Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

Ed's TnT

Hello yall, I'll get back more later. For now the bottom leather cover is attached using a small thin line of Elmer's school glue, it's safe enough for kids to eat so gotta be safe for sticking a leather cover on. There is also a cardboard disc spacer on before the leather to seal off the bottom cavity. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Spent a few days researching Ed's wood scents many weeks ago. I feel like all the knowledge I acquired on the topic has departed my system!? I feel this phenomenon occurs when an item drops off my radar. But it's back on the radar!! I will reread and reapply myself. Please Forgive me if and when i ask silly questions I may have already posed.


Semi shaved ape

Should fit in here with some mild adjustments ok..........gonna have to step my game up to not insult Ed's art.

Kicked my wood pile with my good foot and these here fell out..........see what you done went and started Ed...........lolz.


Well-Known Member
@mucsusn @WakeAndVape @stickstones @CarolKing @Ramahs @Stevenski @Alexis @Square4Life and @the too many experienced vets to mention... It's been a few years. I'm wondering your thoughts on the longevity of your WS. How has it held up? Are you as enamored with it today as you were last year or the year before? Is it still your daily driver? Is it still leader of the logvape world? If another replaced it, what was it and why?

I appreciate any and all feedback.


60 going on 20
@mucsusn @WakeAndVape @stickstones @CarolKing @Ramahs @Stevenski @Alexis @Square4Life and @the too many experienced vets to mention... It's been a few years. I'm wondering your thoughts on the longevity of your WS. How has it held up? Are you as enamored with it today as you were last year or the year before? Is it still your daily driver? Is it still leader of the logvape world? If another replaced it, what was it and why?

I appreciate any and all feedback.
I have 3, and one of them is usually on during the day...it’s just so great to be able to finish of a cap when you come in from out and about. And I’m just a fan of beautiful wood, so these are a no brainer. Functionally, they’re no better than my Underdogs or E-Nanos. That being said, the integration of the VapCap is what takes the WS over the top. I love the long wood stems that he provides with a WS kit, and they work great away from the WS in a 14mm water piece.

So if you are into VC’s and you can afford it, grab a WS! And a Variable Voltage Power Supply!


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
@mucsusn @WakeAndVape @stickstones @CarolKing @Ramahs @Stevenski @Alexis @Square4Life and @the too many experienced vets to mention... It's been a few years. I'm wondering your thoughts on the longevity of your WS. How has it held up? Are you as enamored with it today as you were last year or the year before? Is it still your daily driver? Is it still leader of the logvape world? If another replaced it, what was it and why?

I appreciate any and all feedback.

I've had mine for just about a year now, and I'm just as happy now with it as I was a year ago. It's still my daily driver on my desk where I spend the majority of my free-time in the evenings when I'm home. It's always on, always available. Still one of the most flavorful vapes I own. I can turn it up and whitewall a medium size glass piece if I want it to, or I can turn it down, use the comfortable feeling longer wood stem, and sip on it for a while. It provides whatever experience you could want, and it's a work of freaking art!

Plus, if you like Dynavap products, this should just be part of that family. I basically only use the Dynavap tips with my Woodscents log these days. I used the glass stems with the basket screens less times than I can count on both hands in the last year of almost daily Woodscents use. I still plan to acquire a couple other custom glass and wood stems in the near future, but only stems that use the Dynavap tips.

Plus, I love that I can grab any stem that I use with the Woodscents log, from the stubby little wood or glass stem to the longer and custom wood and glass stems, stick the Dynavap cap over the tip, and walk off with a fully functional Dynavap vaporizer that I can use with a torch or induction heater.

Oh yeah, again...and it's freakin' beautiful!
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