Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap


Earthling flora is... fascinating.
The Flite looks amazing~! I actually have 18350s from a mech mod I bought recently, so I'm excited.
Would there be a wooden case version of it available, or and is it gonna have the same (or different) colors than the FD?
Oh, and will we get the option to get this if we're already on the list, or will it be a separate option the way that the Flix has been? My birthday is in October, I'm excited 🤗
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Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
The Flite looks amazing~! I actually have 18350s from a mech mod I bought recently, so I'm excited.
Would there be a wooden case version of it available, or and is it gonna have the same (or different) colors than the FD?
Oh, and will we get the option to get this if we're already on the list, or will it be a separate option the way that the Flix has been? My birthday is in October, I'm excited 🤗

Thanks, @rnartian ! A wooden case may be possible down the road. It would be a bit larger in every dimension, similar to the wooden FDs, so that's something to consider, but I'll look into it.

I am using the same vendor to make the Flite's cases that I've used for my other aluminum cases, so the available colors will be similar. I have about 30 cases on hand at the moment (a mix of green, dark green, gun metal, and gold), and another 200 coming in about a month, and for which I still need to select the colors. I am using some of the cases I have on hand to make some beta units, but I should have some left over to make some early production units, too.

My minimum order quantity for cases is 200, and my minimum order quantity for any given color is 30, so a batch of 200 cases can have a max of six different colors. 🤓 I'll probably go for the full six for the initial order, as I did with the Flix. Based on the sales of the Flix and the Flux Deluxe, the most requested color options are black, gun metal, and dark green; those three colors represent >75% of the colors selected, with the field of other options rounding out the remaining 25%. I plan to have black, gun metal, and dark green for sure, and to these I'll add something colorful (red, blue, or "green" green), and/or something different (purple, orange, or raw). Many of you have seen the case colors I've had to date, so if there's a particular color you want me to include (or exclude, I suppose), send me an email or PM.

I plan on selling the Flite through my web store, as I have done with the Flix. You guys have been witnesses to my experience with one list, and some of you are unfortunately hostages to it, still waiting for me to get to you. It's the nature of working from a list, especially one that stretches over time and around the world as widely as this one does. I don't want to maintain two of these, so I plan to sell the Flix and the Flite "on demand," as I make them. We'll see how it goes. :)

In order to make these more efficiently in quantity, the Flite is going to have fewer options: one coil size, a choice of case colors, and probably just one "heater active" LED color choice, at least initially. I have used red for my "in use" color to this point but have been told by some that red has an angry feel, and have received a lot of requests to switch to green. I'm evaluating that now, so if you have an opinion, let me know. Anger is the last thing I want this device to provoke. :D

With regards to the push button - and forgive me if this is boring, but this project has been my demimonde for the last 7 weeks and I have been very head-down in it - I had a very hard timing finding a suitable push button that would work in that spot. The one I chose is the best overall, given everything I needed to consider. This particular button only comes in two colors, the green button I demo'd, and also a red version. I have a large quantity of green on hand, and a handful of red buttons, though I can get more. I plan on using green as the default, but I'll probably offer red as a choice, too. The buttons are NOT illuminated, but they are very functional and feel good under the thumb or finger.

Launching the Flix in June schooled me pretty hard on a number of things - especially the need for more rigorous and varied pre-release testing - and I am trying to apply what I learned then this time 'round. The Flite is fully functional and ready for beta testing, and I am hopeful that this round of beta testing will be productive and shake out any issues NOW, while it is pre-release. At the same time, the Flite includes the circuit improvements I made while working through the Flix's issues, so it should already be a happier circuit. We will see how it goes.

Finally, I am still working on a number of details, including what is and isn't included in the box, to establish the "value proposition" I am offering with the Flite and determine the final price. I'll share these details as I work them out.

Thanks! I am sure I'll have more to share on this soon.

Flix: Almost finished with a fresh batch for the store, and expect to post more for sale late Sunday night Pacific time. We'll see how that goes, but that's my plan. :nod: I would like to add 20-30 Flix to the store by late Sunday night Pacific time (as I hope to do).

Flux Deluxe: Waiting list data prep still underway. :\ I dropped the ball on this last week to complete the Flite demo video; sorry. :rolleyes: I will get back to it this week.

My availability next week: I have some family obligations Mon. and Tues. that include travel and driving, and I expect to be offline (mostly) during the day. I'll check in as I can.

Thanks for all of the feedback and support!

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I just wanted to write a quick post in regards to mr_cfromcali and his customer service. I would like to thank you for taking care of the issues that I had with a flix, and repairing my device twice. This is especially true when I realized I had been an idiot picking up the power adapter. Sorry I ended up being a PIA, and I appreciate your integrity in supporting your products.


New Member
Thanks for posting those pics, @Jethro! Call me biased, but I think they look great! :p Use them in good health!

I may be the only one interested in this next thing, so go ahead and call it a vanity project, but I got the first version of the DeWalt 12V battery breakout boards back from my PCB manufacturer, and they turned out better than I expected. They aren't perfect, but they are perfectly functional. Check 'em out:


I think I can offer a simplified version of this like the one above for around $5 as a bare bones item, power cable and shipping not included (though if you ordered with a Flix it would ship with a Flix and wouldn't add any add'l shipping cost.).

I'd also like to bundle it with a power cable, but that may raise the price to ~$8-to-$10.

Taking this one step further, I also drew up a couple of versions with built-in battery meters, but a meter pushes the price up even more, to around $15 each, which may be more than people want to spend? (And I am not sure if anyone else even wants to persue this, so if you are at all interested in something like this, please let me know! :wave: ) BTW, they do make 7000 mAh versions of these battery packs that are reasonable priced, so if you are looking for high capacity portability, this is a pretty good solution.

Finally, if anyone was curious, this is what's inside these battery packs:


Open them up and you find 3x 18650 cells in series, in a custom plastic case. The connecting metal strips are neatly spot welded in place, directly to the tops of the batteries. Simple and done. Also, it would be very straightforward to replace these presumably crappy cells with some of better quality if one wished.


In other Fluxer news: I'm working on some delayed orders from the September 2019 Flux Deluxe cohort, and should finish those up by tomorrow. I'll add some additional Flix to the store after that - I just paid the invoice for the second order of Flix cases and switches. Those should be here next week, so the net batch of Flix I post for sale should include raw and red as colors, assuming the manufacturer delivers what I ordered.

I'll send out the emails for the next Flux Deluxe cohort (October 2019) after that, in what I think will be about two weeks.

Thanks, all! I'll probably be back with more info later, but I wanted to post the above updates now.

So when will you be releasing the battery adapter? I already have a flix I'm really interest


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
So when will you be releasing the battery adapter? I already have a flix I'm really interest

Great timing! The final version of the adapter circuit board arrived Friday, and I'll be adding them to the store when I restock the Flix after the weekend:


I know it's just a battery adapter, but I'm pleased w/how these turned out. The release version will also include the 50cm / 18AWG cable I mentioned previously.

Edited to add: I still have the green ones I showed before, so if you (or anyone) prefer it in "circuit board green" instead of black, let me know when you order.

I was going to make a post on these later, so thanks for the unsolicited prompt!



Well-Known Member
Flix: Almost finished with a fresh batch for the store, and expect to post more for sale late Sunday night Pacific time. We'll see how that goes, but that's my plan. :nod: I would like to add 20-30 Flix to the store by late Sunday night Pacific time (as I hope to do).

This is great! I'm on standby hoping that they'll come back. :)

Also does anyone know how the Flix compares to the Caldron, since they're similar form factors? Has anyone done a direct comparison before?

Also, does anyone know how the Green and Dark Green differ?

I pulled some photos off Reddit:
Is this the green?
Is this the dark green?
Hope to order the right one for my build :)


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
This is great! I'm on standby hoping that they'll come back. :)

Also does anyone know how the Flix compares to the Caldron, since they're similar form factors? Has anyone done a direct comparison before?

Also, does anyone know how the Green and Dark Green differ?

I pulled some photos off Reddit:
Is this the green?
Is this the dark green?
Hope to order the right one for my build :)

Hi, @Lynch , those are dark green, which is the only green the Flix comes in.

There are pics on my fluxerheaters.com site:

Thanks. I am making Flix PCBs in the shop now, actually. I’ll post some Flix to the store in a few more hours, after these are done. I’m traveling in the morning want to get these PCBs finished before I go. I’ll start shipping any Flix that sell this week on Wednesday or Thursday, when I’m back.



Well-Known Member
Hi, @Lynch , those are dark green, which is the only green the Flix comes in.

There are pics on my fluxerheaters.com site:

Thanks. I am making Flix PCBs in the shop now, actually. I’ll post some Flix to the store in a few more hours, after these are done. I’m traveling in the morning want to get these PCBs finished before I go. I’ll start shipping any Flix that sell this week on Wednesday or Thursday, when I’m back.


Exciting, thanks for the response!

Last question I've got before I can decide on an order (whenever you have the time), how do the 16mm thin wall and the 16mm medium wall compare?

I have the latest Ti tip, and hoping to get dense/thick vapour, clear the bowl in 2-3 hits in total.

If anyone knows, how do the two compare? They seem very close.

Edit: Also is there a recommended/best AC adapter for the Flix? I don't mind if it costs more, but looking for the best option out there.

I found this power supply that seems to match the Flix's requirements of 12VDC, 10A current, 5.5mm x 2.5mm DC barrel plug.

Is this a good option or has anyone tried it? I've been searching and trying to find the best/most robust option!


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
OK, 24 Flix (3x each color) just dropped in the store, as well as the battery adapters and a few VV PSUs. Have at! :) More will be coming soon, too, so don't feel this is your only chance.

I will be offline (mostly) tomorrow and traveling. I'll be back to begin fulfilling orders on by Thursday.



Well-Known Member
OK, 24 Flix (3x each color) just dropped in the store, as well as the battery adapters and a few VV PSUs. Have at! :) More will be coming soon, too, so don't feel this is your only chance.

I will be offline (mostly) tomorrow and traveling. I'll be back to begin fulfilling orders on by Thursday.

Order placed for gun metal! Thanks!

The Chemist

New member but long time lurker
Exciting, thanks for the response!

Last question I've got before I can decide on an order (whenever you have the time), how do the 16mm thin wall and the 16mm medium wall compare?

I have the latest Ti tip, and hoping to get dense/thick vapour, clear the bowl in 2-3 hits in total.

If anyone knows, how do the two compare? They seem very close.

Edit: Also is there a recommended/best AC adapter for the Flix? I don't mind if it costs more, but looking for the best option out there.

I found this power supply that seems to match the Flix's requirements of 12VDC, 10A current, 5.5mm x 2.5mm DC barrel plug.

Is this a good option or has anyone tried it? I've been searching and trying to find the best/most robust option!
I have this power supply on my 16mm Flix and it does the job.

My Flix is 16mm medium wall and it produce good vapor but it's nothing compared to my 15mm Flix but this one I use with a variable power supply so I can get exactly what I want from my vapor. I'm curious to know how much difference the thickness of the insert change the temps from the coil in the 3 options for the 16mm coil, it's one thing to read it but it's better to try it. No I'm not saying I'll buy all of them to compare. I already have the best set up with the 15mm and the variable PSU, I really like the option of dropping the voltage and get a less aggressive heat up for my herb when I need it or I can go full power and finish the cap in a couple of hits.
The Chemist,
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Well-Known Member
I really like the option of dropping the voltage and get a less aggressive heat up for my herb when I need it or I can go full power and finish the cap in a couple of hits.

That's a good idea, I have a 15mm Flux and a 16mm Flix with the medium glass and like how my Flix soaks a little longer. But with the variable voltage you can have both "quick to click" or "slow to soak" with one device. Never thought of that.

Jeff, with the Flite and having one coil size, what size are you leaning towards? 15mm might be a good idea with the variable voltage PSU.


Well-Known Member
I think 15mm is the only option on the Flite due to the case. I believe that’s why he added PWM to the Flite.


@Lynch - since Mr C is out and about; The glass thickness is a preference of how tight you want the cap in the IH. I like a roomy fit so it doesn't 'stick' if slightly angled. Then again, the medium thickness glass will be more robust than the thin wall glass. From a heating perspective, glass is transparent to the IH, although there may be a slight centering advantage. Comes down to a couple of preferences on the glass.

120W/10A is a go. 5.5x2.5 or get Jeff to include an adapter.


Definitely another vote for the RED! And the wooden box option that @rnartian requested would just smoke the deal! I can see a little laser work and that will be a family jewel.

But scope the other cool color I just noticed... Does your supplier do the Cyan? That might make a good 'blue' entry. What do you guys and gals think?
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Schmelly G

New Member
Sorry/ I have not finished the data prep yet, so no emails for October have gone out yet. I had intended to get to that last week, but something else required my immediate attention. I finally finished that other thing today, so I'll be moving on to the October emails next. I hope to get them out this week. Sorry for the extra delay.

A few other updates:

Flix: I am currently making several dozen Flix PCBs and expect to be posting more to the Fluxer store soon, probably over the weekend or next week. The circuit board revisions - plus some add'l development :brow: - took longer than anticipated, and as a result it's been about six weeks since I had inventory for sale in the store. :o Stuff happens, but I hadn't intended to take such a long break from making new heaters. I like the development process, but I think it's in a good spot, and I'm eager to get back to making heaters for people. :)

Flix Battery Pack Adapters: Hey hey! The first version w/integrated battery meter is done and will be available for purchase when the Flix go back on sale in the store. I'm pretty happy with these, and think they'll be solid performers. Check 'em out:

Fluxer Heaters DeWalt® DCB120 12VDC Battery Pack Adapter w/18AWG power cable; US$15 (+ shipping if purchased separately):
  • custom battery pack adapter, with battery meter and 2.5MM x 5.5mm DC port
  • 50cm (19") 18AWG power cable with 2.5mm x 5.5mm ends








That's the latest. I'll have some more updates soon - and maybe an announcement, too :brow: - after the next shipment of circuit boards get here on Monday or Tuesday.

I reached out on YouTube & hopefully got on the flix waiting list with the new battery pack option. Would like a raw unfinished aluminium version with green led & red indication for when it's heating. Happy vaping to all. ✌
Schmelly G,
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Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
I reached out on YouTube & hopefully got on the flix waiting list with the new battery pack option. Would like a raw unfinished aluminium version with green led & red indication for when it's heating. Happy vaping to all. ✌

Hi @Schmelly G , I am traveling today but have time now for a quick reply. I have the items you want now in the Fluxer web store - the raw aluminum Flix (3 cases still in the store at the moment, plus more cases in reserve) and also the battery adapters with the built-in battery meter:

Please feel free to order. :)

Thanks. I’ll post more tonight when I’m back.


Well-Known Member
Just ordered a Flix in orange with the variable voltage power supply and the 16mm medium wallet insert. I'm eager to the performance differences to my 2 pipes IH's, now the hard part is the waiting time 🙂
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Well-Known Member
Just ordered a Flix in orange with the variable voltage power supply and the 16mm medium wallet insert. I'm eager to the performance differences to my 2 pipes IH's, now the hard part is the waiting time 🙂
You've made a wise decision that you will not regret. I've had both of Pipes' heaters and while they are fantastic units and well assembled, Jeff's (@mr_cfromcali) are simply on another level. I was very lucky to find a second hand Delux and just ordered a gunmetal Flix with the VV. The options available to customize your results just can't be found anywhere else. I'm Fluxwad for life!


Well-Known Member
You've made a wise decision that you will not regret. I've had both of Pipes' heaters and while they are fantastic units and well assembled, Jeff's (@mr_cfromcali) are simply on another level. I was very lucky to find a second hand Delux and just ordered a gunmetal Flix with the VV. The options available to customize your results just can't be found anywhere else. I'm Fluxwad for life!

Couldnt agree more I love it Fluxwad!!!!!


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Fluxwad. LOL. :lol:

OK, I'm back home today and will begin fulfilling the most recent Flix orders. I hope to get them all out within a few days. Thank you for your support!

That's a good idea, I have a 15mm Flux and a 16mm Flix with the medium glass and like how my Flix soaks a little longer. But with the variable voltage you can have both "quick to click" or "slow to soak" with one device. Never thought of that.

Jeff, with the Flite and having one coil size, what size are you leaning towards? 15mm might be a good idea with the variable voltage PSU.

I think 15mm is the only option on the Flite due to the case. I believe that’s why he added PWM to the Flite.

This. The Flite is going to be available in 15mm only, but you will have several different methods available to alter the heating cycle:

1. Insertion depth - hey, stop snickering. ;) . My thinking on this subject has evolved, and with the Flite I', making Dynavap insertion depth independent from triggering the heater. This makes the Flite's coil setup different than that of my other heaters. This approach was first suggested to me 60 or 70 pages earlier in this thread by another FC member, and at that time I was dismissive of the idea as I preferred the convenience of the under-the-coil switch. I've come around over time, however, and now see a lot of merit in this other approach.

After thinking far too hard on this stuff, I finally had an epiphany about the interaction between the vapcap tip and the bottom loop of the coil. I think this relationship (i.e., "distance") between the bottom coil loop and the vapcap tip is the key to the whole Dynavap/IH experience. Too close and the load never truly gets hot enough to deliver a satisfying hit, while too great a distance leads to combustion. That represents the full range of heating, by the way, from "too cool" to "too hot," so that means the ideal temp is in there somewhere. ;) Whenever possible, I try to use this gap to give you the Dynavap experience you want, as I think it is an excellent way to alter and adjust the Dynavap user experience

I am not the only person to realize this, obviously - it's something I think all experienced Dynavap users "get" at a certain point - but formulating this idea as a statement enables me make it a design goal, and I keep it in the center of my ideas about coil design. The Flite's coil is built to encourage you to move the Dynavap up or down a bit within the coil to find the best depth for YOU. This position will vary from person to person, and will also likely change as the battery capacity gets depleted during use - a weakening battery's "electrical sag" adds its own special sauce to the IH heating process.

The benefits of this approach are somewhat akin to those of a manual transmission vs. an automatic: you have a huge amount of control, and the better you understand how this setup is intended to work, the more you will get from using it. The Flite gives you a tremendous degree of control over how quickly the vapcap tip becomes hot enough to click. You will be able to use technique here, similar to using a torch. I'll have more to say about this as we get closer to launch, but I think the experienced users will like this a lot.

2. PWM

If you go back to the very first post I made in this thread, you will see that it was a post about using PWM to control an IH. I am finally bringing this to market with the Flite, but I want to point out that this actually an idea I have been kicking around for several years.

Low frequency PWM pulses the heater on and off slowly (a few times per second) and this on/off action extends the heating time. This, in turn, allows for better heat penetration through the vapcap and into the walls of the tip.

Between the PWM and the ability to vary insertion depth, I think you will have a lot of means of controlling and shaping your heating experience with this new heater.

Given all of that, plus the need to keep this thing operating as efficiently as possible for longer battery life, I am going to use the 15mm coil with this, as it is very efficient, is already hot, and can be tamed as above as necessary. Unless testing indicates otherwise. ;)

Edit1: Edited for clarity.
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Schmelly G

New Member
Hi @Schmelly G , I am traveling today but have time now for a quick reply. I have the items you want now in the Fluxer web store - the raw aluminum Flix (3 cases still in the store at the moment, plus more cases in reserve) and also the battery adapters with the built-in battery meter:

Please feel free to order. :)

Thanks. I’ll post more tonight when I’m back.
I was about to pull the trigger but I think the flight is what I should wait for. My indecisiveness always does this to me. My apologies on any inconvenience. Also curious if you've considered a small circle swivel hinge that covers the coil & glass to prevent any pocket lint or debris from entering the device. Just a suggestion but I'm sure that would add to cost and take extra time. Can't wait till October🙏
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