Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Frequently up in space with Bowie
I can't watch any of those Who's Line videos because of copyright issues. I watched plenty of that show in my younger days so I'm sure they're damn funny.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I am having the worst fucking day! I get a letter telling me my health insurance is canceled because THEY fucked up and because it a government insurance policy I have to go through an entire appeal process. They could care less about booting a fucking Parkinson's Patient! Yesterday I owned up to my wife and told her that the compulsive behavior I was suffering from my PD meds put my into a coke bender and disclosed everything that I've been hiding. It took alot to confess and be honest but I feel good about doing it. My wife is my rock, she deserves better. And then my FUCKING cloud stops heating!


Might as fucking well! Not like I could even get a warranty replacement....


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I need a quick replacement, so far I'm thinking about the ViVape2 - anyone got experience with this thing?

Who knows how long till the Nimbus launches :disgust:

I can't be without a heavy hitter.


Frequently up in space with Bowie
I'm sorry to hear about all the shit piling up at once mvapes, that sucks man.

EDIT: Don't worry Vicki, just seeing the titles on the videos brought back some memories and made me smile.


Frequently up in space with Bowie
On the bright side it means you'll appreciate the Nimbus even more when it arrives but I'm sure the Hi will serve you proud until then.


Well-Known Member
Life is all :shit: sometimes, friend.

Anyone watch this yet? It was pretty good...touched me pretty deep:

This one will either be really good, or really bad. Never in between with Nicolas:



Frequently up in space with Bowie
Looks like that finger was in a dark place, I hope you washed it afterwards. I never realised fingers had hands until seeing that picture. I guess you've answered that age old question.

Q:What's to sound of one hand clapping?
A:It sounds like five* little pairs of hands clapping.

*Or is it four? I'm not sure whether thumbs have hands too as I haven't seen the empirical evidence yet.


vapor accessory addict
Oh mvapes.... another hurdle. But this is probably a good thing. You needed to spend a little more time with your HI.... ;)

Here's a little something I looked at this morning.... a true classic to start your day....



Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Hey Mom - that is one of my top ten (maybe even 5) favorite movies of all times. Nothing would make me feel better than working up a number 6 on Orlando!

Richy - that finger is in fact completely clean and disinfected since last night's quarrel with the dark side! Fingers are like gators, blindfolding them makes them feel secure. Sticking the finger in your ass completely relaxes them. You see where i'm going with this buddy....



Vapor Sloth
Looks like that finger was in a dark place, I hope you washed it afterwards.
Richy - that finger is in fact completely clean and disinfected since last night's quarrel with the dark side! Fingers are like gators, blindfolding them makes them feel secure. Sticking the finger in your ass completely relaxes them. You see where i'm going with this buddy....



Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I'm afraid of that T - if I wash my hand after each whacking session I may lower my ability to fight of infection on my own due to overuse of soap. Plus my wife has already been asking why we go through so much toilet paper and hand soap in the master bath!

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