Firewood Vaporizer


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
I thought 3 was 420. So its 40 degrees between 1-2 and 2-3. ?
I checked the temp settings before I changed them and this is what I had written down. You could be right. I could have miscounted the buzzes or written it down wrong. I don't trust my memory for anything much anymore, which is why I write stuff down. But if I write it down wrong...


Well-Known Member
I checked the temp settings before I changed them and this is what I had written down. You could be right. I could have miscounted the buzzes or written it down wrong. I don't trust my memory for anything much anymore, which is why I write stuff down. But if I write it down wrong...
just curious, what temps did you set? I've just been using 2 and seems to work well. But I'm sure I can fine tune the temp settings for a better experience. Thanks @moondog


Well-Known Member
Sooooo, maybe this is a stupid question but as a longtime "cannabis enthusiast" I find double checking the details helps with those short term memory issues... Do I just write the check out to 'Firewood'?? 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Sooooo, maybe this is a stupid question but as a longtime "cannabis enthusiast" I find double checking the details helps with those short term memory issues... Do I just write the check out to 'Firewood'?? 🤷🏻‍♂️
Looking at my checkbook register, I see that I made my check out to "Firewood Aromatech, Inc." If memory serves, that's what the instructions tell you to do when you complete your invoice online.


Well-Known Member
Looking at my checkbook register, I see that I made my check out to "Firewood Aromatech, Inc." If memory serves, that's what the instructions tell you to do when you complete your invoice online.
Thanks! I wasn't ready to do this yesterday so I clicked on the link but didn't finish the process and promptly forgot about it... :doh:

I never thought I'd have a reason to say this ever again, much less be happy about it... but The Check Is In The MAIL! :rockon:
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Hey All,

Funny story and question.

I am in Group C so went on Reddit to see what people were thinking. Searched “firewood” and now my feed is full of pictures of wood piles and splitters. Ha.

I only smoke a couple of times a week and use very little material. I am thinking it is unnecessary to get the bundle. Can I reload by keeping the capsule in the unit? I can’t quite tell from the pictures. My understanding is the capsules are sort of hard to get out which may actually be a good thing in my case.

I think the capsule box is very nice looking, but for my use switching caps will not happen and I will probably lose it! Multiple batteries is not a big thing and I def don’t need a usb-c.

Super excited!


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
I sent my 2 recalled batteries back to Marc on 8/15. They arrived here yesterday (8/24). Not bad at all.

I only smoke a couple of times a week and use very little material. I am thinking it is unnecessary to get the bundle. Can I reload by keeping the capsule in the unit? I can’t quite tell from the pictures. My understanding is the capsules are sort of hard to get out which may actually be a good thing in my case.

It's certainly possible to load the capsule while it's in the chamber but it's nowhere near as easy. Also, I don't see trying to empty the capsule while in the chamber by scooping out used material as being very practical. You'll most likely end up with material spilling all over the heating element and down into the airpath. So you'll end up needing to turn the unit upside down to empty things out and the capsule will come out anyway.

Based on your usage case it sounds like you are correct in your feeling that you won't need the whole bundle but you may want to rethink the "never take the capsule out of the chamber" strategy. Emptying/cleaning/reloading is SO easy with the removable capsules. I know even just the base unit requires quite the $$$ outlay, but I would suggest spending the extra money to get the additional capsules if you can swing it.
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Well-Known Member
Even if you only have one capsule though, you can still take it out to empty and refill it. :)


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Even if you only have one capsule though, you can still take it out to empty and refill it. :)
Absolutely true. But that capsule is mission critical for the device and I firmly believe that not having any redundancy for a mission critical component is an invitation to disaster. I would expect that once tings settle down we will see individual capsules for sale on the Firewood parts page.


FAT X - Ruby Twist - TM2 - 20M w/ Wand
Sorry I didn’t reply to the folks that helped with temps. The only one I checked to confirm was the middle one and the temp checked out so I assumed you had them all right. :) I can’t confirm nor deny the rest.

I set the temps to my preference and it’s been smooth sailing since. This vape is making me quite happy.

For the record, I had gotten my medical marijuana card back and been trying to get a FW7. Then they went out of production. I was bummed. I needed a vape, wasn’t satisfied with a Dynavap and waited months for the 8 to come out. And waited and waited. On July 13, I broke down and finally ordered a TinyMight. The next day, I ended up in the hospital for a week and a day. When I came home. I had a TinyMight and an email saying the FW8 list was open and I’m in group A!

Now I have both. :) I loved the TinyMight and I debated whether I should even get the FW. Im a filthy casual - why do I need two high end portables? Well, I’m glad I did. Now I have two great vapes for different needs. The FW requires a little more love to get good clouds out of but once she was rolling, she’s great. Technique matters more, but she’s a beast. I’m really pleased.


Well-Known Member
Allright fellow A group users and maybe B... My capsules are getting very sticky, had one that was a bitch to get out. I've removed the stem piece and lightly cleaned with iso just wondering the best way to clean the caps. Can they be cleaned/soaked in iso? Not sure about the ceramic.


Well-Known Member
Allright fellow A group users and maybe B... My capsules are getting very sticky, had one that was a bitch to get out. I've removed the stem piece and lightly cleaned with iso just wondering the best way to clean the caps. Can they be cleaned/soaked in iso? Not sure about the ceramic.
I’m pretty sure iso soak can help.

I have never experienced capsules being sticky with mine..
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I’m pretty sure iso soak can help.

I have never experienced capsules being sticky with mine..
It's happening to the 3 I've been using. It's like the resin leaks thru and makes the bottom very sticky. Seems to be about halfway up the cap is getting dark from the bleedthru. Also causes the mouthpiece to get very sticky where the cap sits on it.
Wasn't sure if it was OK to soak the ceramic parts or just lightly clean. But it seems it's going to be an ongoing issue moving forward.
So far the only issue I've encountered with it.
This vape is bad ass!

This is what mine look like.
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It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
It's happening to the 3 I've been using. It's like the resin leaks thru and makes the bottom very sticky. Seems to be about halfway up the cap is getting dark from the bleedthru. Also causes the mouthpiece to get very sticky where the cap sits on it.
Wasn't sure if it was OK to soak the ceramic parts or just lightly clean. But it seems it's going to be an ongoing issue moving forward.
So far the only issue I've encountered with it.
This vape is bad ass!

This is what mine look like.
Wow. I've got nothing like that happening on mine. Makes me want to try whatever it is you're using in those. 😋

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
So it's some kind of porous ceramic? No glazing?
There is no glazing. I was wondering myself if there's a reason for not? Seems that would be better for this issue I'm experiencing.

His ceramic has never had glazing, it is the plain raw, but I'm fairly certain that is not what's happening here, nothing porous... I think maybe you are not fully clearing your hits perhaps, are you heating it much without inhaling? Because residual vapor could flow up and condense around the bottom of the capsule, if you are not fully clearing every single hit you take, inhaling until the vapor fully stops when you let go of the button... Also yes you can absolutely soak these in iso alcohol for easy cleaning, that is why they are technically an improvement over the FW7 design where you cannot remove the chamber for full cleaning, here you can :tup:


Well-Known Member
His ceramic has never had glazing, it is the plain raw, but I'm fairly certain that is not what's happening here, nothing porous... I think maybe you are not fully clearing your hits perhaps, are you heating it much without inhaling? Because residual vapor could flow up and condense around the bottom of the capsule, if you are not fully clearing every single hit you take, inhaling until the vapor fully stops when you let go of the button... Also yes you can absolutely soak these in iso alcohol for easy cleaning, that is why they are technically an improvement over the FW7 design where you cannot remove the chamber for full cleaning, here you can :tup:
This I find myself wondering? Could be.
Just got back from a dispo run and picked up some flower that is supposed to be some of the best in MI.
Just started using a new cap and I will do my bestest to get as much vapor in my lungs as I can, as to clear it completely!😋
Sounds like experimentation time!
Oh... and just received my batteries back from Marc. No stopping me now!

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
This I find myself wondering? Could be.
Just got back from a dispo run and picked up some flower that is supposed to be some of the best in MI.
Just started using a new cap and I will do my bestest to get as much vapor in my lungs as I can, as to clear it completely!😋
Sounds like experimentation time!!

Haha yeah, it is much easier to control in the TM with the pure convection on demand, since you have more hybrid with the FW it takes a little more effort... It entails letting go of the button a little early, really helpful if you have some kind of extra glass piece where you are able to visualize the vapor to see exactly when it stops flowing, but you can work on your time, there's no harm in doing extra inhale, extra air on top of the weed vapor is actually good strategy before exhaling anyway, but another tip is dependent on your temp settings: if you have it set low, you can take really long hits to get smooth thick low temp vapor and fully clear, if you have it set higher, then you can take shorter hits for quick thick vapor, less time inhaling especially after letting go of the button, a bit more manageable, though there is always technique either way!
Shit Snacks,
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Well-Known Member
Haha yeah, it is much easier to control in the TM with the pure convection on demand, since you have more hybrid with the FW it takes a little more effort... It entails letting go of the button a little early, really helpful if you have some kind of extra glass piece where you are able to visualize the vapor to see exactly when it stops flowing, but you can work on your time, there's no harm in doing extra inhale, extra air on top of the weed vapor is actually good strategy before exhaling anyway, but another tip is dependent on your temp settings: if you have it set low, you can take really long hits to get smooth thick low temp vapor and fully clear, if you have it set higher, then you can take shorter hits for quick thick vapor, less time inhaling especially after letting go of the button, a bit more manageable, though there is always technique either way!
I actually have been really liking the first setting... 340 I belive. Takes a couple draws to get it going but very, very tasty with some great clouds. And it's a hell of a lot harsher on my throat. Coming from my p80 and tetraX(which both run HOT, unless thru water) this is a huge improvement on just how low you can go with a temp.


FAT X - Ruby Twist - TM2 - 20M w/ Wand
Allright fellow A group users and maybe B... My capsules are getting very sticky, had one that was a bitch to get out. I've removed the stem piece and lightly cleaned with iso just wondering the best way to clean the caps. Can they be cleaned/soaked in iso? Not sure about the ceramic.

Just what I know about unglazed pizza stones…

You’re not supposed to soak them because they can crack. If you DO soak them, you have to let them dry for 48-72h before using them to make sure they’re fully dry. If you don’t, the water inside can expand because steam, and cause cracks, leading to the stone going “boom!”

Now, that is pizza stones, not these things, but still. If you do soak in ISO, be sure to let them dry a good while before you use them.

My caps don’t have this, but I’ve only had it a week. I’m using flower with 6% terps so stand by, I guess.

Hey @moondog... I haven't noticed that with mine. No clicking or noise at all when heating up. But, I removed the oven lid right after a bowl to check my bud the capsule clicked/popped and came flying out of the oven! I was like WTF! Were did that go? I was luckily outside and it flew into the grass. So... no more taking the lid off when hot!
Also noticed one capsule that I've used more than others getting like resin bleedthru (sticky) which causes it to get stuck in the oven. I'm sure it will happen to the others I have. Time will tell with more fine tuning this fantastic device!

Conspiracy brain makes me wonder....

Had either of you soaked your capsules in ISO before this happened?

p.s. Since reading about your experience, whenever I open my hot oven, you'd think I was opening a pressure cooker. I do it real slowly like a bomb might go off! Ha.
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