Well-Known Member
Except for a cleaning brush, I recommend a S&B job as it fits perfect and the handle is great for seating screens.![]()
Yup. That's part of my kit.
Except for a cleaning brush, I recommend a S&B job as it fits perfect and the handle is great for seating screens.![]()
Except for a cleaning brush, I recommend a S&B job as it fits perfect and the handle is great for seating screens.![]()
Welcome to FC Senor Chance! So excited to see him here!Hello everyone, same as always yall been busy busy. I picked up an new dealer in Austria where I have a bunch of DV MS going out Monday. I have gotten the air paths in for the new 2019 year model. The design down the side is pretty neat but is more or less just cosmetic. What is neat about the new design is that the filter discs have been seated more securely and should not be easily removable.
I really like this new design and have gotten a bunch of WS out last week with these.
I have also just added these neat Futo XL Stashes in Cocobolo. I have know my guy there at Futo since he started the biz way back in the day and when I mentioned a stash for the WS he was all for it. He made these for me to work with the WS stem but also can work with any normal or XL model of DV.
No better way to go portable than with a neat one of a kind Cocobolo Futo Stash.
I have also added a new member to our family. Wife and I were going to Walmart and there was a family out there giving away kittens. Mr. Biscuits has been gone a long time now and I have missed him so much. I had been wanting another cat for a while even called the rescue shelters with no answer left a couple messages with no call back, WTH? The wife saw me look at the sign and say no we dont need a cat not right now, I didnt respond parked the truck near the curb jumped out and ran over. The lady says we only have one left and you may not want it no one else did. She showed me he was black and I told her if hes a boy hes all us and sure enough he is a boy woot woot so I got a cat hooray!
Say hello to Senor Chance. He is really small but acts as if he is 10' tall when getting to know the dogs. He is fitting right in and finding his place here. Has been having fun playing with Lotty and Major some and is quite popular on IG. Its crazy I could post this same pic at IG with just the WS and get about 100 likes or so, I posted it with Senor Chance and it immediately doubled that lol. We are so blessed to have him and hope hes around for a long long time.
Yall know WS has its CE certification right, my guys were at the 2019 ExpoGrow showing it off doing demos and spreading the word for it. What I hear it was a blast and was quite successful
Those of you in the EU want to get it locally can grab a WoodScents from vaporisateur.net
Oh yeah, not sure how many of you all follow me on IG, if you havent seen it there I have created my own butane powered vape. I am leaning towards calling it the PipeScents maybe, still not certain on the name yet but what I am certain on is that it freaking works and works really well.
I am hoping to have more made and released in about a month or so. Pls stay posted and will let you all know when it has. I am very eager and excited to do so.
@Vitolo You said it my man, on the stems I have no choice so I look for the least desirable place on them for the brand but on the WS I didnt want to take away from the overall look and the beauty of it. I do place the jack in the least desirable spot and figure the brand can go on the bottom.
@arb Glad to hear you are enjoying so much and hope you are still all over it today. Ah WS rules, hope your son got over that cold soon after. Walnut be a good piece for him, let me know when ya wanna. Lol to big to whoop and gotta yell up at him haha. Sounds like yall have done good raising him.
@AJS Addicted huh, hope thats still the case. I feel that the condenser kinda gets in the way for me as well and do like you mentioned like a more open airway. Just gives me the feeling that I have more ability to draw with force and not limited by a narrow air way. Wow wow holy cow, thats one heckofa rip you got there in that video bro. Sounds like your method and performance nails it for you. Well done! Just hit the follow button bro, forgive me for not already.
@Skinnyarbuckle Forgive me bro, with all thats been going on in the biz and with life I am not certain where we are on this. I am thinking we are going back and forth by email?
@Ramahs Yes sir Ed's TnT is the brand my man. Omgosh thats a tough looking piece bro, never heard of it but sure looks like a whole lotta fun. I feel you are right, when cleaning it doesnt hurt to leave a thin layer of oil or residue. TBH I feel it would do more damage if at every time you cleaned it back to the wood and over time you are going to break the inner strength of the wood down little by little.
@Truth Seeker I feel @LesPlenty is correct, there is really no difference in flavor. Walnut is a great specie for sure. Which reminds me yall so gotta follow me on IG as I just got and turned a few Armenian Caucasian Mountain Walnut which are by far the finest walnut I have ever turned. I did a piece in burl with live edge for a great guy of mine and also a beautiful non burl piece in it. The wood itself finished so sleek and feels like no other walnut I have ever felt. So much of what I do is feeling, it has to feel finished and feel quality. I cant feel if its not just right if there is a faint line I cant see or if its not exactly flay in a spot where it should be. But not just for me to feel but the user, when you the WS or any of my work there is a feeling it gives you when you use it for the first time and many times after you may just find yourself wanting to hold it to feel it. Thats whats so neat about what I do, its so much more than just a piece of wood with a hole in it. Yes sir I gotta believe the WS be a heckofa lot safer than a torch as well.
@Modicum My man thanks for the kind words for my work and what I do as well as for the WS. You bro would know as you do have more than a couple in several different species how they would affect or not.
@Rollingstoned Glad it made it safe and sound and you are happy with what I have done. I run my unit at bout 9. I will give my material a good finger grind and then using the stems like a straw suck the material into the load chamber and give it a light tamp before placing it over the heat port. I will give it a long slow steady draw then and do a stir between rips to vape the load entirely through. This is what works for me.
@Ramahs @LesPlenty @arb @Mangu Seems we all have different techniques to enjoying the WS. Its a trip how thats so. There are so many different variables that lead us to these different paths in order to get to the same place. I appreciate all yall stepping up and providing help to others and sharing your findings.
@Chandler Really glad to hear your findings as well and thank you for sharing. Hope you are enjoying the other many ways to do so.
@flammy Wythink now bro?
I know its been a while since I have been able to drop in, hope I have covered everything, if not get at me and if there is anything I can ever do then for sure get at me. Wish you all well and look to hear what you think of this last post.
Hey thanks a ton Ed for the kind words and support!!Wow wow holy cow, thats one heckofa rip you got there in that video bro. Sounds like your method and performance nails it for you. Well done! Just hit the follow button bro, forgive me for not already.
@Ramahs @LesPlenty @arb @Mangu Seems we all have different techniques to enjoying the WS. Its a trip how thats so. There are so many different variables that lead us to these different paths in order to get to the same place.
Just throwing it out there...this rip is actually much larger than the one you probably saw: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwny0_GgsM8/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
Does the WS have a restricted airflow?Try not packing it so tight that you don't have to near burst an eardrum to pull it
its the very very very powdery kiefy flower I crumbled up, makes airflow minimal but super thick vapor production.Try not packing it so tight that you don't have to near burst an eardrum to pull it (may as well be a VapCap) and you might just get that record...keep practising, soon you will be able to run 2 at once.![]()
@flammy Wythink now bro?
Does the WS have a restricted airflow?
Only if you pack it too tight.Does the WS have a restricted airflow?
It is only like a Dynavap if you pack it too tight.I think its fair to say that it does mimic the airflow of a dynavap.
The bongs perc seemed to work just fine once you took the WS off to clear it. @arb (Kief Wizard) has noted somewhere that only a small pinch is needed to get good clouds, we can see what happens to airflow if you use too much at once.my bubbler makes airflow look much worse than it is just due to the cheap percs
I think its fair to say that it does mimic the airflow of a dynavap. Since it pairs with a dynavap tip
The airflow restriction in a Dynavap vaporizer is because of the cap that forces the air intake to be restricted to the channels cut into the sides of the tip. Significantly less restriction is there with the Woodscents larger volume air-path around the heater, imho.
It is only like a Dynavap if you pack it too tight.![]()
What is good to one may be too weak for anothernoted somewhere that only a small pinch is needed to get good clouds
Perhaps I used the wrong analogy but when using a water wand (without intake/carb), the air restriction is similar to a dynvap without an intake/carb.
Well that is what we were talking about, kief in a WS is a lot different than crushed ABV bud.it's not straight keif
You are most certainly and demonstrably incorrect, my friend.
I even prefer carbless. The restriction is definitely SIGNIFICANTLY higher with a cap than without.