Firewood Vaporizer


Farm Grower
Hey guys! I've spent some more time with my FW7 both with and without the wpa. Used a few different bongs, tried a few different things (I've been tamping it down more and it makes a huge difference), haven't combusted once since my last post, getting the hang of it! I still can't really white wall any of my bongs, I get consistent a stream of vapor, but it's never really THICK in the chamber. I still get huge exhale clouds so it's really w/e and I get just as high, so it's just a visual thing for me. I see what you guys are saying though about j-hooks, I have a a BB9 dynavap stem that I combined with parts of a Starry whip adapter, and I put that into my WPA and it lets you have good access to the carb compared to if you had it in the stock hula stem configuration, I can only imagine a j-hook is great too! Starting to think I don't even need water for this device lol

Also, my sessions lately have been a combination of FW7 followed by a quick dynavap bowl thru water. I've noticed that the end of the dyna caps are the perfect size for tamping your FW7 bowl lol


Well-Known Member
I've been using mine all day today. This is a powerful portable for sure. I really am liking the experience. I need to get the water pipe adapter and run it through water, use j-hooks, etc. I was expecting to only use this vape for golfing, but I think I will be using it more often than that.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
quick question ... how does one go about removing/replacing the screen? Do you just poke it out? and then push in a new one (or push the existing one back in if in ok shape)

Edit: Never mind ... found it :)

Thanks @Vaporware


Farm Grower
Quick question... Does anyone actually use the funnel that's now included? I tried using it a few times, but it just seems gimmicky for this vape. The surface is already nice and flat, a single scoop with my fingers and dropping it in the bowl. I pretty much never spill, and if I do, it's right on the ceramic piece and I can just push it in the bowl.

Maybe if the funnel had more of a connection with the vape, I'd use it, but it's pretty wobbly and I feel like it's gonna tip over when loading my material. A funnel makes sense for something like the mighty, but for the Firewood it has always been an afterthought to me


Gentleman Of Leisure
Quick question... Does anyone actually use the funnel that's now included? I tried using it a few times, but it just seems gimmicky for this vape. The surface is already nice and flat, a single scoop with my fingers and dropping it in the bowl. I pretty much never spill, and if I do, it's right on the ceramic piece and I can just push it in the bowl.

Maybe if the funnel had more of a connection with the vape, I'd use it, but it's pretty wobbly and I feel like it's gonna tip over when loading my material. A funnel makes sense for something like the mighty, but for the Firewood it has always been an afterthought to me
And here I was wishing they came included when I got my FW7 last month. Not worth using ya don't think? I've been using a pax scoop and it's the right size but does spill around the edges sometimes


Farm Grower
And here I was wishing they came included when I got my FW7 last month. Not worth using ya don't think? I've been using a pax scoop and it's the right size but does spill around the edges sometimes
Yeah, I personally think it just makes the loading process longer. I really don't find a need for it on this vape specifically.

You just dont put it on top of the oven, you need to slide it in or out just like the top oven cover:)
Theres a railing under the funnel.
oh yeah fosho, that's what I've been doing. But I still find that it's wobbly and gets moved around with minimal amounts of force on it. If the connection was secure as the top oven cover, my view on it would be drastically different!

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
And here I was wishing they came included when I got my FW7 last month. Not worth using ya don't think? I've been using a pax scoop and it's the right size but does spill around the edges sometimes

You need to get some rogue wax works tools my dude... His scoops are so perfect for the FW7, and he has this new one:

I used a steel funnel from the FocusVape Aero early on, but now that I have scoops like these it's totally unnecessary...

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
@cx714 is that a Lego shovel? lol


Still haven't tried mine through water, but this worked very well as a dry piece! Decided to clean my FW7 afterward, now letting it air out after the iso organic qtip scrub and some burnoffs at 420 (already turned my top temp back down to 370 though)


Well-Known Member
Been really enjoying my fw7 lately after nailing down my temperatures and the firing system.

I probably should have locked down the wpa when I first got it, but I wanted to get a hang of it before investing in other accessories for the fw7. Now it looks like the wpa is sold out, so just wondering if Marc also restocks the wpa when he puts devices up on Sunday?

Also, any other stems I should check out? I have a bb9 on the way and have read all the praise for jhooks. Saw that the noisy cricket stems fit and I'm interested in that and the inception stem. I like the hula it came with just fine but I do enjoy a bent stem.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Also, any other stems I should check out? I have a bb9 on the way and have read all the praise for jhooks. Saw that the noisy cricket stems fit and I'm interested in that and the inception stem. I like the hula it came with just fine but I do enjoy a bent stem.

Should have ordered the WPA with it from the get-go! It's like two vapes and one, I really would not like the idea of having to use a 14 mm tip stem in the standard configuration inverted, personally...

Noisy cricket stems do not fit by the way, it is the dynavap stems, so make sure it is the Dyna inception stem btw, but honestly the hula stems really are the best overall...

Jayhook cheap from the Rogue wax works, inception hook from O'Connell, or fancy super thick glass hooks from OGB that can be customized as well... :tup:

Not sure when WPA get restocked, probably with FW7? But I wonder if there are ever extra or only as many as there are FW7 etc.

I finally tried mine through water btw! Pretty fun, though not so necessary at my temp settings, I also really like using this piece dry:

I am waiting on a new 14 to 14 male to male adapter (instead of finding where mine is) to try more and I probably should have gotten a male to male 14mm version of the drop-down too actually, but fortunately was able to use my Lily WPA as a mouthpiece with the male to female one I have though:

Pretty fun way to mix it up or economically, solid cooling with that little glass maze path, and perfect for watching the vapor flow! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Should have ordered the WPA with it from the get-go! It's like two vapes and one, I really would not like the idea of having to use a 14 mm tip stem in the standard configuration inverted, personally...

I know, I have such regret. I'll just have to check this Sunday!

Thanks for the scoop on the noisy cricket stem, I had seen some thread for it on reddit but I don't find them to be as reliable as fc has been for research.

Your glass maze :cool:Now that's impressive.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I know, I have such regret. I'll just have to check this Sunday!

Thanks for the scoop on the noisy cricket stem, I had seen some thread for it on reddit but I don't find them to be as reliable as fc has been for research.

Your glass maze :cool:Now that's impressive.

Good luck dude! Also forgot to welcome you to FC, yes most here much prefer it to Reddit generally :D A fantastic fucking community!


Well-Known Member
I'm also looking to get the FW7 WPA. I really want to use this vape with my j-hooks. This is very unexpected for me and this vape, as I was planning on just using it on the golf course. I've had a few weeks to get accustomed to the FW7 and I'm blown away by how good it is, and it's a fun vape to play around with different temps, etc. Very happy I purchased this one. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm also looking to get the FW7 WPA. I really want to use this vape with my j-hooks. This is very unexpected for me and this vape, as I was planning on just using it on the golf course. I've had a few weeks to get accustomed to the FW7 and I'm blown away by how good it is, and it's a fun vape to play around with different temps, etc. Very happy I purchased this one. :)
This has been my exact experience. I wanted the fw7 as a hard hitting portable since I usually like a session at home, but I've been grabbing it regularly. Well worth adjusting to the slight learning curve!


Farm Grower
J hook was the best decision with the FW7. I don't see myself ever running it thru water again, really don't personally see a need to anymore.

Also, to anyone interested, I've been printing a few of the funnels on my 3d printer. If there's any of you who got your FW7 before the funnel was included, feel free to message me and I can send one your way (even though I kinda think the funnel is pointless, I still want people who want it to have it)


Well-Known Member
Noisy cricket stems do not fit by the way

The Cricket fits, it's 12mm, which is the maximum the FW7 takes. I've had it in my cart for a few weeks, still can't decide...........don't really like those kind of flat mouthpieces, but this mouthpiece seems just chunky enough for me to try.


Farm Grower
I would like to revise my above statement about the FW7 funnels. Apparently USPS isn't too happy that I tried to send people their funnels with a normal envelope (which I don't see why, as I've sent bigger things in normal envelopes before, this is the first time they've ever had an issue with something like this for me). I'm still more than happy to send people funnels if they wish to receive one, but only if they're willing to compensate for tracking. A stamp is nothing to me, but tracking is like $3.50 and that adds up quickly.

Otherwise, FW7 is still amazing, what else is new?
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