Food Pics That Make Ya Drool !!!


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"

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(zombie) Woof.


Sunday night din (pack 2):


Friday night din (pack 1): see above 👆

Opted for the full pound (4 burgaaahs) each night instead of chips etc... only water, Schweppes and bourbon (copious cannabis goes w/o sayin)...:nod:

Hot Tuna - (Cheese) Burgers! (1972) full vinyl LP rip



(zombie) Woof.
Look what my new friends up in Brunswick gave me:

2 bags of local cherrystones! Plus spinach, garlic chives and radishes from their garden... I got the haricot vert (love that shit). You know you're officially "old" when you enjoy munching raw radishes...🤔:myday::brow:

Purging 'em with the corneal:

VERY lightly steamed to open and remove from shell:

Ready for linguine and a quick white sauce:

I'm chucking the spinach and chives in with em...! That is, after I "worship"...:science::tup::peace:
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"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
2 bags of local cherrystones! Plus spinach, garlic chives and radishes from their garden... I got the haricot vert (love that shit). You know you're officially "old" when you enjoy munching raw radishes...🤔:myday::brow:

VERY lightly steamed to open and remove from shell:

Ready for linguine and a quick white sauce:

I'm chucking the spinach and chives in with em...! That is, after I "worship"...:science::tup::peace:

I be on me way mattey ... 🛶



Another Pappardelle
Pappardelle Diablo
Dante's Fire is 6 blocks from my house!
A Tuscan recipe for making the Pappardelle:


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
Brooklyn NYC Famous L&B Spumoni Garden Square ... I grew up around the corner

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"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
Took my wife to the San Gennaro feast in little Italy yesterday and enjoyed some Tanghulu , a fruit skewer coated in a clear, hardened sugar syrup.

Kinda like those old candy apples ... sugary hard coated giant grapes and strawberries ... delicious ... but not too good for your teeth 😬

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