Since owning my WS from May 2017, I have barely used it dry at all, virtually exclusively through water but I have used it dry in a number of configurations.How many of y’all use the WS with water exclusively? Wouldn’t it be really enjoyable without a cap restricting airflow??
I'm just very sensitive to vapor, and tend to vaporize at home the vast majority of the time and I appreciate that water cooling which allows you to use a higher temperature for a faster extraction but also I like the visual feedback, to see what sort of extraction and hit you have coming and when the actives are declining.
But also on my initial trials and I'm sure I just didn't get anything dialled in right I was using my Omnivap as a stem and I didn't seem to be able to get much vapor flowing. I expect I will begin more frequent experimentation with dry usage now though if I am going to be able to use my Woodscents in the car.
Im sure you would appreciate using it dry. When Ed first released the Woodscents, at the stsrt of the thread, it seemed dry usage with various stems was the go-to for most. But I think water tool usage for higher heat, visible dense milk quickly grew in popularity.
Sure! That'll work for your WS too. The Herborizer just draws a few more amps, than the Woodscents is all. That's why you have the bigger fuse there.
Thanks very much again for the confirmation. So I'm all set! I never realised. Looking really forward now to taking the WS on the road.

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