Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Oil Painter
I don't understand the "I wear no pants" thing, but sure, okay.

Just watched a perfect example of the axiom, make bad decisions to gain experience; gain experience and avoid bad decisions. "Dawn of the Dragon Slayer". OMG - I think it was a failed capstone project for a student movie production team. From the looks of the previews on the disc, these kids worked together on a lot of assignments, but didn't seem to do very well. I hope they didn't completely flunk.

Bob Loblaw



well-worn member
3.3 netflix stars, that's well above average!
I feel flattered that they predicted that I would only give it 2.9 :mmmm:

In reality probably 2 stars, I almost never give just 1. I doubt I'll get the chance to rate it though, it doesn't look like I'll even add to the other hundreds in my queue that I will never watch or fall asleep to if I try.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
First day back in the office today. I think I may need a career change. Maybe I'll develop a vaporizer and call it the tweeker!

Damn, that's love!

Or maybe even vapeofthegoons? Vapelablah! Satyrvape?

Wait - the Parkinvape!



Space is the Place
lol, right? not that there is a florida accent. until you get up into the panhandle.
Delray and Boynton REPRESENT! :rofl:
All my relatives from Brooklyn make fun of my accent and I can't understand half of what they say .
and damn Bob now I want PO FO'KS catfish and fried okra .

EDIT: Having my coffee and morning vape on the back patio , the couple that lives behind me starts to argue . One Tip To The Guys when in an argument with your Lady never ever ask :
What I'M Not Good Enough For You ANYMORE ? I had to come in the house so they didn't hear me cracking up after the ten minute reply .
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