Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist
Dragon's are cool. :nod:



Oil Painter
Good morning!

I use a Fitbit to track my daily steps & my sleep patterns. Since moving, I am definitely moving to better sleep, longer stretches of undisturbed sleep, and finally, I have slept all the way through the night, TWICE!*

I think moving was the right decision. It is the same bed, and the same bed partner(s)... hubby and the cats... though the cats are spending less time in bed with us, and more time exploring their new home. They aren't disturbing me, however.

My hubby is still working on packing up the house, and driving back and forth, but he's being all "stoic" about the back pain, and is not medicating much. I think he thinks (subconsciously) that he has to "suffer" through this process... it is tough to move after so many years, but really, let's not have to hurt, too.

*For years, if I only woke up twice, I considered it a good night.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I've found that a strict stretching routine when I wake up help's me get further through my day before my muscles begin to really cry for help.

Lately it's been revolving around my legs, at about noon it starts to become harder and harder to be on my feet. My heels feel like their digging into the base of my feet. I think I need to look into a good pair of sneakers for daily use.

The flip-flops aren't helping the situation either :disgust:


Oil Painter

Lately it's been revolving around my legs, at about noon it starts to become harder and harder to be on my feet. My heels feel like their digging into the base of my feet. I think I need to look into a good pair of sneakers for daily use.
I keep telling you - leave the 6" heeled, FUCKME shoes in the closet. I know you've got great legs, and the heels make your butt just POP, but you are killing your feet. :cool:


well-worn member
I haven't eaten since two days ago breakfast. Fasting is about the only thing I can do atm to relieve my inflammation, I could hardly move a few days ago. I finally reached out to my gp yesterday and made an appointment for pain management, it's been a long time coming. Hopefully he will help me out with my three-page proposed strategy:rolleyes:. I have resisted this for years but I can't stay productive at all anymore. It's really hard to describe my pain as I have tried to deny/work through it for so long but I am trying.

I have had three knee reconstructions (one failed, my 3rd leg is fine:D), a lower back diskectomy, and a hernia repair but this is the worst of all my structural issues because it's due to a degenerative disk in my neck and there seems to be no path to correct it. The only thing that's better is I can walk around which I couldn't do with the above problems, unless I my legs start cramping then all bets are off. My situation is TOS like in the OP but I am undiagnosed and it's highly doubtful that I would be eligible for surgery because the insurance available to me sucks.

My TOS is from an unresolved whiplash injury over a decade ago and it has become unmanageable with my current arsenal, which is damn near exhausted anyways. If my GP wants me to go to a specialist we found a good one but I hope not because it's out of pocket and I'd rather buy vapes and shit. But if I do maybe he can advise me of a surgery to get in fucking Thailand or something in case the shit really hits the fan. I really hate our healthcare system but at least my state has a pathway to our shared relief interest.

Aspirin and flexeril are a fucking joke anymore, they don't even matter these days even on an empty stomach. Stretching and exercise ditto, and I'm using way too much herb my tolerance is shot and I'm about to run dry. Physical and chiropractic therapies might be helpful if I didn't have to drive an hour or two one way to get them, as driving any distance is the worst by far for me.

So much for the escape to an RV someday dream. The only relief I have had lately is I had talked my hernia surgeon out of an extra bottle of pain meds that I have been sitting on since then that are almost gone. I really need them daily, but at least when I combine with the flexeril on occasions when I am super hurting I can sleep.

What sucks is that due to the pain I have had a hard time with my disposition sometimes. My temper gets very short and I get stressed easily which causes the pain to increase like a reverse feedback loop. I really try not to expose these moods to anybody even my pets but they can tell especially my pets when I get like that. Usually I can remember to take a breath and chill but sometimes it takes awhile.

The pain in my neck is constant depressing and extremely distracting. It usually radiates out through my left shoulder and down my arm even though right now the pain is on the right side of my neck. I know that many of you have it worse, but we all have our limits and I have reached mine. I have been dealing with lifelong mental and systemic challenges as well and everything affects everything else. I just need some relief now. For some reason writing this is making me cry like a fucking confessional and I hate that because I haven't done anything wrong, but I have to be prepared to defend myself anyways because that's how the fucking system works.

I haven't even begun to talk about the cramping up and the nausea, but falling to the ground unable to walk, or losing the use of my hands or my left arm or puking every time I reach a mild lever of aerobic activity really fucking sucks. I am hoping that the puking is somehow good for my systemic condition(s), that may have been helped by the hernia repair, but who the fuck knows probably wishful thinking.

There is a promising therapy called trigger-point acupuncture that I want to try, but besides that and steroids there's really nothing left for me besides lifelong pain management. I will have to re-locate for a few weeks to get this therapy so it won't be for some time but I am hoping it will be worth it. I had a preliminary visit and it was promising but not from the real practitioner. It was basically the local acupuncturist experimenting with this technique at my request. I had better results than I ever had from acupuncture so it's something I have to try at some point but the logistics are challenging.

Entrantre when I read about anybody making it all the way through the night I am jealous! Long ago the flexeril would do the trick but those days have past as they don't ramp up at all and I have been eating them like popcorn lately. Not really if I did I would puke the next morning just from one additional but I wish I could/they would ramp up.

Mvapes the stretching definitely helps, I used to enjoy arching my back and stretching my body out in bed like a cat before I got up in the morning. If I try that these days my legs cramp up and I start the day with incredible pain so I have to resist doing that now. Sometimes I forget and do it reflexively and I always regret it these days. I can still get up and do some other stretches but I really miss that first cat stretch in bed!
Thanks for listening, please carry on:bigleaf::peace:
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Space is the Place
grokit with two hip replacements , a number of neck surgeries and a couple decades living with a fucked up retrovirus I know where your at . All I can really tell you is your not alone here . And I Hope and Pray you find the comfort you deserve .
Hang on in there.............. and here with the rest of us !


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
gro you can do the cat stretch just remember to flex your ankles so your calves don't cramp...point them as far as they can go towards your face not flat the other way and you should be fine. Sleep what's that?


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Hey Gro - have you been talking to someone, a therapist or a psych, or even a neuro? I found alot of relief mentally coping with my pain. Sometimes, for me my mind takes over the pain. Sometimes it even amplifies it. Our brain does so many things that still can't be explained. I've found that reaching out for support not very different than what I do while fighting my addiction issues.

That's one of the we created here with the PD thread - it's not about me, it's about all of us. I like it here because whether we visit to talk about our illnesses, to sling shit at each other, or just come for the antics we all forget about something while visiting. We take our guards down and act like our fucking selves and I welcome you to do the same.

Keep talking with people, find a support group, find a way to better your odds against your pain.

I'd be glad to be your biggest cheerleader. As long as your ready to cheer for each of us. Because some of here are FUCKED! Look at Satyrday.....

Welcome to the shit fight.....



well-worn member
I would love to be analyzed by a real clinical psychoanalyst--I did have access to one long ago but I was in denial of my own issues at the time so I did not reach out, and he did not care anyways he was just doing paperwork. I have had access to psychologists in the past. A friend that was a therapist used to do transformational breathwork and mdma with me, and that was VERY different. He also hypnotized me in a re-birthing exercise once that was quite interesting! The breathwork in particular is very rewarding and anybody can do it but it's super-intense. As far as pop psychologists go to me it's more like talking to a self-help book; thanks but I'll shop around. Just being aware of my issues after being in denial of them for so long has been a huge change and I think I've been dealing with it okay.

Now all they would do is give me adhd speed or re-uptake inhibitors, there's no analyzing anymore. I tried the speed once and that was the first time my fucking shoulder froze up so even if it helped I couldn't take it. They might have been beneficial for me as a kid we'll never know but they are out for me now.

After that debacle I decided to go with my integrative physician's suggestions for various supplements, they weren't the kick-start I was hoping the speed would be but they do make a difference. I highly recommend an integrative physician if you can find one, it's like the best of both worlds. Mine is somewhat of a young medical wunderkind, at least for up here and he's got a book on kindle that's called outside the pill box. It's well-priced compared to the printed version and looks very good if a bit unpolished in its first edition. I haven't read it yet, but I am going to give it the old college try before I go see him next week. I started it when I first looked at it and it does look like a good if daunting (because of its size) read.

And even though re-uptake inhibitors scare the fuck out of me, I might consider trying Strattera if they ever come out with a generic in this country. I was diagnosed with add as a kid but never treated and denial was encouraged so I did not even remember that it happened until my mom sent me some report cards and medical records a decade or so ago when everything really started to hit the fan.

I actually do have a referral to a therapist that may be able to help with the add issues from a holistic standpoint, but even when I had the major medical policy it didn't include mental health care, even if it did the deductible would be too high and the limits too low, that's how it was when I had a real policy. And our governor doesn't want to let obamacare help; mental health care is horrible in my state but it's well-funded which is even scarier. And now that I have some awareness I feel like I am doing okay but I'm sure it would help to talk to someone about the resentments that I have from being left in the dark about my diagnosis for so long.

As for the neurological issues related to my injury, I have a referral to a fantastic specialist and I would start there but as I said I am going to let my gp make that call for now. He specializes in neck/spine issues and is an osteopathic surgeon, I think that is about as good a referral as I am likely to get in this state. I feel like my issues could be solved for now by just shorting out the pain, if I break down further at least it will become more obvious what the fuck needs fixing.

I can't write anymore I have to go lay down because the computer which is my lifeline also causes great pain sometimes so I'm going to sod off for a while. This truly has been a cathartic experience though and you guys have already made me feel like part of the tribe so I want to show my gratitude and lighten it back up.


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Well-Known Member
I'm divided on shrinks...they can help and they can hurt at the same time. I partially blame them for making my issues worse. I went in as a young, scared and confused kid and came out pumped full of pills that more than likely fucked up my brain chemistry forever. So yeah, proceed with caution.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
They have never helped me cause you can't change my situation so why go. I asked if they can help my mental and they all said not likely. So why pay money just to vent...no reason so stop going.


Well-Known Member
I had one tell me to leave, because I said I didn't want to use medications. Said that was how he worked, and I should see someone else...nice. :disgust:

Another one would stare at the clock the whole time.

Another still, would cut my sessions short by a half hour because he was overbooked.

My very last therapist was nice, but after awhile, it just came down to "lets try this med instead"
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