.

EDit: For example, I just had to take two Xanax...I can already feel my brain zombifying. :borg:


well-worn member
Yeah man I am about to run out, there's no dispensaries here even though we are medical;
we have good privacy laws unless they get a "tip" :argh:

It's like I don't give a shit, but I know I will when it's gone :shrug:

I was just watching a movie and Richard Gere's character just said that all world events revolve around five things: M-O-N-E-Y :evil:

It reminded me of the other day when I saw that the #1 occupation for job satisfaction was working for the biotech companies that are poisoning us all with their prescription meds and control of the fda.

Good stock options I guess.

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