Mid-week update: Good news, folks. I have heard from all of my testers, and the consensus is that this is solid little heater. It wasn't perfect, of course, and the testers found some legitimate issues, as I discussed above.
I feel like it has been fairly well tested, all things considered. Testing was productive and allowed me to fix some issues early that would have been nasty if they had made it to the production version. The heater is a much better device after being tested, and I am grateful to the folks willing to try it early and share feedback before it was truly complete. Thank you!
The major and moderate issues discovered during testing have all been addressed, as I discussed in my previous post. No new issues of that caliber have been reported in the last week.
The minor issues have been solved where possible. Some are, admittedly, still in search of better solutions - I'm looking at you, plastic LED bushing
. But most of these minor issues are better now, too.
Which leads nicely into my next point: With no significant issues left to solve...let's get this thing going: The testing phase is over for the Deluxe. I am moving it on to production. I think it is high time I start making these heaters for other people!
Thank you, testers and early adopters:
The folks who have had the chance to try it out should feel free to share their experiences.
(As an aside, the two testers who are still using their initial versions will get revised versions very soon after I move to production.)
My next steps will be to work through the waiting list to contact people as I begin to build their heaters. I have about 50 people on the Deluxe list at the moment, and I expect to build these in batches of 10-20, with each batch taking approx. two weeks to complete. I have been building out subassemblies (battery sleds and cases) in anticipation of being able to release heaters, so I begin this first production batch with a head start. I expect to have some heaters ready to ship as soon as next week, and a few could be ready to go even sooner.
So that's where things stand at the moment: right on the precipice of something new!
Hopefully it's a smooth launch, and not a swift plummet 
Thanks again, everyone, for all of your support!!!
More to come, I'm sure...

PS: UK users (or anyone) will soon have the option for a UK power adapter. I have ordered a dozen, but they may not get here for another 5-10 days.
I feel like it has been fairly well tested, all things considered. Testing was productive and allowed me to fix some issues early that would have been nasty if they had made it to the production version. The heater is a much better device after being tested, and I am grateful to the folks willing to try it early and share feedback before it was truly complete. Thank you!
The major and moderate issues discovered during testing have all been addressed, as I discussed in my previous post. No new issues of that caliber have been reported in the last week.

The minor issues have been solved where possible. Some are, admittedly, still in search of better solutions - I'm looking at you, plastic LED bushing

Which leads nicely into my next point: With no significant issues left to solve...let's get this thing going: The testing phase is over for the Deluxe. I am moving it on to production. I think it is high time I start making these heaters for other people!

Thank you, testers and early adopters:

(As an aside, the two testers who are still using their initial versions will get revised versions very soon after I move to production.)
My next steps will be to work through the waiting list to contact people as I begin to build their heaters. I have about 50 people on the Deluxe list at the moment, and I expect to build these in batches of 10-20, with each batch taking approx. two weeks to complete. I have been building out subassemblies (battery sleds and cases) in anticipation of being able to release heaters, so I begin this first production batch with a head start. I expect to have some heaters ready to ship as soon as next week, and a few could be ready to go even sooner.

So that's where things stand at the moment: right on the precipice of something new!

Thanks again, everyone, for all of your support!!!
More to come, I'm sure...

PS: UK users (or anyone) will soon have the option for a UK power adapter. I have ordered a dozen, but they may not get here for another 5-10 days.