Firewood Vaporizer


Professional bowl clearer
Glad you got yours back! Love that stem :mmmm: Take my money💸
its good, just too long and doesnt really add any cooling
Ah okay that sucks, but maybe the stem could be modified and you could add something in it that could assist with cooling the vapour? (Thinking rubies, ceramic or a ti/SS cooling stem inside.

I have gotten an idea to commission a glass stem that’s exactly the length of the vape (so it doesn’t stick out at all) and also commission a wooden mouthpiece that fits in the square that the glass usually goes trough to slide out so you never have to slide out the glass and that way it feels more secured and less prone to break from accidental drops and what not. Trying to find the right person that could do both parts, but it’s hard to find!

This is what excites me the most. I am 100% into Dynas at home but I hate Dynas on the go.
Couldn’t agree more, love the dynas but they’re a PITA to use when you’re on the go. Plus I always manage to burn them, even at home. I have a requirement that any vape I buy should be able to be used on the go, with capsules (as stopping and loading in a public space where I live is impossible), be discreet and fill my needs (get me as medicated as I want).

One thing I’ve re-discovered with the Firewood is the ability to take a hit or two and then put it down, used to smoke one-two puffs every 30-60 minutes when I smoked doinks/spliffs/joints during daytime as it helps my adhd brain to slowdown, but stopped it and started doing sessions only as all the portable vapes that came early in the game were true session and conduction vapes and that made me only smoke after work (high pressure jobs, where being too stoned will make you not perform consistently, but small doses actually assist me). So loving this piece even more and more, thinking about ordering a second one for myself so I’ve got a backup in case I ever destroy or loose mine.
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Professional bowl clearer
It is supposed to be 100mm according to @Vapomans
That’s correct, measured it yesterday for my fellow country neighbor. Will add it to my post about measurements.

EDIT: Was not able to add the measurements of the glass to my original measurements post.

So adding it here:

The glass stem is 10cm/100mm with the small glass piece that goes into the ceramic joint.
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Well-Known Member
Marc may actually have some boro you could use, the og stem for the FW7 is the same D as the adaptor. Does have a tiny lip that you may need to remove though. Although, now I think, he may have used all that stock to make adaptors...


Existence is pain
Marc may actually have some boro you could use, the og stem for the FW7 is the same D as the adaptor. Does have a tiny lip that you may need to remove though. Although, now I think, he may have used all that stock to make adaptors...
Cool thanks for this! Even if he's able to give me the size of Boro I should be able to fashion something.

Thanks for everyones input here!

Trying to get as much ready for it arrivong to try and stop thinking about how long it's taking
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Professional bowl clearer
Just ordered 3 or 4 carry cans from lacentralevapeur that should fit the dosing capsules perfectly.

Now I just have to arrange a good smell proof bag for the firewood, carry can and an extra battery, adaptor and a few other stems!

And ofcouse getting my unit fixed by Marc, but the cracks don’t seem to affect the functionality as far as I’ve noticed.

I already know that the FW will become my DD, but I’m asking myself how long the unit will last tbh. My first wooden vape so a bit inexperienced. Unless you count the ascent with wood inlays or a Dynavap with woodstem :lol:

Btw the unit is great at consealing smells, I have yet to feel a whiff of used vape or weed smell from the unit even though it’s loaded with a capsule and has been used. Although I wonder if the weed smell ever will permeate trough?
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Well-Known Member
What we really need is the length of the orange stem without the slim glassy part to really know how long a custom wood stem should be. As in only the length of the orangey part.

Unless it's 33mm minus 100mm.

I dream of pairing it with my Simrell Vortex in Walnut or an MVS for that stinger MP add-on which is 80mm without a dynavap tip.

Either way mine left the US today so I guess I'm up soonish :-)

Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
Rockstar! Thanks bud. Might you be able to measure the diameter of where you connect the 3rd party stems? So I know what stems to look for

Awesome thank you

May fit the vong after all 🤔

What we really need is the length of the orange stem without the slim glassy part to really know how long a custom wood stem should be. As in only the length of the orangey part.

Unless it's 33mm minus 100mm.

I dream of pairing it with my Simrell Vortex in Walnut or an MVS for that stinger MP add-on which is 80mm without a dynavap tip.

Either way mine left the US today so I guess I'm up soonish :-)
Yup np



Existence is pain
Vongs didn’t fit the Fw7 because the OD was too big. Bb9s fit. Dhgate got some cheap dyna glass wpas that could fit my Fw7 as well. I don’t have a Fw9 so can’t confirm though.
Cool thank you for confirming. shame, as i thought they would be a good fit with the wood,
I have found some longer glass wpas that should fit. Also have a silicone adapter that came with my dtv5 so I'm gonna wait until when/if it arrives before ordering anything else for it
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Might not be too easy to navigate, but I think all the talk of stems that might work, happened here a lot further back if you were able to search or skim... Probably have all the info you need now, but there could be more helpful stuff! ...FW9 for me in 2024?


Existence is pain
Might not be too easy to navigate, but I think all the talk of stems that might work, happened here a lot further back if you were able to search or skim... Probably have all the info you need now, but there could be more helpful stuff! ...FW9 for me in 2024?
I have used the search function several times and couldn't find anything for the vong
other than one person asking how the fw compared to a vong

Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
AHH it's the longer hula stems being used. Thank you for doing this. Can work out which stems will work now
My guy 🔥 thanks.

Looks like a 80mm vortex stem is a good match.

Can’t wait to share pics with you guys.
Yup anytime, looking forward to the pics. I’m still trying to narrow down which stems ima go for besides the bb9
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