hello everyone, i already posted my latest acquisition over on vas, but thought id share here too, i did my fair share of lurking in this thread:

a couple months ago i started a thread over on old fc trying to figure out whether investing in a log makes any sense when i already (happily) own a tinymight. and i can now say: yes makes sense. i absolutely love this thing. i am not going to compare it to the tinymight here, but to my mind there is not a great deal of overlap in use, they cater to different occasions (for me). i have been using a dynavap alongside the tm since i got it, and if anything, i feel the woodscents has consolidated my dynavap use.
i love the taste of the woodscents. i didnt expect this, but this is hands down the best tasting vape i have tried (not an expert). reigning champion for me so far has been the firefly. i know there are tons of variables involved, and honeymoon has barely started, but the first draw on a medium temp (i like 6) is a proper explosion of terpenes.
i love the efficiency. this was what attracted me to logs in the first place, but it is dynavap kind of amazing how far it is possible to stretch a load. and this directly plays into how it feels to use a woodscents (or any log i imagine), and the ritual of using it may well be my favourite part about it. holding the glowing body, connecting the stem, rotating it on the heater, feels oddly satisfying. there is sth strangely civilised (for lack of a better word) about it, like all things tea. i like its pace - i have a pretty low tolerance, and this is not a sledgehammer kind of high. though i suppose it could be that too, maybe when paired with a waterpipe.
maybe it is the combination of the feel of wood & its warmth & ed's craftmanship, but the whole experience tabs into sth which i have not yet experienced with a vaporiser & i am certain i will treasure this for a long time to come.
all this is obviously not an objective review, not capable of objectivity atm and i feel like everything i said here must have been posted multiple times in the depth of this thread. just wanted to share that i am properly blown away by this piece, a great investment, hello all you that already knew.