Firewood Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Might not be too easy to navigate, but I think all the talk of stems that might work, happened here a lot further back if you were able to search or skim... Probably have all the info you need now, but there could be more helpful stuff! ...FW9 for me in 2024?
I felt I went a long way back but apparently not enough, sorry for that. But I’m still happy I got that info :) This place is fun.

Should you buy one? I can’t say obviously, but I have one on the way and that was not an impulse buy, as much as the result of a very long research phase in the search for a stealthy portavape that pointed this way.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I felt I went a long way back but apparently not enough, sorry for that. But I’m still happy I got that info :) This place is fun.

Oh I was just trying to help if anyone wanted more details or lists of compatible stems, no need for apologies, this place is the best!

Should you buy one? I can’t say obviously, but I have one on the way and that was not an impulse buy, as much as the result of a very long research phase in the search for a stealthy portavape that pointed this way.

Oh yes, I followed your path, and I think you landed in a great place... I am definitely going to get one, even if I don't use my FW7 so much anymore, I'm looking forward to the 9, trying to make it an out and about portable for myself to finally do that once again


Well-Known Member
Oh I was just trying to help if anyone wanted more details or lists of compatible stems, no need for apologies, this place is the best!

Oh yes, I followed your path, and I think you landed in a great place... I am definitely going to get one, even if I don't use my FW7 so much anymore, I'm looking forward to the 9, trying to make it an out and about portable for myself to finally do that once again

Yeah I mostly vape in the kitchen with Dynas but sometimes you know, you just have to take it outside for different reasons. I could take my wand and dyna outside but it is just such a big hassle.

And I’ve been through so many contenders by now I’m starting to feel like chasing an unicorn. Crafty+ came close but honestly the built-in small battery gave me charge anxiety.

If that 18650 was swappable the Crafty would have been an unstoppable slam dunk.


Well-Known Member

Just got my Firewood 9 with the extra dosing capsules. It’s a work of art, absolutely love it. Although I have to admit I like the firewood 7 design better.

Had to sneak in a test while WFH as I couldn’t contain myself and damn what a beast it is. Perfectly cooked bowl. Only tested on preset one and I cleared the bowl on 4 draws. If I was to compare it to anything it reminds me of a bowl in the Dynavap, but a lot cleaner which is amazing. Love the smell and taste of wood it gives off.

Although I have one worry, as someone else had this misfortune. My button seems very skewed and like it’s going to break off. Emailed Marc and asked if I could order an extra button in case it breaks so I could service it myself. Really don’t want to ever put down this device again.

I ordered in early September and my button is virtually identical. It has some play and often leans to one side or the other but it’s a MASSIVE improvement over my button on the 7, which had very little clicking action and was prone to sticking. Fortunately, this button is very responsive and clicky.

Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
That looks like mine I think (hard to tell from the angle), and similar to the picture on the firewood site:

I'm not sure why I didn't think to check that lmao thanks that helped. if anyone also has a pic from the top down or front facing that would help too
Sour Dream,
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No thoughts, head empty
I'm not sure why I didn't think to check that lmao thanks that helped. if anyone also has a pic from the top down or front facing that would help too
Here’s some photos from my springs, 1 from my firewood, the other is a replacement I have. I think the new one is on the left but I set them down and forgot immediately 🙃


Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
Sour Dream,


Well-Known Member
hello guys!

I received the FW9 today that I had ordered on September 24, so that it works.
No customs fees, that’s it! And Marc added a stem.
He replaced the circuit board which was defective, the button which was not properly fixed and the o-ring which holds the stem.

I haven't tested it yet... I'm afraid 😁☠️
I'll finish my work day, maybe go for a run... then try it 😁
I fed him with a natural mixture and he quietly waits for me to come and stroke him with a cloth... and... to finally give him life!!!
I'm torn between excitement and apprehension! But I can't wait to discover the signature of the vape...
I also sent an email to Marc to find out how the return costs are reimbursed...

Have a nice weekend everyone and happy vaping!
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Well-Known Member
My son had a nightmare around 2 a.m.... I couldn't get back to sleep. I went to the High Artisan website and he was listing stems for the Fw9 on his website... so lucky!!!
I ordered wooden dynavap mouthpieces made by Stem in France... hope they fit!

Well, otherwise I still inaugurated the Fw9 last night. I did 4 bowls... I had done an intensive workout at the end of the day, so I can't judge the effects... I fell asleep on the couch!

I need more time to judge. again, it's not love at first sight. (but this is usual for me). I think I'll like it but I have to tame it!

The bowl is deep. I tilt the Fw9 on its side, and I use my TRWW spoon to load, it's easy and not a bad solution.
unloading is more complex for me. I'm sitting on my couch. outdoors, just blow and the charge falls. indoors, I don't want to put it everywhere so I took out a micro tray for the concentrates. It's ok as a temporary solution.

I considered purchasing the capsule option, as I think it makes cleaning the capsule screen much easier.
I used a Vapman brush, which is very narrow.
I will see how it is used, but my Fw7 needed very regular cleaning. think about it. Since I already need a "spittoon" at AVB, that would only add a ceramic tweezer.

Otherwise the taste was good, although I need more time to judge!
the extraction was very good. I get a nice AVB effortlessly. I will set my custom temperatures today after further testing.

I think I would prefer the convection/conduction ratio of the Fw7, but the taste seems better so the balance seems good!

that's it for me. I'm happy with my first evening with my Fw9!
I need to improve my configuration to optimize usage but it should be fine!

Aj and if anyone else considering lightly sanding the pear part? the angles and edges are still very protruding/sharp...
I don't know what grit of sandpaper I should use...any advice?

Come on, I'll stop there!

have a good weekend and happy vaping everyone!



Well-Known Member
hello guys!

I received the FW9 today that I had ordered on September 24, so that it works.
No customs fees, that’s it! And Marc added a stem.
He replaced the circuit board which was defective, the button which was not properly fixed and the o-ring which holds the stem.

I haven't tested it yet... I'm afraid 😁☠️
I'll finish my work day, maybe go for a run... then try it 😁
I fed him with a natural mixture and he quietly waits for me to come and stroke him with a cloth... and... to finally give him life!!!
I'm torn between excitement and apprehension! But I can't wait to discover the signature of the vape...
I also sent an email to Marc to find out how the return costs are reimbursed...

Have a nice weekend everyone and happy vaping!
Apparently a lot of button issues. Is the button supposed to be fixed or does it move around a bit? Mine has a lot of side to side movement but it does not feel like it’s at risk of falling off.


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Apparently a lot of button issues. Is the button supposed to be fixed or does it move around a bit? Mine has a lot of side to side movement but it does not feel like it’s at risk of falling off.
My button does have some "wiggle" to it. At first I was concerned but then I realized it actually made it easier to use. It has never failed. And I use it a lot. :brow:


New Member
Anyone used the high artisan stems that can compare to stock? I want to expand my stem options but unsure if the high artisan stems will actually provide an increase in cooling, or if it'll just be an aesthetic mod.


Professional bowl clearer
Hey! Hope everyone’s having an a splendid Saturday evening! Anyone have the OD, ID and cross section measurements for the capsule plug o-ring? Planning on ordering extras :)

Does anyone know what size of o-ring are on the stem adapter for FW9? Same as the one in the ceramic joint? If anyone has OD,ID and CS of that o-ring as well I’d be a very appreciative chap!

Hope your weekend is as filled with vapor as mine :sherlock:
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New Member
I have a GVB FW stem with cubic pills, and it definitely cools better than stock, but has more restrictive airflow.
Good to know, thanks! I've got a revolve stem coming in the mail so we'll see how it does first, but a GVB or HA stem is probably next up for me.

I was amazed to see the HA stems all sell out same day this time.. I feel like they sat available for awhile last drop.


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried the revolve as a stem in the FW9, it hadn't dawned on me that it was possible. Are you planning on using the glass sleeve?

I'm currently using the bb9 stem. Cooling is great, and it has a WPA, but I have to pull much harder due to the air hole.
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New Member
I haven't tried the revolve as a stem in the FW9, it hadn't dawned on me that it was possible. Are you planning on using the glass sleeve?

I'm currently using the bb9 stem. Cooling is great, and it has a WPA, but I have to pull much harder due to the air hole.
Yeah, if you request an 11mm no carb sleeve from MH you can use it with the little glass "converter" piece that comes with the FW and it should fit perfectly. I know there are a few posts floating around of other people doing it in the past with good results. Hoping mine comes in this week; I'll post a few pics and commentary once I've had a chance to try it.

I'll probably end up grabbing a bb9 at some point too. Seems relatively inexpensive and having a wpa would be nice.
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