So, figured I’d get us back on track in the thread and give you all an update on my FD after a month of use.
I frigin’ love this thing! It is my first (and probably only) IH, so a lot of the love is just having an IH.
But the FD works great. I got the care package from
@mr_cfromcali and was able to put in the glass thingy. It did take a few minutes but only because it’s a small space to work with. It is clicked in place and the performance has not changed. All good.
I am using my VC far more than before, and the taste is consistently excellent. So far, not a single combustion incident with the FD (and I def had a few when using the torch).
I find I like using the SS tip more than the Ti. It has a little more forgiveness on timing and I can sometimes even get two hits from same heat up.
I am very happy with the 16 mm coil, for the same “forgiving” reason. I don’t want to have to do any excessive “thinking” while using it, so if I go a second or two over, it doesn’t matter.
The “better than nothing” battery gauge is helpful, thanks Mr C for so generously sending! As soon as I got it, I plugged it in and it didn’t work... coincidentally, my batteries were dead. When I put them on the charger, they were at 3.04 v. Probably a lot lower than advised! So now I will be able to recharge in a more healthy manner for batteries. And once I charged the batteries, the gauge worked.
I added a couple of stickers to the inside of my lid (sorry, I really like the minimalist look and didn’t want to add any outside stickers. But I love the logo!) I am proud to have FD #12!
Bottom line, loving my FD. Be patient and have trust in Mr C and soon you will all be dipping and sipping or going full throttle. Whatever floats your boat.