Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


vapor accessory addict


Herbal Alchemist
mvapes, you already know my opinion from my pm....

But so that everyone knows, stage 5 is this:

And I say BULLSHIT!!! Then how the hell is he typing? And making vids with his glass? And using the Subliminator?

God I hate some of the doctors out there. There are some real good ones, and I am lucky to have some great ones myself. But then there are the ones like this one. Arrogant, inaccurate, unprofessional and think they are God's word. :rant:

And while I'm in a mood, where the hell is Ship? :\

I didn't realize that was stage 5 PD. You're right, mom, that is bullshit! I don't believe for a second that mvapes is at that stage yet. That doctor is a moron!

Mvapes, I think losing this doctor is a real blessing! You should have a good relationship with your doctor, and there is no way you could have done this with that doctor. I know the doctor's can really suck here in Florida, so I hope the next doctor is better.

I am also very fortunate to have a great GP, and our whole family has been seeing her for over 10 years now. My Gastro. doctor is also very good. Both are very compassionate, and good doctor's on top of that. My Rheumatologist isn't as compassionate, but she is still a good doctor. I see her PA more than I see her.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Stage 5 horse :shit: You know how I feel about doctors so just live your life the best you can and regulate your symptoms as much as possible. I have learned from my life changing doctor fuck up to say fuck it to people and doctors and just do what I want when I want if I can. I have been used my whole life cause I am nice but I try not to be used now although it is my nature it doesn't happen as much now. People try but I recognize the ulterior motive now.

We need to rename this thread to the sick people thread who don't care that they have challenges and just try to move on and make the best of it. The best part about it is we can all bitch and not be judge for not being happy and smiling all the time.


Well-Known Member
Mvapes... Sorry for my ignorance of the disease, but is there really much that can done by doctors except prescribe L-Dopa, which you've said is having adverse effects anyway? Plus, you can always get that in natural form without a doctor.

In the old days, you would just be a guy with a palsy or tremors and people wouldn't get too worked up over it. It all depends on how it's affecting your life versus your state of mind just knowing you have the condition. Seems like a bunch of doctors doomsaying would only serve to make your state of mind worse and not help anything. Screw the labels and level 5 nonsense.

Can't say for sure, but if I was in your shoes I might turn my back on doctors, self medicate, and just live my life without all the medical establishment B.S. But I may be over-simplifying things.

I'm not sure exactly what treatment they want to put you on, but radical treatment scares me. My mother literally died from the treatment, not the disease. Radiation damage from cancer treatment got her - took a few years to kill her, but it did in the end. This was back before they knew how to dial down the radiation more effectively, so I don't want to scare anyone facing the same.
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Staff member
Sorry, Tweek. Were you planning on including that one in your shit memoirs? I didn't mean to spoil it for you.

My bad.:lol:



Well-Known Member
Sorry, Tweek. Were you planning on including that one in your shit memoirs? I didn't mean to spoil it for you.

My bad.:lol:


No, mine are much worse. And it's not just shit memoirs...there are so many fun tales interwoven with the poops. :shit:


Oil Painter
mvapes... I also call bullshit on that dr office.

Oh, and according to my hubby's quick Google skillz, the Datscan is no better at diagnosing PD than a (real, competent) Dr's exam. It's just more expensive.

If you walked into the office, you are not stage 5. Oiy vey.



Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Alright, I'm back from running around and I went to the movies with my brother and World War Z, more like World War Meh....

Anyway, I had a private conversation with Mom and decided that I need to come forward about something. Although I agree with what you guy's mentioned about the douchebag doctor office mis-staging me I have to be honest...

My health as not as good as many may think. I have been having a very difficult time with this fucking disease and FC is all I have and it really is someplace where I can truly be myself. Truth is, I don't really have any friends anymore. I used to be a bit nuts and when I was home in NYC it was all about fun. I moved south for more reasons than one but most importantly it was to escape the destructive lifestyle I was living. I made alot of money in NY and unfortunately most of it went up my nose. I seriously believe that this is why I have PD.

See, after long term abuse of cocaine it becomes quite a severe dopamine suppresent. The key ingredient in our brains ability to operate and manage our motor skills. After a long enough period of time without those receptors functioning they die. Hence the non-ability to produce dopamine from the receptors in the back of the brain.

Well, after many years of abuse I finally got help and spent quite a bit of time in rehab at a facility in upstate Connecticut called Silver Hill. At that time the diagnosis dujour' was bipolarity. The explanations for my tremors revolved around anxiety, steroid containing asthma meds, RLS, and at one point even ADHD. This was a key pivotal point for my health, they prescribed me Adderall. This was very bad as I became addicted to this medicine quickly! Now I've learned that amphetamines wipe out dopamine. I was on those fucking pills for 5 years!

Now, the doctors think from the stories I tell them that I was probably a very young Parkinson's Patient being not only treated for the wrong thing but in fact put right in harms path as far as my brain was concerned.

So, all in all I am not in good shape and what my new doctor says and I agree with is that I am in fact most likely stage 3, NOT 4. What makes it so difficult with PD is that no two patients are the same. I've met stage 3 PWP's that at times seem much worse off than I or on other occasions some seem the opposite and have less symptoms.

This is why I am so glad I met you all, I have no friends to lean on. Nobody aside from the craziness at my house to break down in front of when I need to. I did think I finally met a friend in a similar situation but unfortunately I was let down. Honestly, I'm not a tough guy and I am not as nuts as I may seem. I'm married and love my family but in reality I have no outlet and it's starting to cause some depression. I am a little lost and very scared, but don't be fooled - I still will fight my fight, and I will find a way to conquer or at least slow this down for a bit.

Although there is no cure, I still have hope. Some of that comes from you, the best friends that I've never met ever!

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