Well-Known Member
Can the one be two or the two be one?
If A negates B, can B be equal to A?
If "what is" can only be believed by concocting cockamamie conspiracy connections contrary to "what it is", ...
... then what is left ?
The never-right has left all values behind and denied, as though there were no traces, no evidence of the party's
past political perfidity, prevarication, and portentous peril to America.
If A negates B, can B be equal to A?
If "what is" can only be believed by concocting cockamamie conspiracy connections contrary to "what it is", ...
... then what is left ?
The never-right has left all values behind and denied, as though there were no traces, no evidence of the party's
past political perfidity, prevarication, and portentous peril to America.