Yes, I bought the accessory pack and set of 4-5 coils. All came shipped protected and on time.Has anybody had any issues ordering elevape accessories from ipuff?
Has anybody had any issues ordering elevape accessories from ipuff?
Has anyone been able to get even Abv consistently? This is one of my favorite portables. Taste is awesome, vapor is always cool, and has a nice vape signature. I don't get dark spots but my Abv is spent in one section and green in another. I never did any coil replacement (currently using bottle cap method). It worked great right out of the box. Maybe I should just use lower temps, but like the occassional lung buster.
I forgot to mention. Stir after every 2 hits. I use a coarse grind, maybe a fine grind will be better. I have the stirring lid but prefer opening and stirring. I am going up to the silver ring (but mine is not silver yet) in flowers.Stirring enough? How full a pack and fine a grind will impact too. Experiment more, as I'm sire you already have been
I forgot to mention. Stir after every 2 hits. I use a coarse grind, maybe a fine grind will be better. I have the stirring lid but prefer opening and stirring. I am going up to the silver ring (but mine is not silver yet) in flowers.
From what I can tell looking at the programs the one on the elevapesmartvape page seems to have newer file creation dates.Hi, Joe sent me an e-mail, he told me to upload the new app to resolve my batterie issue (short longlife and never reach a full charge).
Is it the app on elevapesmartvape or ipuffusa?
(I'm using the version 2 on elevapesmartvapes...)
New software release - 10/01/2015
We received feedbacks from our customers experiencing software errors on Windows platforms. Finally we managed to eliminate the errors from our software thanks to the detailed information we gathered.
The new upgraded version of the system can be downloaded from our Download page.
Changes (version 2.0.2):
We are very greateful for information you provided. Should you experience any problems please do not hesitate to contact us via the Contact page so we can contact you and help with troubleshooting.
- Application crash on heater slider change - Fixed
- Battery charge status - Fixed
I have gone through this whole thread and I love how this vape works! On demand hits and so small and stealthy. I am torn between ESV, Crafty and Grasshopper. Would you take this over the Crafty? And does the Unit ever get hot? I have the haze and sometime the unit gets really hot.
Also how is the cloud production vs SOLO or Haze
Sorry for another question but does the stirring lid solve the problem of uneven vaped material?
Thanks Vape Dr.! I think i have made up my mind and i think im going with the ESV! Just the on-demand will be the best. Do anyone one know where the best pice i can get?@dylanpv123 welcome to FC my friend! glad to have you here!
Try not making back to back posts. Hit the edit button to add to your previous post if none were made. The mods will tell you this and merge your posts.
ESV, Crafty, and Grasshopper are all good choices.
I cannot reply about the grasshopper as I have not received my unit yet.
As for the Crafty and ESV.
The Crafty and ESV fill 2 different niches for me.
I use the crafty for sessions with more than 2 or 3 people and the ESV for a great 2 maybe 3 person session.
The ESV is built much better out of T7 anodized aluminum, it's way more durable with better battery life. I get many sessions with the ESV bumping the temps from my desired 1-2-3 settings with the computer app. The ESV charges fully rather quickly as well.
The Crafty is plastic and the battery life sucks. For me I get 3 sessions at 180C/356F at around 5 minutes per session which is including the ridiculous 2 minute heat up time. so for 15 minutes of use I have to charge it for 1 1/2-2 hours if its not dead. about 2 1/2-3 hours from dead.
I do use them both and I enjoy them both alot in different circumstances.
The ESV can be fine tuned to personal preference, the crafty can not.
The stir lid absolutely helps.
I have a usage video of each of the units on youtube you can watch and maybe decide which unit is right for you.
I would say the ESV is equal to the taste of the Haze with the convection screen, but bigger clouds like the convection screen.
I use my haze with a conduction and a convection screen together.
Hope this helps my friend!
And speaking of, why do I have to change my coil so often? Thought those things were meant to last a while. How I have grown to hate those coils...
It baffles me when you all talk about changing and moving the coil like it's so easy - any time I have had to deal with that damn coil AT ALL, I've ended up sending it back in.
As I've stated plenty of times, I thoroughly enjoy using it when it's working as it should, but that only works for me when it comes back from Joe. If I have to touch the coil, then I'm fucked.
Haven't been too vocal in this thread lately because I haven't really been using my ESV much. I had to change the coil AGAIN a couple (a few?) weeks back and, despite getting it at the same angle as before, I started getting wildly inconsistent results again. It baffles me when you all talk about changing and moving the coil like it's so easy - any time I have had to deal with that damn coil AT ALL, I've ended up sending it back in.
The ESV makes me feel retarded. I don't connect with it anymore. Honestly, it kind of depresses me. I mean, the rest of you seem more like DIY'ers and such and maybe that's just the difference. I don't want to tinker with my vape - I don't want to have to. I want to pick it up, not wait, get my hit (or two) and put it down, all as quickly as possible. That is what the ESV does, when it works for me.
As I've stated plenty of times, I thoroughly enjoy using it when it's working as it should, but that only works for me when it comes back from Joe. If I have to touch the coil, then I'm fucked.
I mean, I've bent the new coil every which way, and all it does is singe the material now. I've tried tighenting to different strenths. I've tried adding extra screens. Different grinds, packs. Different coils! None of which burn evenly.
I mean, I studied how the coil was when it came back this last time - the placement, the tightness, even how far down the coils ends were. I recreated it almost perfectly. So what the hell? Are some coils just running at different temps?
And speaking of, why do I have to change my coil so often? Thought those things were meant to last a while. How I have grown to hate those coils...
I'm going to fiddle with it more this week and see what I can do. I am willing to send it back to Joe again, but this is like the fifth (maybe sixth) time I've had to, even though I previously said I wouldn't send it back again. But really, at what point do I just say this vape didn't work out for me?
Customer service has always been stellar, and I continue to love the idea of this vape, and I'm even willing to continue to support it. Just sick of having to fiddle with it, and not choosing to fiddle with it.
Why do you have to change it? What happened that required you to move it again? I dont see needing to touch mine like ever again...
Sorry you're having such troubles, but as you point out 'nobody else does'?
Absent some hidden hardware problem (and you'd think Joe would spot that having had several times working on it?) I suggest it's something you're doing or not doing the rest of us aren't or are? I suspect it has to do with the tightness of the connections at the screws. If they are slightly loose not only will they cause erratic operation in their own right, but lots of localized heat will happen at the dodgy connection.
The connectors are frail, but they need to be snugly down. I suggest using only a good quality screwdriver (good fit of tip to screw) with a small shaft/handle. Big handles don't give 'good feel' on such tiny screws. Ironically 'really tight' is often not best (and can risk breaking stuff). 'Good and snub', both cold and hot, should fix your problem? Yes, run it a bit and tighten again.
Good luck with it, but it obviously can work?
The first two failures, that was the suggestion. The coils were still "burning," but not properly. Kind of a "turn it off and on" approach, I think.
The last two times, the coil has just "burned out," as it were, and I had no choice but to try to replace them. I can't remember if there was another time or not.
I wouldn't say "nobody else," per se, and my apologies if I seemed to. Not everyone has loved, or had good experiences with, their ESV.
I would think he'd spot it, yes. But he never tells me anything when he sends it back - what he found or didn't. It just arrives back. Lots to interpret there.
I believe it has to do with the tightness of the screws as well, and that is what I've really focused on. Alas, I can't seem to make it work properly.
Does anything else constitues a good, quality screwdriver? Mine fits like it was made for these screws.
Don't get me wrong here, guys. I'm not hating. I'm not "starting shit." I'm fucking sad as shit that I can't get my unit working right consistently. I have adored the ESV. Look at some of my former posts, for fuck's sake. Hell, some of them could be the reason some of you bought the ESV! I've been praising this thing for longer than many of you.
All I want is to get it running consistently. I want to make it clear I'm not "challenging" anyone here.
But perhaps the love between me and the ESV burned so brightly at first that it just wasn't meant to last ...![]()