Thanks for the reply, I was confused about the company structure. I thought since you represent topgreen, you also represent both xmax and xvape.Hi, did you gave a look at I know there is some news vaporizers in plans... explaining why they didn't restocked the Fog... maybe. Sorry but I can't say since I'm not working anymore for that company (but only for TopGreen/X-Max), sorry.
Seems like FOG pro is launched in the US ? Reading your post from above , are now xvape and xmax different companies ?
View attachment 13674XVape Fog Pro Review – Vape Guy
‘That would be old Fog mp, new one has magnetic mp like the Ace and looks like The FogPro got the updated mp the Ace was suppose to get with a ceramic air path mounted in silicone a bit like the V3Pro, but the top of the vape is exactly like the Ace.From the site write up
- ‘Hinge-flip top for easy access”
I like the improvements. I hope the metal panel around the chamber isnt painted, as the on the classic. The paint of mine came off when cleaning with ISO. Had to dissassemble and clean it off completely so flakes dont get in the chamber. I would have also liked to see a cleanable airpath beneath the chamber,but maybe it was too much of a design obstacle. That being said ,the FOG is one of the very few non-handcrafted vapes i have like performancewise . Really hope they come up with 510 atty with the same tech at some point.‘That would be old Fog mp, new one has magnetic mp like the Ace and looks like The FogPro got the updated mp the Ace was suppose to get with a ceramic air path mounted in silicone a bit like the V3Pro, but the top of the vape is exactly like the Ace.