Fake News


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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6 million people have died in this war


This is exactly how the media will cover the coming Climate Horrors. A million Indians die over the course of a few hours when a power outage coincides with a wet bulb humidity event. Headlines in America: "Why this is GOOD news for the world's carbon footprint! Anyway...here's how you can double your airline miles with one WEIRD trick! And you won't BELIEVE what KPOP Stars look like now!!"
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One month ago


it's giving...

Radwin Bodnic

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Accessory Maker


IDF proven that they were able to perform surgical strikes in Lebanon. One strike : one hamas top officials dead.

So why are they bombing every square meter in Gaza ? No surgery here. Only butchery. They showed the world their real intention there.

Honestly, given the political influence of Israel, I doubt the hearing in the Hague can do anything. And that's a shame.



Well-Known Member
IDF proven that they were able to perform surgical strikes in Lebanon. One strike : one hamas top officials dead.

Or....whatever happened to Mossad? The leaders of Hamas keep doing press conferences at fancy news studios in Qatar. Have Mossad poison their room service at whatever 5 star hotel they're staying at.

So why are they bombing every square meter in Gaza ? No surgery here. Only butchery.

Because this entire "war" has nothing to do with Hamas or the hostages. I don't even think it's about the butchery itself. No, the point is to destroy every building and every bit of life supporting infrastructure in Gaza. That way there can be some level of international support for moving every surviving Gazan to refugee camps outside of the borders of Israel. In other words, it's an ethnic cleansing campaign. That the US government is throwing their full support behind.
Honestly, given the political influence of Israel, I doubt the hearing in the Hague can do anything. And that's a shame.

The International Court of Justice is sort of a joke. But I find this whole thing terrifying. If the ICJ denies South Africa's petition, it will not only embolden Netanyahu. But also other tyrants around the world, who will see that the international community has no problem with crimes against humanity.

This is a terrifying proposition at the exact time fascism is again rearing its ugly head around the planet. And if you look around at US mainstream media, no one is covering this extremely consequential story.

The Intercept is an exception. Here's one of their reporters asking a State Department spokesman if he and other US officials are afraid of being charged as accomplices to war crimes.



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Well that's sure an interesting way to spin the story.

The International Court of Justice found it is "plausible" that Israel is committing a genocide. That's the headline, Fake News New York Times.

This ICJ proceeding was akin to a grand jury in the US Justice system. They issued an indictment. For genocide. There will be a full trial and verdict at a later date.

In a ruling that will keep Israel under the legal lens for years to come, the court offered little other comfort to Israel in a genocide case brought by South Africa that goes to the core of one of the world’s most intractable conflicts. The court's half-dozen orders will be difficult to achieve without some sort of cease-fire or pause in the fighting.

While the court did not explicitly say the word "ceasefire", it will be impossible for Israel to comply with the court's orders without a ceasefire.


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Last year was the third straight year the groundhog has spotted his shadow, something he has done 107 times since his first prediction in 1887. Though he has apparently seen his shadow in 84% of his predictions, Phil has been right only about 39% of the time, according to the Stormfax Weather Almanac.

Fake News USA Today is shitting on Punxsutawney Phil for batting .390

Those are Hall of Famer numbers. Ty Cobb's lifetime average was .366


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Barack Obama's favorite columnist, who gets paid $300k per year.

To summarize:

Netanyahu is an adorable lemur

America is a noble lion

And Arabs are all various kinds of bugs we need to exterminate

Very cool, very normal stuff 👍

Edit: Apoogies to Mr. Friedman, I didn't realize 2002 level Islamophobia was back on the menu.


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Fox has transitioned from inciting hate crimes to televising them live on air.

Good thing there are no troubling historical precedents for guys all wearing the same color shirts and doing violence to minority groups.

So the guy wasn't even an "illegal". Just a random brown citizen. Very cool, very normal stuff 👍


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really good deal 👇

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