Your Friday Fluxer update:
This project has seen a lot of progress in December, and this last week was another important one.
I began shipping heaters this week in quantity - a modest quantity, to be sure, but enough to demonstrate that I can complete 'em and get 'em out the door. I am working my way through the waiting list. The list still has more than 60 names on it, but I'm discovering that some are more committed to buying right now than others, so do not despair if you are deeper in the list, as it is moving along!
I expect more people to receive theirs within the next few days, so hopefully we will see some more reviews and impressions. Hopefully
positive impressions, lol. I will also have more time to work on these this weekend. These are rolling now, and I want to keep the line moving along.
Odds and ends:
I am going forward with the project, and
this week I ordered the supplies to make 50 more Deluxes: cases, battery sleds, battery management circuits, etc.
So be patient - everyone one that wants will (eventually) have the opportunity to buy one. I just need to make 'em.
Case colors - expected restock dates:
Black - in stock
Natural - in stock
Red - in stock
Blue - 12/31 or 01/02
Dark Green: 12/31 or 01/01
Gold: 12/31 or 01/01
Gun Metal: 01/10
Purple (limited stock): 01/17
Orange (limited stock): 01/17
Power Meters:
This one is for
@AtomicPB : As you all know, the Deluxe does not (yet) have a battery meter. There just wasn't time to wedge it into v1 - the project would have been delayed for another month or more, and delays like that can kill a project...
At the moment I have no clean way to incorporate a battery meter
within the Deluxe's case...but I came up with this simple but effective external meter hack last night as I was searching for my multimeter. (What short term memory loss...?

If you guys are open to a very simple solution,
a "something is better than nothing" hack, I can whip these up in about two minutes, for under $2 each. I am open to including one with each Deluxe, at least for now:
"Dorky power antenna? Why no, my good man, that's a dorky power meter."
Just plug them into the DC jack and press the button. The heater can remain off - their function is independent of the heaters. You can leave them plugged in if you want, though I imagine just plugging them in for a quick status check, then unplugging them. They shut themselves off, as you can see in this high-budget GIF I created:
What do you think? Is this useful, or just something to lose, or discover later in the clothes dryer?
I bought a quantity of these little battery meters over the summer to evaluate (for development purposes, it's quicker and sometimes even cheaper to buy 25 at once), and it would be nice to find a purpose for them, as I don't plan on incorporating them directly into the Deluxe. I have a different idea for the Deluxe v2, or v1.5 battery status meter...
Let me know your thoughts.
I have stickers! These are the inside lid labels:
I also have Fluxer logo labels:
The initial size for the logo stickers is larger than I expected, unfortunately, so I'll probably order another run of these - I think about half this size would be better.
The inside labels will come affixed (except for cases going to countries where that would cause issues with Custom's officials...) while the others will come loose.
Mother Fluxer: Sigh...the forgotten one. I will to return to it once I get past this wave of Deluxes, as it has something of its own to offer.
That's it for now! I'll have more updates over the weekend, I'm sure. Thanks again for your support!