Alright, I'm back from running around and I went to the movies with my brother and World War Z, more like World War Meh....
Anyway, I had a private conversation with Mom and decided that I need to come forward about something. Although I agree with what you guy's mentioned about the douchebag doctor office mis-staging me I have to be honest...
My health as not as good as many may think. I have been having a very difficult time with this fucking disease and FC is all I have and it really is someplace where I can truly be myself. Truth is, I don't really have any friends anymore. I used to be a bit nuts and when I was home in NYC it was all about fun. I moved south for more reasons than one but most importantly it was to escape the destructive lifestyle I was living. I made alot of money in NY and unfortunately most of it went up my nose. I seriously believe that this is why I have PD.
See, after long term abuse of cocaine it becomes quite a severe dopamine suppresent. The key ingredient in our brains ability to operate and manage our motor skills. After a long enough period of time without those receptors functioning they die. Hence the non-ability to produce dopamine from the receptors in the back of the brain.
Well, after many years of abuse I finally got help and spent quite a bit of time in rehab at a facility in upstate Connecticut called Silver Hill. At that time the diagnosis dujour' was bipolarity. The explanations for my tremors revolved around anxiety, steroid containing asthma meds, RLS, and at one point even ADHD. This was a key pivotal point for my health, they prescribed me Adderall. This was very bad as I became addicted to this medicine quickly! Now I've learned that amphetamines wipe out dopamine. I was on those fucking pills for 5 years!
Now, the doctors think from the stories I tell them that I was probably a very young Parkinson's Patient being not only treated for the wrong thing but in fact put right in harms path as far as my brain was concerned.
So, all in all I am not in good shape and what my new doctor says and I agree with is that I am in fact most likely stage 3, NOT 4. What makes it so difficult with PD is that no two patients are the same. I've met stage 3 PWP's that at times seem much worse off than I or on other occasions some seem the opposite and have less symptoms.
This is why I am so glad I met you all, I have no friends to lean on. Nobody aside from the craziness at my house to break down in front of when I need to. I did think I finally met a friend in a similar situation but unfortunately I was let down. Honestly, I'm not a tough guy and I am not as nuts as I may seem. I'm married and love my family but in reality I have no outlet and it's starting to cause some depression. I am a little lost and very scared, but don't be fooled - I still will fight my fight, and I will find a way to conquer or at least slow this down for a bit.
Although there is no cure, I still have hope. Some of that comes from you, the best friends that I've never met ever!