I haven't eaten since two days ago breakfast. Fasting is about the only thing I can do atm to relieve my inflammation, I could hardly move a few days ago. I finally reached out to my gp yesterday and made an appointment for pain management, it's been a long time coming. Hopefully he will help me out with my three-page proposed strategy

. I have resisted this for years but I can't stay productive at all anymore. It's really hard to describe my pain as I have tried to deny/work through it for so long but I am trying.
I have had three knee reconstructions (one failed, my 3rd leg is fine

), a lower back diskectomy, and a hernia repair but this is the worst of all my structural issues because it's due to a degenerative disk in my neck and there seems to be no path to correct it. The only thing that's better is I can walk around which I couldn't do with the above problems, unless I my legs start cramping then all bets are off. My situation is TOS like in the OP but I am undiagnosed and it's highly doubtful that I would be eligible for surgery because the insurance available to me sucks.
My TOS is from an unresolved whiplash injury over a decade ago and it has become unmanageable with my current arsenal, which is damn near exhausted anyways. If my GP wants me to go to a specialist we found a good one but I hope not because it's out of pocket and I'd rather buy vapes and shit. But if I do maybe he can advise me of a surgery to get in fucking Thailand or something in case the shit really hits the fan. I really hate our healthcare system but at least my state has a pathway to our shared relief interest.
Aspirin and flexeril are a fucking joke anymore, they don't even matter these days even on an empty stomach. Stretching and exercise ditto, and I'm using way too much herb my tolerance is shot and I'm about to run dry. Physical and chiropractic therapies might be helpful if I didn't have to drive an hour or two one way to get them, as driving any distance is the worst by far for me.
So much for the escape to an RV someday dream. The only relief I have had lately is I had talked my hernia surgeon out of an extra bottle of pain meds that I have been sitting on since then that are almost gone. I really need them daily, but at least when I combine with the flexeril on occasions when I am super hurting I can sleep.
What sucks is that due to the pain I have had a hard time with my disposition sometimes. My temper gets very short and I get stressed easily which causes the pain to increase like a reverse feedback loop. I really try not to expose these moods to anybody even my pets but they can tell especially my pets when I get like that. Usually I can remember to take a breath and chill but sometimes it takes awhile.
The pain in my neck is constant depressing and extremely distracting. It usually radiates out through my left shoulder and down my arm even though right now the pain is on the right side of my neck. I know that many of you have it worse, but we all have our limits and I have reached mine. I have been dealing with lifelong mental and systemic challenges as well and everything affects everything else. I just need some relief now. For some reason writing this is making me cry like a fucking confessional and I hate that because I haven't done anything wrong, but I have to be prepared to defend myself anyways because that's how the fucking system works.
I haven't even begun to talk about the cramping up and the nausea, but falling to the ground unable to walk, or losing the use of my hands or my left arm or puking every time I reach a mild lever of aerobic activity really fucking sucks. I am hoping that the puking is somehow good for my systemic condition(s), that may have been helped by the hernia repair, but who the fuck knows probably wishful thinking.
There is a promising therapy called trigger-point acupuncture that I want to try, but besides that and steroids there's really nothing left for me besides lifelong pain management. I will have to re-locate for a few weeks to get this therapy so it won't be for some time but I am hoping it will be worth it. I had a preliminary visit and it was promising but not from the real practitioner. It was basically the local acupuncturist experimenting with this technique at my request. I had better results than I ever had from acupuncture so it's something I have to try at some point but the logistics are challenging.
Entrantre when I read about anybody making it all the way through the night I am jealous! Long ago the flexeril would do the trick but those days have past as they don't ramp up at all and I have been eating them like popcorn lately. Not really if I did I would puke the next morning just from one additional but I wish I could/they would ramp up.
Mvapes the stretching definitely helps, I used to enjoy arching my back and stretching my body out in bed like a cat before I got up in the morning. If I try that these days my legs cramp up and I start the day with incredible pain so I have to resist doing that now. Sometimes I forget and do it reflexively and I always regret it these days. I can still get up and do some other stretches but I really miss that first cat stretch in bed!
Thanks for listening, please carry on