5 days since anyone posted in this thread. I think people must be waiting for the next iteration we've been hearing about.
In any event, I got busy with cleaning my vapes this morning, and decided to resurrect my ESV. After getting it back from the vaporizer hospital, I wasn't thrilled with results, as I was finding it easy to combust. Thus, it was simply set aside to allow my VapCaps to show what they can do.
I've been enjoying the heck out of those things, but I knew that a properly tweaked ESV can hold a prominent position in the lineup. I charged it up, verified the temp settings (320F, 340F, and 360F), and confirmed that the heater angle hadn't changed. So, nothing I could affect had changed as compared to its pre-repair state, yet I was combusting.....but the heater had been replaced. There had been nothing wrong with the heater, Joe said, but he replaced it anyway.
My heater was angled downward about 5 degrees, and I knew from previous experience, and others' posts in this thread, that this was unusual. Now, I figured that with this being a different heating element, perhaps I needed to go with about a 15 degree angle. I adjusted it, and blew into the USB port to check the heater (to make sure I hadn't broken it when adjusting). After reassembly, I checked for air leaks, and found that I was indeed sucking a bit of air with the USB port covered.
The point here, is that I discovered that using the USB port like I use the carb hole on a VapCap, which is to say "fluttering" it with a finger, I could get great flavor and huge clouds at 320F. And, with the heating element angled further down, no combustion thus far. Of course, I've found that most times when I get excited about a technique with any vape, the honeymoon eventually comes to an end. I'm hopeful though, and I'll let you know how I feel about it after more use.
I hate searching, so I hope nobody tells me this carb thing is old news.

Never mind, I had a brain fart and forgot my signature philosophy for a moment. Also, I'm quite stoned.