Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Not sure why, but this is how I picture you, mvapes... along with your two sidekicks:

Hoona Igna Chowa... Neha?

Still waiting on the space monkey finger... I'm starting to think that random requests demands from complete strangers mean nothing to you...


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I didn't get a chance to comment on this yesterday.... now that my eyes have stopped rolling back in my head....

WOWSA!!! :o That is one nice hunk of man flesh!!!!!

Thank you Ship..... :love:

Hey Tweek - is it me or do you have a feeling that Ship is the fucking techno-viking? And mom, if you want to see hunk of man flesh you should see his wife! :lmao:


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Is it possible to train a monkey to clean your ass for you? I figure this is an option for me cause twisting brings out some rigidity in my back and gut. But imagine, walking around with a monkey whom will have endless supply of fecal matter to throw on my command. Of course my command would have to silent as once to poop chucking commences I would obviously have to say "he's a monkey, it's what they do..." to calm whatever crowd is caught up in a code brown.

And if I could teach him to jerk me off that would rival whatever fucking David Blaine could do! Wow, you can figure out what card some asshole picked - can you make your damn monkey wipe your ass, jerk you off and fucking fling the product at the onlookers?

I think not!


Let's go Louis - get a paper towel and warm up that throwing arm!
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