Abysmal Vapor
Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
It looked like it is sealed with that orange tape. I will keep making the black cloth test. Sofar even the vacuum cleaner didnt manage to pull any dust off it.The old insulation was black/grey - https://imgur.com/a/mBq5GqX
snipping with the finger against it was enough to see dust...
Maybe give the insulation a few hours in the oven at 200c.
Is the insulation now sealed feom the airpath at the bottom side?
Just did a session with it ,taste is ok. Especially for a first session..
What really dissapointed me is that the top metal plate paint is potential chipping hazard. It washed away really easily with alcohol. The paint littery dissolved in seconds while i was cleaning it with a soaked gauze.. I removed all the paint now it is bright and shiny,but the hell if i was going to have that around my bowl. I tested the paint at various points of the device,nowhere is else it dissolves like it does with the top plate. I will throw some pictures lately sadly quality isnt good cause all i had is an old phone

I plan on giving this unit to someone in need,after i break it in ofcourse. He plans to use it as daily driver. I can take photos of dissasembly once it has seen some operation if you like.
I am really paranoid by nature ,and if there was any dust present i would have never inhaled trough this device. At the condition it is now,i can say it is ok,minus the paint thing..
Damn this device can deliver some serious clouds.. and battery life seems pretty decent for a 18650.
I am using it only with water filtration sofar,i am paranoid to use it dry sofar,also the MP seems to get unreasonably hot. The shape is PIA to clean.. material looks awesome though... They really need to make it rounder and a bit longer.
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