Firewood Vaporizer


Checking in here after just having received my FW4 in the mail today. I haven't spent quite as much time with it yet as I'd like to given a busy day, but what a beautiful piece! Finish smells great and lends slightly to the taste on the first two capsules (haven't gotten to a third yet), but in a pleasant way, and one that I'm sure will dissipate, almost unfortunately.

With all the moving parts, it does feel a bit more fragile than the FW3. Definitely taking care when removing/replacing the battery door, and with that tiny little glass piece in the cooling unit.

A question for Marc or anyone who has their 4 at this point: I'm noticing buzzing every 4-5 seconds during dragging, even at extremely slow speeds. This is with the cooling unit on; haven't tried it native yet. Is this indicating too quick a drag or is it just signifying that airflow is occurring?

Second question that comes to mind is battery charge in relation to power. Toward the end of my FW3's life (and possibly prior), I noticed that the unit didn't operate nearly as well when it was down on a charge as it did when it was fully juiced up. Given the new software/battery situation with the FW4, should the unit be expected to operate just as efficiently at 20% power as when it's fully charged? I'd hate to have to pull out the battery, charge and replace after every session.

Overall, super, super impressed. Can't wait to spend more time with it.
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Well-Known Member
A question for Marc or anyone who has their 4 at this point: I'm noticing buzzing every 4-5 seconds during dragging, even at extremely slow speeds. This is with the cooling unit on; haven't tried it native yet. Is this indicating too quick a drag or is it just signifying that airflow is occurring?

Given the new software/battery situation with the FW4, should the unit be expected to operate just as efficiently at 20% power as when it's fully charged? I'd hate to have to pull out the battery, charge and replace after every session.
There are two reasons you can get buzzes while you are drawing. If you draw too fast it will buzz if you cool the heater too much. If you draw too slow the draw sensor will have gaps in when it detects a draw and this can trick it into thinking it is a new draw. The first case it not very likely especially since you said you were drawing slowly. You have to draw pretty hard to get a buzz from drawing too hard. You can confirm that the buzzes are from drawing too slowly if you speed up the draw a bit and they go away. There is no harm either way, you can just ignore them too.

It will not operate as efficiently at 20% as 100%, but the difference is smaller than on the fw3.


Thanks, Marc! One more question: Is there a relatively easy way to remove and replace the silicon/o-ring from the mouthpieces for cleaning? I just struggled for five minutes on one of them and finally got it, but I'm assuming I'm going about this the wrong way.
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Active Member
Anyone having issues ordering with the invoice Marc sent you? Got my invoice email about a week ago but couldn't purchase it until today and when I try the site says they are out of stock, even though I was on the wait list and Marc sent me the invoice.... Help?


Well-Known Member
I had no problem, paid yesterday and got shipping notification today.

You should send Marc an e-mail and let him know.


Well-Known Member

Took the Firewood 4 out for a little walk today!


FAT X - Ruby Twist - TM2 - 20M w/ Wand
I received mine on Monday and just used it for the first time today.

Wow. It's dead easy to use, straight out of the box.

I admit to being a FW3 user. The technique with the 4? It seems like there really isn't any aside from inhaling slower than you think is necessary.

I turned the FW4 on, went to level 2, took a slow draw for some terps and it tasted amazing. I turned it up to level 3, drew again (got the buzz, reminding me to slow down) and turned the vape off.

I'm using Blue Dream from a medical dispensary. No rec use here. My tolerance is low and I'm feeling very nice right now.

Wonderful job with the new insert. I'm glad you included the "vacuum" method of loading the capsules. It really made a difference for me when I learning the 3.

If I may suggest one thing that may sound silly? Would you consider adding a picture or verbal description of what grind is best? I found I was grinding too fine and it was clogging the screen or too coarse and it was blocking the screen! Maybe just a newb mistake (as a novice user), but it may help folks out.

Beautiful work, Marc. When things slow down for you a bit, I will recommend this to everyone I know!

Hagbard Celine

Well-Known Member
Can anyone comment on the residual smell coming from the FW4 (or lack thereof)? Being an on-demand vape, this seems like quite a pertinent point. If you vape half a bowl or so, then stick the FW4 in your pocket for a while, is there much detectable odor?
Hagbard Celine,
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Indie vaper
Can anyone from down-under help me out with these nice ceramic mouthpieces? I got in contact with Australian vaporizers, but unfortunately they only ship express to the EU, which is more than $40...
Maybe someone nice could get some for me and could send themvin a padded envelope? Please pm me, if there's a chance. Got PayPal to transfer the bucks.:)

Have a great day everyone

EDIT: where's the difference between the SMOOTH-flow and the PURE-flow mouthpiece? The one is $15, the other only $5 - but they sound very similar.

EDIT EDIT to answer my own question: That was back in 2012. ;)
@Vapenvy Would be nice to hear your comparison between the two! :)

So i received the smooth flow and pure flow today.

As noted by thermovape, the pure flow really restricts air flow. The reason being that there is a thin peice of ceramic, about half mm thick, actually blocking the air path. You need to draw air directly through the wet ceramic.

The smooth flow is a tube of ceramic about 5mm long inside the mouthpiece and you draw the air through the wet ceramic tube, so little restriction(comparatively).

I have had two sessions with the pure flow, and while it does work a bit, it's not as good as the smooth flow for my purposes. The ceramic is tiny so probably loses the moisture within a couple of puffs (vs maybe 5-6 with smooth flow) and doesn't feel as if it is adding as much moisture (but keep in mind, the smooth flow doesn't make a drastic difference, but i feel it does help a bit)

Secondly, the draw resistance is steep. (I think i was sometimes failing to a register a pull and activate the heater). In fairness, I already have a cotton filter in my fw3 so i was getting double filter/restriction, so i tried in on a freshly cleaned Milaana stem (with no cotton filter) as a fairer test.

Better, but still heaps of restriction, and it got harder throughout the session, to the point that i had to take it off and firmly blow into it to clear it a bit, which helped, but clogging after 1 1/2 sessions is not a good sign.

Not sure how easy it will be to clean, either. Maybe pour boiling water into it, or boil it, but given it is a wall of ceramic, it would be scraping each side, or somehow melting buildup out of it, i suppose. The smooth flow doesn't block easily and can be cleaned with a q-tip or pipe cleaner.

So, unless you are wanting restricted airflow or super filtering, I would not recommend the Thermovape pure flow, but still like the simplicity, durability and utility of the smooth flow for my portables, and especially the fw3.

I hope posting the comparison here is ok. Since these mouthpieces pair so well with the fw3 i feel it has some relevance (if you can find anywhere that sells them besides australian vaporizers, that is).


Well-Known Member
Can anyone comment on the residual smell coming from the FW4 (or lack thereof)? Being an on-demand vape, this seems like quite a pertinent point. If you vape half a bowl or so, then stick the FW4 in your pocket for a while, is there much detectable odor?
I haven't noticed much of an odor with mine. Only carried it in my pocket once for a while. I've had it in my backpack several times and there's no noticeable odor. Maybe slight but it's mixed well with the scent of the wood.
I don't ever put it away while it's hot though and that might make a difference. I could see trapping warm fumes causing more odor potentially.
If you are worried about it though, funk fighter makes a small bag that the F4 will fit into.
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Well-Known Member
How long does it take the battery to charge? Mine should arrive today and I'm wondering if I'll be able to test it out right away or will I have to wait a bit for the battery to charge.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was more than a couple of hours but I did need to charge it the first time. Now I charge it while I am at work when needed so I don't know how long for sure.
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Well-Known Member
Hey Guys. My FW just landed today. I have one question. How are do you seat a screen in the capsule? I happened to push one out and it will not stay inside.


Level 30 Nature/Healer
Hey Guys. My FW just landed today. I have one question. How are do you seat a screen in the capsule? I happened to push one out and it will not stay inside.
Is your screen still in cup/bowl like form?
How is it not staying inside (like falling out due to width, dislodging).


Well-Known Member
Is your screen still in cup/bowl like form?
How is it not staying inside (like falling out due to width, dislodging).

Yes it is in bowl form. I accidentally pushed it up when inserting the capsule into the mouthpiece and it turned sideways when I drew from my first bowl. I got multiple mouthpieces (whose screens are very neatly placed) but I could see this happening again. Maybe I was pulling too hard but I was waiting for the vibration to alert me. I can't make it say I'm pulling too fast no matter how hard I draw.

Anyway Every time I try try to replace the screen it turns sideways.

Edit: for clarity
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Well-Known Member
Yes it is in bowl form. I accidentally pushed it up when inserting the capsule into the mouthpiece and it turned sideways when I drew from my first bowl. I got multiple mouthpieces (whose screens r very neatly placed) but I could see this happening again. Maybe I was pulling too hard but I was waiting for the vibration to alert me. I can't make it say I'm pulling too fast no matter how hard I draw.

Anyway Every time I try try to replace the screen it turns sideways.

Edit: for clarity
Some of mine do that frequently as well. I use a blue papermate pen like this without the cap

Use the flat end to push the screen in place. I suppose a chop stick might work as well. It is kindof a pain and I wish it didn't happen but c'est la vie!


Well-Known Member
I see these are sold out! :( I want one of these bad boys. When are they available again?

BadDog No

Well-Known Member
I see these are sold out! :( I want one of these bad boys. When are they available again?

Marc has a list. You have to email him. Another poster a few pages back said the list was closed at the moment, but would open back up in a month or so. Wouldn't hurt to send him an email though...Maybe there's a list to get on the list? :\
BadDog No,


Well-Known Member
Mine arrived yesterday, gave it a charge and a test run.
I LOVE the small size, easy to palm, very discreet and I just love the feel of it in my hand.
Got nice clouds and good flavor right away, no muss no fuss.
I was slow to jump on the list because I'd gotten the 3 in the spring but I'm glad I did. It will be my go-to for out and about, a lovely addition to any collection!


cui bono?
Tomorrow marks the end of 4 weeks since getting on the preorder list. Hope to get that invoice soon :)

Same boat - I am very anxiously awaiting my invoice! Though I jumped on the list at the very end (Oct 8.)

Certainly not mad - Just SUPER JEALOUS of you guys!!!!!! :clap:


Well-Known Member
Care to elaborate on the quick start function? I don't see anything about it in the manual.

For anyone with a fw4:
I'm am also not quite understanding the buzz on draw.

From what I've read here and in the manual the unit will buzz on initial draw to indicate the heater is turned on. (Meaning all subsequent buzzing means the heater temperature is low.) However I've noticed I get the buzz at the beginning of a draw. Every draw. No subsequent buzzes no matter the draw speed?

Edit: After more practice I think the buzzer figured out. It seemed sporadic but it isn't.

You need to take a primer puff. I've read otherwise somewhere in this thread (if you take a draw instead of a short puff, the unit will buzz when the heater reaches temp).

If you begin to pull too soon after the primer puff. You will not get a buzz on the beginning of the pull. This indicates the heater is not ready.

However if the heater is up to Temp you will get a buzz every pull. You really have to be pulling hard for about six seconds to get the second buzz. Once you do get the seconds buzz (if you stop pulling instead if just slowing down) you need to wait a few seconds. If you do not wait you will not get the buzz at the beginning of the draw the next time.

I hope that makes sense.

As for quick start. It seems to automatically choose power level 3. But I would still like confirmation.
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