Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member

Oh yeah I seen this one!
Isnt this where her ass comes out all like a baboons cuz the barbells too heavy?

Fucked if I know how they managed to get it all back in if I remember correctly.
It required a bit more than 'MOP & BUCKET TO AISLE 7!' thats for sure.:tup:

Butt trumpet? Snitches? :tinfoil:
The Butt-Trumpet concert will be held next month in the only place that allows Adults to run around with a trumpet jammed in there ass....you know,like the Brady Bunch!
But snitches....fuck them in the ass with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire! Fucking pussies can do the crime but when they get busted they will rat on anybody to get a reduced/dropped charge.
My sisters boyfriend got stopped for no tail lights and they found a roach in the ashtray,a fuckng roach! So the punk told the cop he got it from his girlfriend who he lives with (my sister). The fucking Pigs busted down her door the next morning at 5:30am.
First thing they did was shoot the dog for barking,so in front of her kids they shot the dog in the head. What heroes,they were afraid of a fucking Basset Hound. After destroying he appt. They found 5 grams of weed. BOOM! My sister was charged with distribution due to the fact is was in 2 baggies and she had a scale. This was her third bust for weed,both times she had less than a gram.
She was found guilty and got 3-5 years fed time. The pigs wanted her to tell where she got it,she said "Fo fuck yourselves!"
So they had another plan....she was staying in the local slam until being transferred. So the fucking ANIMAL cops and jailer thought that if they withheld her meds she may break down and give a name. My Sister had a few problems that needed meds or she would freak out and do stupid shit....like many of us. They withheld her Paxil,surmontril,Xanax,lithium and a couple other drugs for her mental state. 3 days later she got a pencil and ripped her inner arm open from wrist to elbow and passed away that night.
Last photo of my sis,taken in my house 2 days before the bust.

People,this happened because of a snitch for 5grams of pot.
5 fucking grams and some sadistic cops and jailers. 5grams. For five grams my sister lost her life. Five fucking grams.
We will be leaving very soon now,and I'm never coming back.
Except to make things right. For my sister.
OMG WTF??? shitty?? fuck, fuck, fuck OMG!!!

Shitty, you pull it together bro. Dont go doing nuthing stupid.

Mike, get on this shit quicksticks man!
I'm cool bro,thanks for your concern. Nothing stupid planned for the near future. In time theyll forget about their sins.
I'll bide my time,let the storm pass. Let my bros. In an out-of-town "Motorcycle club" deal with the pigs,they love that kinda shit.
As for the snitch? He jumped state,but WILL be found....then he's all mine!

Damn these were a couple bummer posts huh? Sorry 'bout that,guess I had to vent,thanks folks!:)

Now back to the poop....
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Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
What happened to the cops...nothing as usual...killing a poor animal in front of kids and taking away there mother. This gov and the fucked up cops should be ashamed of themselves. I hope they have nightmares for the rest of there lives, dickheads.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Ship - I wasn't going to share this but for you I will. This is a picture of my parents along with my brother Matt. I have an arrow in my heart as you do. The guilt drove my depression deep. So deep that I picked up the very thing that killed Matthew. I cry at some point every day, I cry as I write this not only because of my loss. But because somewhere out there my friend feels the same pain as I. I know this hurt - we have to learn to let it empower us.

Let that hurt be your desire to change, your desire to build a new life with those boys. Not only for your sister, but for a friend you've never met admiring your growth.

I'm here for you, anytime you need. And that is MY FUCKING promise.

May he rest and offer his help to your sister, Matthew Adam

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