Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

Ed's TnT

Hello everyone, wow there has been a lot going on. The 12th anniversary sale went great, moved quite a few units and many many stems and such. I have been trying to clear my plate or work be it dealer orders, custom work or getting out retail I have been cranking out the pieces. I am so excited I am leaving Thursday bout noon for Spain and will be at Spannibis for the show and a day or so after for tourist type stuff. Got a BnB I will be sharing with @phattpiggie @Aezhenn @duff and a few other guys. Got quite a few meets with guys I have been working with for years and like George from DynaVap said its crazy we gotta go half way round the world to finally meet lol. Its going to be a blast I know it and am so eager to make this trip.

I have also scored my CE cert. for the WS. Omgosh its been a long hard expensive process but is finally done. The first small batch of CE certified WS landed a few days ago and are about to make their way to the presale buyers first. I have another batch about to go out this coming week and so excited to offer these to the 27 countries of the EU. I cant say how thankful I am to all that have been patient and supportive during this process, thanks so much.

I am also having these really neat stands made for the WS and its accessories. They remind me of a butterfly wing and to me have a very natural shape. They will have recesses for the unit, BAB, stems and a couple areas for materials, a magnet for the DV cap/Ti tip wood stem. Going to have these available by the end of the month.


Am eager to hear what you all think of them.

Got an order of shirts being made that I am going to add to the site by months end as well. Not sure how many of you follow me at IG but have posted pics of them there if you wanna have a look. I am going to offer these at about $18 each. I am not trying to get rich off of them, am going to offer them at $18 simple as that If you are interested in em pls let me know.


This will be left chest and the backside


The glass WS/DV Tip WPA's have been moving awful quick. I have gotten confirmation that the SS tips that DV offers fit nice and snug in them as well.

I just dropped $1K on some of the finest burls I have seen

@Vital I appreciate the Happy 12 bro, not to many in this industry still doing what they do at for 12 years and I fully intend on making another 12 you can bet that! I am glad you like the BogOak I did above. I really enjoyed those couple turns. Yeah am sold out of em at this site, that was a custom piece I had to acquire and get done. Thanks for the kind words and LOL for the mess on aisle 6. Yes sir that is BE.

@Pyah I am sorry I dont myself, but would think it may not be a great idea. Thanks for joining the community and making here your first stop.

@Ramahs Was supposed to have one with my last shipment of DV stuff. George said he would get me right next time he ships my way. I am anxious to see what that thing can do. Thanks brother, that was a fun piece to make and appreciate your following me there at IG. Thanks also for your great post a year down the road, I appreciate that. Thanks as well for sharing the CE post from IG, Its bout to get real next week when there to promote the WS. Thanks for all your support.

@Alex3oe Thanks so much! Also appreciate you pitching in with advice. WoodScents rules

@KLAASIE I appreciate you grabbing one and hope its made it and if not it will soon. Being a 12v system its much easier to operate in EU countries all ya need is a 12v1A PS with a 5.5x2.1mm jack that you may already have laying around. I need to get some UK PS for it, have the EU style. Looking forward to your feedback.

@buddingglasshead Thanks for the biz, how are you liking that piece? Looking forward to your thoughts.

@Copacetic I appreciate you stepping in too, yes my VVPS are like the rest in that model only thing different really is that I do guarantee em to work and if they dont within 90 days I will replace em. @KLAASIE would need an adapter for these as well being how I only have them in the US plug. Gosh the CE cert. is adding alot of challenges and extras I need to purchase to get em out to you all. I suppose one thing at a time as I will have a load of CE Certified EU 12v1A PS in this week coming.

@arb Really glad you grabbed that BE, its a nice piece and solid as you asked, no voids live edge or inclusions. Thats the thing some folks like em with those characteristics and others do not, to each his own right. Score you found the pics from IG, great post and glad she loves it. BE was tough to figure out at first as every specie turns differently. Once I got that understanding was all good then. Nice job on the stand, I really like what you have done. Is that Amboyna those 2 smaller blocks? Hmm what all are you up to there? Thanks much for the CE congrats.

@RUDE BOY LOL simple as that aint it. YOu still rocking that Goncalo pieces I did for you way back?

@Whisper Hey hey, thanks for letting everyone here know bout my trip, sure is going to be a blast. @phattpiggie will be there a day early. I will be there super early that friday then to the BnB to meet PP then off to a club to meet one of my long time dealers and Randall from @FocusV before our other guys make it in then off to the show we go hi ho!

@Chandler I know we got you here bro, youre in the right place for questions. I see you got some great advice.

@KidFated. Oh really? SO you can slip in the coil, load it and then place over the WS for vaping??? I must know more. Dang it @VapCap I wish I had my coil!

@Mangu PLs hang in there with me as my new shipment will be here Tuesday if that works for you.

@mucsusn You have 3 beautiful pieces thats for sure and one thing you noted, no other log vape does what WS does nor doe any other Vaporizer package anywhere in the industry gives you a desk top and a portable in one package, not a one. Its really the best thing going.

@vaplen I would say the load size is comparable. But has been a while since I used either of those tbh.

I hope I covered everything and if not do let me know. I wish you all the best and cant wait to make this trip. I will let you all know how it went when I make it back. Take care everyone and I wish you all a great week ahead.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to joining this club!

I read a ways back someone mentioned using this WS with a portable 12v charger I believe? For portable use while camping (for example).
I'd appreciate if the experienced could post a link to capable equipment.

I also forgot about vvps when placing an order. I'd like to get to know my unit anyway before I pull that trigger, But I'd appreciate if someone could post some links to the types of vvps they use.

Much appreciated


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Looking forward to joining this club!

I read a ways back someone mentioned using this WS with a portable 12v charger I believe? For portable use while camping (for example).
I'd appreciate if the experienced could post a link to capable equipment.

I also forgot about vvps when placing an order. I'd like to get to know my unit anyway before I pull that trigger, But I'd appreciate if someone could post some links to the types of vvps they use.

Much appreciated

For camping, I'd just use your woodscents stem with the vapcap and a torch, or a portable induction heater.

I mean, c'mon...what feels more right for camping than a fire-powered vape?
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Well-Known Member
Please remove this post if it violates terms or anything. I don't want to upset anyone. I'm just a hardware nerd

Anyone have info on the heater specs? I know the enano is like 10-15watts but can't find much on eds WS. I'm a specs guy and like to know what I'm working with if possible. I assume its just a ti rod with a pos/neg terminal and potentiometer dial for the temp settings. But I like knowing the numbers.

Also some heater pics if allowed. Too scared to open my WS when she comes

Please remove this post if it violates terms or anything. I don't want to upset anyone


Well-Known Member
I read a ways back someone mentioned using this WS with a portable 12v charger I believe? For portable use while camping (for example).
I'd appreciate if the experienced could post a link to capable equipment.

But I'd appreciate if someone could post some links to the types of vvps they use.

That might have been me. Any 12V power source that can provide 1A should do. I have a 23000mAh powerbank that has a 12V output.

I use this travel VVPS from Underdog. Works pretty good.


Well-Known Member
@CanadianBakinDoes the power supply from Ed's kit also connect to that travel vvps?

@23000mAh I assume the WS doesn't draw alot of power? One charge from your power bank should run the WS for hours no?

Yes, the VVPS works with Ed's PS. I originally got it as an upgrade to the LED dimmer - the dial was hard to see and I'd bump it once in a while and then wonder why I wasn't getting good hits.

The 23000mAh is good for about 2 days/nights of camping for me - probably about 2 hours of total plug-in time.


Well-Known Member
Hey @Ed's TnT,

Have been really busy and wanted to post my thoughts earlier.

First off, I'm very happy with the performance of my WS. It's definitely a powerhouse and can easily handle my usage of it. The inclusion of all the extras was great. The tip from my NonaVong had a bad oring and a screen I made so it was nice to get back to stock.

At first I was a little disappointed as I thought the included WPA would be for the Ti tip. I've seen the reviews and new that a glass one was included for direct use, but thought it might have been updated. No issue though, using a second set of orings on top of the default configuration allowed me to install it. I'll probably post some pics at some point.

Onto the WoodScents itself. while I'm happy with the performance and the fit and finish done by Ed, I'm not as happy as I wanted to be with the wood itself. I have a Mexican Katalox and the light/dark wood ratio is nice so it still looks great, but there is some pitting on the light side that annoys me. As Ed mention in his post, some people prefer live edges and things like this, I do not though. Not a fan of some woods for this reason like Spalted Maple which I know a lot on the forum are a big fan of.

Then there is the heater rattle. I've read enough to know that it's normal for the heater to rattle if the WS is shaken, but my rattles all the time. Just picking it up causes it to rattle and so does sitting it down gently no a soft mat. I'm betting that this happened during shipment, but still kinda deducts from the premium feel of the WS.

Just this morning when I was using it the screen on top of the heater fell out. It was easy enough to put back in though. I did that carefully as to not damage the heater core.

I definitely do enjoy the WoodScents and its earned its spot in my rotation, just a little disappointed with my specific one.


Space is the Place
@RUDE BOY LOL simple as that aint it. YOu still rocking that Goncalo pieces I did for you way back?

Still rocking them on nearly a daily basis, neither my underdogs or HI feel right without them now.

Your Woodscents are surely some beautiful pieces of work. . . would love to add one to my line up but would have a hard time justifying another log style vape right now.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Anyone privy to a link for the vvps that Ed tests and sells? Or another one like it?....I want to get the same one but it’s currently out of stock.
For powering your WS with DC battery/car power/wall wart, whatever(input 9-24v)


Or from A/C (home wall socket) 100v-220v(auto sensing)


Aromatherapy. It sounds like some of y'all actually use the WS for aromatherapy purposes as well

For camping,

Great for camping as you can leave it idling at low volts(6-9v on the above DC power supply attatched to my Makita LXT 18v Lithium battery for exaple) with a bit of citronella in the aeromatherapy cup to keep them peskie mozzies at bay.:myday:


Well-Known Member
For powering your WS with DC battery/car power/wall wart, whatever(input 9-24v)


Or from A/C (home wall socket) 100v-220v(auto sensing)


Great for camping as you can leave it idling at low volts(6-9v on the above DC power supply attatched to my Makita LXT 18v Lithium battery for exaple) with a bit of citronella in the aeromatherapy cup to keep them peskie mozzies at bay.:myday:

Thank you @LesPlenty !!! I actually went back hundreds of pages till I found your original post and ordered my vvps from amazon. Didn’t want to blow up the link since I saw Ed give me a heads up that he was waiting for shipment of his next batch.

No WS and no VVPS is better than one without the other I guess :wave: I been patiently waiting for that vvps to ship while also waiting for Ed to complete a reset of the screen in my heater core (yes @buddingglasshead i feel your pain, I been through the same struggles with my “one-of-a-kind”) and fixes up some strange alignment issue with the heater tip. Something strange happens with my unit that the dynatip gets jammed stuck onto the heater when twisted around just right. So if I use the tip with a glass stem when I go to remove the stem from the woodscents my tip would stay stuck to the heater while the stem just slips off of it. So damn annoying....anyway, I expressed this to Ed and he has committed to work on it and fix it up for me.

So the moral of the story for me is that these hand-made peices aren’t always perfect with laser precision, but Ed is willing to hear me out and help me fix the thing if I have a problem. And that’s good to know. And that’s a testimony for you @Chandler if the time comes and you have any grievances, Ed is always prepared to hear you out.

@vaplen take a look at this post:


Has a lot of useful info regarding the internal workings of Eds vape. Hope it helps you out without needing to take your unit apart in any way. Shoot I make sure to leave even a splinter sticking out on mine as I rather not tamper and mess things up in the least bit.


Semi shaved ape
My screen popped out but I popped it back and no prob since.
Rattles a bit but a non issue the plug Jack was a bit loose but was also easily fixed.
These are not stamped in a factory but the work is of the highest quality.
Wood has inate properties which include "imperfections" and will break if abused so expect that......also some wobble in the wood wpa.
That is all I have for perceived negatives none of which amount to shit.........I love the unit I got.
I would and will do it again when Ed gets back from spannabis.


Well-Known Member
Ed is willing to hear me out and help me fix the thing if I have a problem. And that’s good to know. And that’s a testimony for you @Chandler if the time comes and you have any grievances, Ed is always prepared to hear you out.
Yea. From one conversation with Ed I respect his attitude and enthusiasm

That is all I have for perceived negatives none of which amount to shit.........I love the unit I got.
I would and will do it again when Ed gets back from spannabis
My brother, you have a nano a new WS, and you still gonna go back for more??! Man. I can't wait for mine.

Thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
One of the best reasons I can think of to buy from Ed is,
he reads the forums, he always responds to our questions.
If I had a problem, I would feel comfortable, dropping Ed a
quick note. He cares, he responds. He values us, because he
knows we value his work. These little things count.
It was once called customer service, something we seem to
have lost.
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