Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist
We will keep the thread alive for you, mvapes! :)



Oil Painter
...our saga continues. Maybe by the time mvapes comes back from rehab, we will be in deep rehab of a house. Maybe we'll need intervention. Maybe we'll be joining mvapes... shit would get real then, huh?

mvapes, m'dear, I want to know when this is all worked through, that you are healthier for it. You are worth taking care of for the long haul. Okay? okay! :)


Well-Known Member
Good luck to you mvapes. PM me if you ever want to talk. Somebody close to me went through something similar years ago when he thought he messed his mind up w/ drugs, but he is better than ever today. He was just going through changes is all (reminds me of the old Black Sabbath song). Stay strong.


Well-Known Member
Dude, if anybody fucks with your shit.... don't be afraid to go Christian Bale on them...

0:05 - :lol:

0:25 - eyes

0:31 - 0:32 - "a dada dada"

0:44 - 0:46 - "Hey, it's fucking distracting..."

The expressions on the background faces are priceless.

Come back soon, mvapes! 'Cause that space monkey finger puppet ain't gonna make itself... :ko:


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Dorky, I lub u...I was thinking the exact same thing and was going to try later to do it with fingers although I have no artistic talent. I still may try but then I thought...toooooo soon....but then I thought wait this is the sicko thread so it is never to soon. I think I will still try for fun. Dorky you always come through in a pinch. Not sure about the flyer hat though lol.


Oil Painter
What in the HELL was that accent SUPPOSED to be? :lmao:

Seriously, Dorkus Molorkus dude, you rock. thank you for the flashback to my youth (this is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. any questions? "actually, yes. Where's the bacon?").

Dreamerr, btw, do NOT think you are getting away with sinking into oblivion/depression, etc., as we will, apparently, haul your ass out of bed and make fun of you mercilessly until you smile.

I've seen wheelchair basketball. I've seen donkey basketball. How about donkeys vs wheelchairs basketball? I'm sure there's a video out there with that... anyway, Dreamerr, you could join an "Asses with wheelchairs" basketball team. :D


Well-Known Member
What in the HELL was that accent SUPPOSED to be? :lmao::D

@Dreamerr- youre rubbery too!

Hows about a pair of my wifes knickers on my head then??


I went to a chinese restaurant and when I paid the bill they asked me what I thought of the food?
I said 'the chicken was rubbery'

She said 'Ahh, fank you velly much.'

I used to work in a bank, and I had this chinese lady who used to come in and cash Us dollars into aussie.
She always brought in the same amount in but the conversions on what she took home was always a little different due to the international money markets.

One day she says to me. 'Why the money different all the time???'

I said 'Fluctuations.'

she say 'FUCK YOU AUSSIES TOO' and then she leaves.



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Double post hahaha as vicki already liked mine. Did ya notice the boar hmmmmmmmmmmm wonder what was underneath....


and for mvapes the finger time warp


Ok so no double post cause I am slow............dorky looks so cute in his outfit doesn't he?


vapor accessory addict
There you go Dreamrr..... :tup:

Dorkus.... that was superb! I was just thinking yesterday that we don't get to see you dressed up enough. :lol:

And I know how much all of this support means to mvapes.

But supporting each other is what a good community does. :)
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